Tag: #LaughOutLoud

“Unforgettable Night for Trisha: Love, Regret, and Hope (Part 34)”

Fan and Trisha exchanged wide-eyed glances, shocked by what they had heard.

“I feel sorry for her husband,” Trisha said, her disapproval evident. “He is a good man.”

Meghan added disapprovingly, “These women who go after older rich men forget that these men eventually get older and can’t keep up with them. But who am I to judge? Money makes the world go round.”

“How did she react when her husband caught her?” Trisha inquired with a furrowed brow.

“Well, she couldn’t care less. It seems like she doesn’t care about his thoughts or feelings. Poor Pete remained calm, but I could see the sadness in his eyes. He took her hand and said, ‘Jen, I think we should go home.’”

“You reap what you sow,” Fran remarked, checking her watch. “We really should be going. Shall we?”

The next day, Trisha woke up early, surprisingly well-rested. She closed her eyes and smiled, still in disbelief that she had danced the entire night with Sid, the charming “Mr. Eye Candy” she thought she’d never see again. After finding the right candidate, she had never expected such an encounter. Turning to look at her nightstand clock, she noticed it was only 9 a.m. Trisha decided to indulge herself with an additional 15 minutes in bed and dozed off again. Just as she was drifting, her phone began to ring. Annoyed, she checked the number—it was Karan. Why was he calling so early?

The phone finally stopped ringing, but she couldn’t fall back asleep. Her phone started ringing again. This had to stop.

“Hello,” Trisha answered groggily, keeping her eyes closed.

“Good morning, Trisha. Are you still sleeping? That’s unlike you,” Karan said.

Trisha let out a sigh. “What do you want, Karan?”

“I’d like to know if we could have lunch together, like friends. Are we still friends, right? What time should I pick you up?”

“Karan, we are not friends, and I’m not going out for lunch with you.”

“Why not, Trisha? You used to love our Sunday lunches, remember?”

“That was in the past, Karan,” Trisha replied irritably. “When we were happily married, but then you decided to cheat on me, remember?” Her voice dripped with sarcasm. “And stop calling me ‘princess.’ I am not your princess.”

“Trisha, my dearest Trisha. I made one mistake. A stupid mistake, I agree. Please don’t be so harsh on me. Please, let’s make a new start. We can’t just pretend that we didn’t have some wonderful years together,” Karan pleaded desperately. “I was thinking; maybe we can start seeing each other again and see how it goes?”

Part 33: “A Captivating Dance”

“I’m fine, thank you,” Trisha reassured Sid. “I almost stumbled over a bump on the floor, but thankfully I managed to avoid it.”

Sid nodded in understanding, a playful laugh escaping his lips. “We wouldn’t want any accidents, would we?” he replied, taking hold of Trisha’s hand. “Allow me to guide you to the dance floor safely.”

Trisha’s breath was caught in her throat. The electricity between them was overwhelming, leaving her unable to find her voice. She was grateful for the dimmed lights since her cheeks flushed as her heart raced.

To Trisha’s surprise, they danced together throughout the night. She had expected just one dance, but fate had other plans. Then, a dreadful announcement reached her ears.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve been an incredible audience. Give yourselves a round of applause and find your partner for the last dance of the night. Here’s my favorite song by Ed Sheeran, ‘Darling, you look perfect tonight.'”

As Trisha turned to head back to their table, Sid gently grasped her hand. “Please dance with me,” he pleaded with demanding yet tender eyes. Was it her imagination, or did she sense a hint of distance? A shiver ran down her spine as she felt Sid’s warm breath against her ear. “You’re an amazing dancer,” he whispered. “I’ve had a wonderful time tonight.”

A shy smile graced Trisha’s lips as she replied, barely audibly, “So have I.”

When the song ended, they walked back to their seats in silence, lost in their thoughts. “Excuse me for a moment,” Sid said abruptly.

Fan walked towards Trisha with a smile. “We’ll take you home. No need to call a taxi,” Fan assured Trisha, giving her hand a comforting squeeze.

“Thank you, Fan. You both have been amazing. Are you sure about this? I don’t want to impose,” Trisha replied gratefully, considering their offer.

“Absolutely sure,” Fan’s husband said, his gaze shifting between them. He smiled and turned to his wife. “I could use some water before we leave. Would you like some too?”

Trisha nodded, her eyes catching sight of Sid approaching her. He took a seat, his eyes locked with hers. “I had a wonderful night, thank you,” he said sincerely.

Trisha returned his gaze, her heart fluttering. “I did too.”

It felt like Sid had more to say, but an awkward pause lingered between them. Trisha was relieved when Fan and her husband returned.

“Well, I should leave. It was nice meeting you. Sid said, standing up and shaking their hands, his grasp on Trisha’s hand lingering for a moment too long. He turned and disappeared into the darkness, almost colliding with Meghan.

“You look flustered,” Fan remarked. “Is everything all right?” she asked Meghan.

“You won’t believe what just happened,” Meghan exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment. “You know Jen, April’s friend, the woman seated at our table? Her husband’s name is Pete, I think.”

Fan chuckled. “How could we forget her? She’s quite peculiar. But Pete, he’s a nice guy. He truly adores his wife, although I’m unsure if the feeling is mutual. There’s something about her, something I can’t quite put my finger on.”

“Yes,  she is the one,” Meghan confirmed, nodding.

Fan smiled knowingly. “She made advances towards my husband when he went to the restroom. I wasn’t supposed to tell you,” she whispered.

Trisha stared at them in disbelief. “She did? That woman has absolutely no respect! What did she say to him?”

Fan chuckled again. “She asked him if he was as bored as she was and suggested they walk through the garden for some ‘fun’ together.”

“What?” Trisha and Meghan exclaimed simultaneously, their voices filled with disbelief.

Meghan turned to Fan; the confusion was evident in her eyes. “And what did he say to her?”

“He simply walked away, ignoring her for the rest of the night, and so did I,” Fan replied, a hint of satisfaction in her voice.

“Well, it seems she found another target,” Meghan revealed. “Her husband caught her red-handed, kissing the groom’s cousin.”