Tag: social media

Leave your guns at the door!

Should we leave our guns at the door? What? Are we back in the Wild West? No, your gun is just a metaphor for your smart phone. Why? Apparently we are unable to have a normal and genuine conversation with each other anymore. Nowadays social gatherings with family and friends are being dominated by social devices (iPads and smart phones).  Children are rather online instead of playing and having fun with each other.  At the dinner table we check our social networks instead of having a conversation. We rather send congratulations messages or happy birthday wishes via Whatsapp instead of just calling the birthday boy or girl.

road-people-street-smartphoneHave you ever heard of the word phubbing? I didn’t. According to a study at the Baylor University (James Roberts, Ph.D.) phubbing can even undermine our relationship with our romantic partner! Phubbing is to ignore a person or one’s surrounding in favour of your mobile phone.  Do you think phubbing is rude or disrespectful? Apparently when you ignore your partner in favour of your mobile phone it leads to a lower level of relationship satisfaction. According to Roberts “These lower level of relationship satisfaction, in turn, lead to lower level of life satisfaction and, ultimately, higher level of depression.”  Surprised? Well I am.  Do you recognize any of the above examples?  Are we disconnected?  Do we rather interact with our smart phones than with real people? What do you think? Please do share your opinion?

At the start of the millennium one would have intuitively expected that the transformation from text messaging (pager) to smart phones would have led to an increase in voice communication. Clearly the relationship is inverse!  But is social media ruining human interactions? I disagree. It is just another way to connect with our friends and relatives regardless of how far away they are living. Remember social media opens a door to the rest of the world. We are able to connect to people we would not have been able to meet otherwise! We should therefore embrace new technology especially if it enriches our lives.  As long as we understand we only share our happy moments on social media (please read our previous blog: The grass is always greener on the other side?)

How can we improve the interaction amongst each other? The first step toward change is awareness the second step is taking action. You could agree with your partner to put the telephone out of sight when at home. Give your partner the attention she or he deserves.  As a parent you could ask children to leave their guns in a box when invited to play. As a result they will have to play together. Another idea is to establish a smart phone free-zone in for instance the pub. And who-ever uses his phone first will have to pay the bill (a tip I received from a trainee). I guess a very effective way of socializing! It emphasizes that even the young generation understand the value of socializing i.e. having genuine contact and interest in each other without being disregarded for a mobile device!  I can only encourage and support these kinds of practices. Do you have any tips and ideas? Please do share them with our readers.

Last but not least be the change that you wish to see in the world (Mahatma Gandhi).

Off line is the new LUXURY don’t you agree?

The grass is always greener on the other side?

The grass is always greener on the other side. In the era of social media we are being exposed to picture perfect pictures, making us wonder:  why aren’t our life’s not that picture perfect, what are we doing wrong, why are our life’s dull? Picture perfect families, children, gardens, cakes, make up, bodies, perfect mother and daughter pictures, well I think you get the picture : ).

artistic-78253_640Is the grass on the other side really greener then the grass on your side?Most of our friends and family only share their happy moments on social media. There are very few who share their worries and sorrows. Why would they want to share these? (And even if they share their worries and sorrows chances are they will be the laughing stock or will get the tag: attention seeker. Yep this is how it works…) On their  Facebook wall everything seems to be ok but have you ever thought of what happens behind that wall, what really happens in their life’s not the social media life. Remember, what we see is not always true.

There are very few people who would like to share with the world that they had a big fight with their spouse before the picture perfect picture was taken and posted on Facebook. Or that they had to take 15 pictures (or maybe even more) before they had the perfect family picture. The picture perfect garden is only picture perfect because lot of effort has been taken into maintaining the garden (reminds me of the quote:  the grass is greener where you water it).

So next time you are on Facebook and see a picture perfect picture stop comparing it to your life. You have your own grass to deal with. Be truly happy that they have shared their pictures with you. Learn to appreciate what you have now and if you don’t like what you have now, change it. If you can’t change the situation, be content with what you have now, because looking for greener grass might lead to losing the people you love.

The grass is greener where you water it, do you agree?

The Mobile phone has taken over our lives

office-336368_640The other day when I was dropping of my little Maharadja for school I noticed that a lot  of parents were busy with their phones. Are there so many important matters that have to be settled early in the morning? Or is paying attention to their kids not that important when dropping them off  for school? So in short our mobiles phones are much more important than our kids…. That is quite harsh isn’t?

It seems that our mobiles have taken our lives. Just take a look around, how many people are busy with their mobile phones? In 20 years our life’s has changed completely. Can you imagine a life without a mobile phone?

On the other hand mobile phones are convenient. We can get in touch when with our kids when they are with their friends. Or we can call someone when our car breaks down or when there is an emergency.

People who can’t afford an computer or any other device can get in touch with the world by using a mobile phone. The mobile phone has made many lives easier.

But at the same time we have to find a balance. Do we have to respond to every message we receive. Do we have to be active on Facebook all the time? Or any other social media. Do we have to check our email  every hour?

Last time I was on holidays I switched off  my phone and left it in the save. I only checked my messages when I was in my room. Sometimes I didn’t even checked my messages for days. Not having a mobile phone with  me  felt quite peaceful. But at the same time I realized that I have to check my messages since I got a message from a family friend  that their father hadbg passed away.

So mobile phones are an important part of our lives but should not lead our lives.  We need to learn to focus on our lives and not to focus on our mobile screens all the time. Instead of sending a message why not call that person?

When was the last time you made a phone call?