Tag: life

Part 4: Did “Mr. Eye Candy” unlock Trisha’s heart?

They both walked in silence to the coffee shop which was literally an one minute walk. The only thing going through Trisha’s mind was whether Sid could hear her heart pounding. Why was she having hot flashes?  What was happening to her? She had locked her heart and now this man just unlocked it, like that.

Sid opened the door and gestured Trisha to go ahead. She  appreciated the gesture and smiled at Sid. For a short moment she looked him into his eyes and felt some fluttering in her stomach.  Sid’s eyes were gentle and calm which made Trish feel uncomfortable.

“Shall we sit at the back near the window? I feel it’s the best place since no one wants to sit there.”

Coffee breath

Trisha, who was never short of words, did not know what to say and nodded. This had never happened to her before.  She sat down and hoped that her nerves would calm down.

“What would you like to have, Trisha?”

Trisha paused for a few seconds. “A sparkling water please.”

If she was going to speak to ‘Mr. Eye Candy’ the last thing she wanted was coffee breath.  Luckily her heart was beating normal again.

“You don’t like coffee? They have the best coffee in town.”

“I do like coffee but if I drink coffee now, I will not be able to sleep” she lied.

“Aah ok, you are one of those people, just like my, never mind” he said quickly. “It doesn’t matter.”

Just like your girlfriend or wife

Just like your girlfriend or wife,  Trisha said to herself. She looked up startled. She didn’t say this out loud, did she?

“Is something the matter” Sid looked curious at her.

Did she notice a vague smile on his face or was it just her imagination? Was he laughing at her?

“Ooh no, it’s nothing. I was just thinking if I took the iron’s plug out. But then I realized that I bought one which turns itself off.”

He must be thinking that you are crazy, Trisha, she said to herself.

“I see.” He scraped his throat and smiled. “Let me get our order.”

Trisha watched him  as a hawk as he walked towards the counter. His back looks as good as his front, she said to herself.




What do we need in life?


What do we need in life? Think about it for a few seconds. If you have a family you need to provide for your family. Once these basic needs are taken care off we can start thinking about other things. A washing machine could be a basic need to you. But keep in mind that a lot of people don’t even have one, because they just can’t afford one.  Aren’t you grateful that you can afford a washing machine? For me a dryer is a basic need, but I know many people who don’t want a dryer although they can afford one. A dryer is a necessity product to me. I know it’s a luxurious necessity, one I can live without. How I know? Well  mine broke down and I had no dryer for a month.

The standard of living in Western countries is quite high. How come that in these countries, people with above average income are looking for something more? It seems like they are missing something. Or are maybe even bored and are chasing for that something they can’t even describe themselves. Let’s be clear here, we are not talking about people who have to live on a budget.

So what are they chasing for?  Why is it that many people are into meditation and yoga? People, who don’t practice yoga or meditation because it’s a trend, are they searching for answers?  Hoping to free their mind so that they can have a clear view of what is bothering them? People who have everything but are still unhappy….


What do we really need in life then, when we have everything? Do we need to buy more materialistic items to keep us happy for a short period of time? Or should we use our energy to help others to improve their lives. Like doing grocery shopping with your grandmother or helping your niece with her homework? These chores we do for others big or small, is that what we really need in life?


What do you really need in life?