Tag: india

Part 6: Is there a ring on his finger?

 “I am so sorry” quickly she grabbed some napkins. Trisha felt embarrassed and felt her head getting warm. Why was this always happening to her.

“Don’t worry about it, it is just water”, Sid said in a reassuring voice. “Let me get some paper towels.”

Clumsy Trisha strikes again, Trisha sighed. She wanted the ground to swallow her up.

When he came back he wiped the table. “See, like nothing happened.” Sid gave Trisha a smile, for a brief moment their eyes locked.

“Thank you, erhm where were we.”  Come on Trisha, you can do this, Trisha encouraged herself. “I think I might have someone who will be excellent for this job. She is young and mouldable and has had two internships with Fortune500 companies on her resume.”

Sid raised his eyebrows “Sounds very promising.”

“I will give her a call today.” Trisha stopped and then continued “I must say, I admire what you have achieved in such a small time.”

Bumpy Road

“Thank you. I appreciate that. It has been a bumpy road. Unfortunately not many people realize that. They think that  ‘Sid Data’ just grew like that without any fall backs.” He laughed and shook his head.   “I have many more plans for ‘Sid Data’ but can’t do them if I don’t have employees. It seems that all Tech companies are fishing in the same pond.”

Trisha nodded her head. “We are all fishing in the same pond. I will give her a call right after this meeting.”

 “That would be great, fingers crossed. Please keep me updated.”

“I will, is there anything else I can help you with, Sid?”  I am volunteering to put my head on your shoulders, her inner voice said.

Sid smiled, his eyes were sparkling again. He shook his head. “No, one Junior Software Tester is all that I need, for now.”

 “Okay, let me get in touch with this lady. It was nice meeting you, Sid,” she said and stood up. Trisha wanted to leave as soon as possible since Sid was making her feel awkward.


“The feeling is mutual” he said when he shook her hand, “to a fruitful cooperation, Trisha”

Was he holding her hand a second too long before he let go? It is your imagination Trisha, it is what you want to believe. Look at him he is ‘Mr. Eye Candy.  He is already engaged, married or has one or more beautiful girlfriends. It was her inner voice again.

Trisha opened her bag and pretended as if she was looking for something. Then she quickly peeked at his fingers, no wedding ring and no engagement ring.  Don’t get your hopes up to high, sometimes people don’t wear rings!

“You look awfully happy” said Sid. “You must be looking forward to your weekend.”

Are you making a fool of yourself again?  Can’t you act like a normal person? Trisha reprimanded herself.

“Yeah, well sort of. I better go and catch my train” trying her best to sound casual.

Part 5: Clumsy Trisha making a fool of herself

“So, as I was saying last week, I am looking for a Junior Software Tester, with or without experience. We really need one as quick as possible since we have taken on some interesting projects.”

Trisha nodded her head “That is wonderful news, could you please tell me more about your company, Sid?” You sound like a schoolteacher, Trisha, said her inner voice.

Sid took a small sip from his espresso. “I founded this company while I was still in college to earn some  extra money in order to pay for my college fees. My company was flourishing and I could just not combine college and work. It was hard keeping all the balls in the air, I hardly slept or ate, the only thing I was doing was working. I then realized that I had to make a decision. What was more important to me. A college degree or expanding my flourishing company. I choose for the latter.

College dropout

My parents were not happy with my decision of course and from their point of view I could understand them. They just couldn’t understand my decision since it was just one more year for my graduation. But I stood my ground and devoted all my energy  into my company. Things started to go really fast when I got a big client onboard. They are still one of our clients, not the biggest one though”.

Then Sid continued in a serious tone “you know at times my dad is still saying that I am a college drop out. When the going gets tough, a degree comes in handy, son.  You know how Indian parents are, degrees are everything for them.”

Trisha nodded. She knew pretty well how Indian parents were. She had seen and experienced a fair share of drama herself.

“Mr. Eye Candy” opens up

“How many people work for you, Sid?” Trisha tried her best to say it in a casual way while looking “Mr. Eye Candy” in his eyes. Her heart started to pound again. She had never felt like this before, never. Not even with Karan her ex-husband. Remember he is a client, Trisha, what are you thinking? She said to herself.

“Fifteen people” he said thoughtful. “Sometimes I sit behind my desk and look at my staff and think, this is so surreal. Fifteen people are working for me. But at the same time, I have fifteen mouths to feed. It sometimes scares me. “

Sid took another sip from his coffee. “I have no idea why I am telling you all this.” He frowned, “can you please keep it to yourself?”

Trisha smiled. “Of course, your secret is safe with me.” You sound like a school teacher Trisha, you are trying too hard, said her inner voice.

“So can you get me someone? I have spoken to several agencies and neither of them could help me out.”

Trisha took a sip from her drink and accidentally knocked over her glass. She looked embarrassed at “Mr. Eye Candy”. You are making a fool of yourself, don’t you think so Trisha?


