Tag: healthy

To go or not to go to the gym?

Should I go to the gym or not…? How many times have you made excuses not to go to the gym? Let phase it. Once you come home from work, made dinner and did all the household chores most of us feel too exhausted to go the gym. When you decided to go the gym how many of you have to hurry to get in time for the gym because that class you wanted to attend will start in seven minutes. And if you decide not to go to the gym, there is always this guilty feeling for not going, which raises your stress levels, sounds familiar? Going to the gym is about lowering your stress levels right? Stressing to go the gym can’t be good for our health, especially if we didn’t want to go in the first place.

To go or not to go to the gym

So what can we do about it? If you really don’t like to go the gym, stop going to the gym. Start doing any form of exercise when it suits your agenda, do what you love and when you are relaxed and not in a hurry mode, which makes exercising more fun. An incredibly easy form of exercise is walking. Just put on your sneakers and start walking for half an hour. The fresh air will do you good. If you don’t like to walk alone, ask a friend or colleague along (why not walk during your lunch break). In a few weeks you will be able to walk for an hour without any stops and you will be addicted to walking. (Yes, you can get addicted to walking, I know several “walking addicts”) But whatever you do don’t forget to listen to your body. Why not make walking a family activity during the weekend? It is an easy, fun, cheap and a great way to spend quality time together, away from all the hustle and bustle at home.

And if walking is your “thing” don’t forget to cancel your subscription at the gym. You no longer have to ask yourself the question: To go or not to go to the gym.

Food cravings after the holidays

The second week of January 2016 already, time flies doesn’t? Did you make any new year’s resolutions or did you already chuck them in the bin? Well if you did, it is never too late to get them out of the bin or later this year when you are ready.  It is never too late.

It is never too late to pick up your studies, never too late to call that dear friend, never too late to lose those extra pounds. Speaking about those extra pounds, don’t you have cravings for some extras and we are not talking about carrot and celery sticks here.  Well I know I do. I always try to “satisfy” my cravings with healthy options like a fruit salad with a little dot of whipped cream for example, or some yummy walnuts and almonds.

The other day I was craving for something more. What recipes did I have to satisfy my cravings? It had to be a recipe which was a healthy one and quick to make. I decided on making an oatmeal crumble apple pie, a low fat version, but yummy enough to satisfy my cravings only 120 calories per serving (estimated). This recipe is not for people who are on a carb and/or fat free diet….


This recipe is a keeper. It would go well with a dot of vanilla ice cream and some whipped cream, if you would like to turn it into a not so healthy version. But hey it is January and I have been sampling quite a lot of yummy stuff during the holidays, I am sticking to this healthy version for now that is. I would only make a few changes to this recipe. I would decrease the amount of sugar with 2 teaspoons. It was a little bit too sweet for me. And I would use more apples, a mix of sweet and tart apples.


Here’s the link for the recipe: https://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=11935

Happy baking!

Yes, you can have chicken nuggets!

ResizeSometimes we crave for some snacks. Most of us (including myself) will not settle for a healthy fruit salad or sticks of cucumbers. We want a real snack that makes us happy.

Unfortunately the snacks we are craving for have a lot of added sugars and fats.  So the cravings stays. While working or for example reading a good book the only thing on your mind is eating a tasteful snack. A snack with a lot of satisfaction!

I am always on the search for good and much more healthy recipes for my craving moments.  I saw this recipe for baked chicken nuggets and thought this is what I need to make.  To make it a whole meal just add some roasted potatoes and veggies to it such as roasted broccoli. Absolutely yummy yummy, can you already feel it in your tummy?

So here’s my recipe for a healthy baked chicken nuggets:

Recipe “chicken nuggets” baked

1 kilo or 2.2. lbs. chicken thy filets

250 grams or 0.55 lbs. flour

2 eggs

Salt to taste

Garlic powder

Paprika powder

Black pepper

2 Spoons oil (I use sunflower or olive oil)

A non-stick baking pan

  1. Pre heat your oven at 180 degrees or 350 Fahrenheit
  2. Rinse the chicken and cut it in pcs.  Put them on a plate with paper towel.  Make sure all the chicken pieces are dry.
  3. Add flower into a bowl add spices to taste: salt, garlic powder, paprika powder and the black pepper.
  4. Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt
  5. Coat the non-stick baking pan with oil. (Make sure the pan is well coated).
  6. In a bowl add 3 spoons of the flour mixture. (Make sure you keep the flour mixture clean, you can use it again when you have some left).
  7. Put the eggs , flour and baking pan next to each other
  8. Take a piece of chicken,  dip it in the egg then in the flour. Then carefully put it in the pan
  9. Put the pan in the oven en gently turn the chicken after 15 minutes. The chicken should be somewhat baked now.
  10. Bake the chicken  for another 15 minutes
  11. Now check if the chicken is ready
  12. If the chicken is ready but the crust is not golden brown just turn up the oven for a few minutes. NB: not too long or your nuggets will turn out dry!

You can easily triple or double this recipe.

Bon Appetit!