Tag: yummy

Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies

Do you ”know” your cookies? Have you ever read the food label of a box of chocolate chip cookies or any other food label for that matter? Did you recognize all the ingredients? There is a great chance that the answer is no.  But you still bought the box of cookies? You probably bought it because it was convenient, right?

We buy store bought products because it is convenient. Most of us have the impression that making cookies takes a lot of time. Yes it does take time, but then again nothing tastes better then homemade food. Did you know that whipping up cookie batter is pretty easy, it’s not rocket sience. (the science begins once they are in the oven). We only need a few ingredients for a basic vanilla cookie: eggs, butter, flour, vanilla, baking soda and some vanilla extract. That’s it.  Make your favorite cookie by adding some nuts, chocolate chip or dried fruits to the batter. Let them cool completely on a cooling tray and store them in a cookie jar or a cookie tin. They will keep up for up to a month. Need a great cookie recipe? You really should try this Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe:


You could even put a badge of the cookie dough into the freezer. Just scoop the cookie dough into a container and bake them when you are craving for some fresh homemade cookies. There is no need for you to buy store bought cookies anymore. If you want to, you can take it a step further; buy organic ingredients if your budget allows it, that is. If you don’t have a stand mixer, you could use a stand mixer. Or you could use a whisk or a wooden spoon to make the batter. They say for every problem there is a solution and it is a great workout for your arm :).

Happy Baking and please do share your favorite cookie recipe with us.



Are carrot or celery sticks your only snack options?


Snack optionsChanging your eating habits is not easy. Especially when it comes to snacking. There is temptation everywhere. The hotdog stand, the French Fries cart, the ice cream parlor and the list goes on.

When you fall into temptation, don’t give up! We are human we make mistakes. Pick yourself up and try again. It is an art to resist temptation. It is an art which can be mastered over time. If you really want to, that is.

Here’s a list of snacks you could have.  Pick one for each day.

1.One slice of watermelon

2.Small bowl of strawberries with a scoop of low fat whipped cream. (Great dessert for family dinners)(Don’t be tempted to eat all the whipped cream.)

3. 2 to 3 tablespoons of raisins

4. Small bowl of salted popcorn (homemade, no microwave popcorn!)

5. One piece of fruit like apples, pears, oranges and so on

6. 2 Marie biscuits

7. 10 Plain almonds

8. 15 Salted sticks

9. One rice cake lightly spread with peanut butter, Nutella or jam

10. Small bowl of pineapple

11. 2 Ladyfingers (Sponge fingers)

11. What would you recommend?  Please leave a comment.

One small bowl = 100 grams or 0.2 pounds.

Allow yourself to have a piece of cake, muffin, kids size fast food menu or any other unhealthy items every 3 weeks. If you really are craving for it. Oh yeah please do not overeat. Your body is your temple, do not torture it.

Happy snacking!