office-336368_640The other day when I was dropping of my little Maharadja for school I noticed that a lot  of parents were busy with their phones. Are there so many important matters that have to be settled early in the morning? Or is paying attention to their kids not that important when dropping them off  for school? So in short our mobiles phones are much more important than our kids…. That is quite harsh isn’t?

It seems that our mobiles have taken our lives. Just take a look around, how many people are busy with their mobile phones? In 20 years our life’s has changed completely. Can you imagine a life without a mobile phone?

On the other hand mobile phones are convenient. We can get in touch when with our kids when they are with their friends. Or we can call someone when our car breaks down or when there is an emergency.

People who can’t afford an computer or any other device can get in touch with the world by using a mobile phone. The mobile phone has made many lives easier.

But at the same time we have to find a balance. Do we have to respond to every message we receive. Do we have to be active on Facebook all the time? Or any other social media. Do we have to check our email  every hour?

Last time I was on holidays I switched off  my phone and left it in the save. I only checked my messages when I was in my room. Sometimes I didn’t even checked my messages for days. Not having a mobile phone with  me  felt quite peaceful. But at the same time I realized that I have to check my messages since I got a message from a family friend  that their father hadbg passed away.

So mobile phones are an important part of our lives but should not lead our lives.  We need to learn to focus on our lives and not to focus on our mobile screens all the time. Instead of sending a message why not call that person?

When was the last time you made a phone call?


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