
Fact: most people who want to lose weight FAIL. Why? Because they tend to overdo it. If you really want to lose weight start “slow”. Take it step by step. After all you did not gained weight overnight! Or did you? Losing weight is hard.

Gaining weight is very easy. We just eat all the yummy food.  Do little or no workouts. Within a few weeks we will be happy to notice our body has changed. Your underarms are flappy, they look like wings.  Your butt is bigger. Your jeans will not fit. Or any other garment in your closet for that matter. Time to buy new clothes……. Then you come to this point, enough is enough. You want to lose the extra weight!

The day you decided you wanted to lose weight.  You just ate everything you could find because tomorrow you are going on a diet! (More calories to burn…… but just don’t think about it. Makes life much more easier!)

The next day you go to the supermarket buying healthy food like salads, fruits and vegetables.  Maybe even soy milk because they say it is good for you…… For two weeks you are so motivated. You are one healthy fruit, veg lady. Then comes the point that you are craving for something sweet. You buy a bag of candy promising yourself to eat one only. Or maybe two. In the end you ate the whole bag. You are now so not motivated that you chuck the whole idea of losing weight in the bin.

What happened here? Well  overdoing it, happened here. Most people cannot just change their eating habits overnight.  One needs time. So take it step by step.

Eating habits? Yes to lose weight one really needs to change the way they eat. And you have to add some kind of exercise to your lifestyle.

Are you ready to change your lifestyle? Step by step?

Step 1

Write down  ALL the things you eat, a food diary. Do this for five days. (No cheating please and yes write down e v e r y sugar cube). Include one weekend, during the weekends we tend to eat too much! Yes I know, not all of us…. While making the list add some exercise of any kind to your daily life. The exercise should be at least 30 minutes. Exercise 2 times during these five days.

Exercise…… (please don’t huff and puff you are not the wolf from the three little pigs). Yes  they are very important if you really want to lose weight.  And exercises are good for body and mind. You really don’t  need to go to the gym. exercises you could do:

  1. A walk for 30 minutes
  2. Ride a bike for 30 minutes
  3. Skeeler for 30 minutes
  4. Cardio workouts for 30 minutes
  5. Go to the gym for some workouts
  6. What exercise would you recommend? Please leave a comment.

In short: Take it step by step.