Tag: #romcombooks

“Unforgettable Night for Trisha: Love, Regret, and Hope (Part 34)”

Fan and Trisha exchanged wide-eyed glances, shocked by what they had heard.

“I feel sorry for her husband,” Trisha said, her disapproval evident. “He is a good man.”

Meghan added disapprovingly, “These women who go after older rich men forget that these men eventually get older and can’t keep up with them. But who am I to judge? Money makes the world go round.”

“How did she react when her husband caught her?” Trisha inquired with a furrowed brow.

“Well, she couldn’t care less. It seems like she doesn’t care about his thoughts or feelings. Poor Pete remained calm, but I could see the sadness in his eyes. He took her hand and said, ‘Jen, I think we should go home.’”

“You reap what you sow,” Fran remarked, checking her watch. “We really should be going. Shall we?”

The next day, Trisha woke up early, surprisingly well-rested. She closed her eyes and smiled, still in disbelief that she had danced the entire night with Sid, the charming “Mr. Eye Candy” she thought she’d never see again. After finding the right candidate, she had never expected such an encounter. Turning to look at her nightstand clock, she noticed it was only 9 a.m. Trisha decided to indulge herself with an additional 15 minutes in bed and dozed off again. Just as she was drifting, her phone began to ring. Annoyed, she checked the number—it was Karan. Why was he calling so early?

The phone finally stopped ringing, but she couldn’t fall back asleep. Her phone started ringing again. This had to stop.

“Hello,” Trisha answered groggily, keeping her eyes closed.

“Good morning, Trisha. Are you still sleeping? That’s unlike you,” Karan said.

Trisha let out a sigh. “What do you want, Karan?”

“I’d like to know if we could have lunch together, like friends. Are we still friends, right? What time should I pick you up?”

“Karan, we are not friends, and I’m not going out for lunch with you.”

“Why not, Trisha? You used to love our Sunday lunches, remember?”

“That was in the past, Karan,” Trisha replied irritably. “When we were happily married, but then you decided to cheat on me, remember?” Her voice dripped with sarcasm. “And stop calling me ‘princess.’ I am not your princess.”

“Trisha, my dearest Trisha. I made one mistake. A stupid mistake, I agree. Please don’t be so harsh on me. Please, let’s make a new start. We can’t just pretend that we didn’t have some wonderful years together,” Karan pleaded desperately. “I was thinking; maybe we can start seeing each other again and see how it goes?”

Part 21: When life gives you lemons…

“Don’t worry about me mom. You should go on that cruise.” Then her mother paused. “You can come along if you want to.”

“That is nice of you. But I’ll pass. I can take care of myself, don’t worry about me. Just book the cruise.”

Trisha’s mother poured some tea for the both of them and handed Trisha a slice of chocolate cake. She then picked up the brochure and flipped through the pages. “This is the cruise I am thinking about.”

Trisha put down her plate and scanned the route. “This sounds amazing! So you start in Florida and you end in Italy? It is a world tour on a boat.”

“Yes it is. Trisha, are you sure you don’t want to join me?”

You should go

Trisha started laughing. “Maa, you sound like Amitabh Bachan on ‘Kaun banega crorpati’.  Are you sure, are you positive? Trisha laughed. “You should really go on this cruise. Don’t think about me. For once think about yourself not about others.”

Her mother smiled. “You are not others Trisha. You are my child. And no matter what, I will always be thinking about you.” Her mother took a sip from her tea. “Since I started working, I started saving money and called it ‘One Day’. I just saved money not knowing where to spend it on. And then I saw this cruise.  It is a lifetime opportunity. I am very excited!”

“So you should be! It is very exciting.” Trisha picked up her plate and took a bite. “Chocolate cake is the best invention ever! When will you be leaving?”

“The cruise leaves in January.”

“I am so happy for you Maa.”

Her mother took a sip from her tea and looked dreamy at the magazines on the coffee table. “I have saved enough to take you with me.”

“That is so nice of you. But I don’t want to go on a cruise, mom.”

Karan’s Mother

 Her mother sighed and pressed her lips “You know who called me last night?”

Trisha shook her head.

“Karan’s mother.”

“Did she?,” Trisha’s voice sounded surpirsed.

“What did she have to say?”

“She was asking about you. How you were doing. And what had happened shouldn’t have happened. That her son is an idiot and that she hoped… that you two would get back together.”

“When did she call you? I bumped into her at the supermarket last Friday. She was saying the same thing to me.” Trisha sighed. “I am not going back to Karan. I cannot forgive him for what he has done to me. I can’t.”

Her mother nodded. “Yes, I can imagine” she said in a soft voice.

“I have felt so miserable for the past two years. There were happy moments, I was not miserable all the time but I think most of the time.  I don’t know what happened but last Monday I decided that I had mourned enough. It was time to move forward. I threw everything out that reminded me of him.”

 “You have to do what is best for you. I am so happy to see your eyes sparkle again, like they used to.  Don’t lose that sparkle Trisha. You should do as to what makes you happy my child.”

 “Yes maa, I just realize that now.” She hugged her mother. “I Will miss you when you are on the cruise.”

“The offer still stands. I saved enough for two persons.”



Part 18: “To the new me…!”

I called the office. Andy told me you are not feeling well. I wanted to let you know that April is the perfect match for our company.  Call me when you feel better. Sid

It is not a love letter, Trisha, said her inner voice.

Holding the phone to her chest Trisha continued watching. Hugging a phone or Sid are two different things, Trisha. It was her inner voice again. Trisha sighed and put her phone on the coffee table. After a long debate with herself, she picked up the phone and decided to text Sid back.

I am very pleased to hear that. I will call you when I am back at work. For any questions please do not hesitate to contact Andy.  Trisha.

With a big smile, Trisha put her phone on the coffee table. Her stomach was in a knot and a smile appeared on her face.  What if he drops by with a fruit basket or flowers?

Trisha, don’t you start getting things into your head! Why would he be interested in you? What do you have he can’t have?

Ooh shut up, I am just enjoying my moment with Mr. Eye Candy she said out loud.


Trisha, she said in a harsh and loud voice to herself things will be different from now on. No more sulking over Mr. Scumbag! And that is an order! Life is too beautiful to sulk over people who have mistreated you. Why should you put your life on hold? Go and live your life. There is a whole bright world for you to explore. Trisha pressed her lips together and nodded her head.

It felt as if a burden fell off Trisha´s shoulders. Two years of misery, she had put herself into. She felt relieved and enjoyed the moment. Trisha took the chocolate bar from the pity box which was on her coffee table.  To the new me she said as she took a big bite from the bar,  enjoying the sweet melting sensation in her mouth.

The next day Trisha felt rejuvenated. From now on Karan was a closed chapter in her life. She called Andy to tell him that she felt better and would be in the office in two hours. To which Andy put a stop. Trisha, take the day off, I will see you first thing in the morning, if you feel better that is, of course.

Since Andy didn’t want her in  the office for the day she decided to de-clutter her house and remove every item which reminded her of Karan. By the end of the day she had three donation boxes ready to be brought to  the thrift store.

Trisha was on her way home, feeling satisfied that she had her life under control.  It had been a busy week at work, since she had been home for two days.

The encounter

Before she went home Trisha made a quick stop at the supermarket, which was near the train station.

She scanned through the different kinds of pastas in the dry pasta section.  Indecisive of which one to choose, she decided on her usual spiral pasta. Then she walked to the cheese section when she heard a familiar voice calling her name.

Trisha, Trisha?

Trisha froze. Now she knew why she didn’t like coming to this supermarket. Karan’s parents lived in this neighbourhood. Trisha took a deep breath and turned around.

Hi, she said with a smile.

Her ex-mother-in-law looked at her from top to toe.

Hi, Trisha, how are you doing? You look so good, said her mother in law. Her voice gave away that she didn’t like what she was seeing.
