My little Maharadja eczema was caused by milk and the additives in our food.

eczema caused by milk

Just before Maharadja turned two we went on a holiday to dream destination Mauritius. We booked our accommodation and trips thru Island Explorer & Tours (, I highly recommend them :-).

During the holidays Maharadja had milk for breakfast which he gulped down much to my surprise. At home he did not want to drink any milk. I was one happy mom. Because they say milk is healthy, right?  I was wondering why he did drink the Mauritian milk and hated the milk at home.  I took a small sip and tasted the milk, it was sweeter then what he got at home.  Now I understood why he drank the milk without any tantrums.

At the end of our holidays he started to scratch severely . But there were no sign of eczema. When we got home the eczema appeared. He started to scratch but little did  we knew that the dairy, sugar and food additives were the culprits. So I kept feeding  little Maharadja cheese and yoghurt drinks, which he loved.

We took our Maharadja to the doctors. They prescribed him hormone creams. Since these creams have many side effects I refused to use them for my two year old. I am surprised that doctors are not interested in what causes the eczema.

I tried every cream and gel on the market.  I walked into every store which sold creams to find a solution. And I tried a lot of creams and oils. Maharadja turned 3 and I was searching the internet for a solution. Meanwhile I did find out that if he had sugars and foods with additives (like a stock cube which contains MSG or a juice with additives or sugars or both) he started to scratch right away. So these foods were banned. I also introduced spelt bread into his and our diet. I used and still use hemp  oil and coconut oil and neutral crème the doctor prescribed. Maharadjas clothes were and still are washed with a perfume free detergent.  We also got him perfume free soap. Then right after his 4th birthday I found the culprit by accident. One night I was watching some videos on YouTube about eczema. By accident I stumbled upon a documentary about eczema and allergies. There was this one boy who had a dairy allergy and severe eczema. Once these foods were removed from his diet the eczema started to disappear. The next morning I removed all dairy products from his diet and in  the next few days, he stopped scratching! We were so happy for our Maharadja. He slept through the night. Usually he woke up because he was itchy. We told our Maharadja that he cannot have any dairy products due to his allergy and he understands now.

eczema caused by milk

By accident we found out that my Maharadja can have sheep cheese. So he is one happy Maharadja because he just loves cheese soo much! He is a real Dutch boy ;-)!

Cookies and cakes I make myself. When I go to a birthday party I make a cake for my Maharadja and take it along. For his 5th birthday I made dairy free muffins which the kids could decorate. I found out that he can have chocolate as long as it is 72%. White bread is a no-no and  so is white flour.  Sodas are also a no-no. Maharadja drinks water and 100% apple juice. He can have real butter. The culprit is the milk protein in  dairy products.  If you have a good brand of butter there are hardly any or no milk proteins in it.  I buy organic food as much as I can. I do read the labels because some organic products contain milk protein or even  palm oil! I am one lucky lady,  I buy organic flour at an authentic Dutch mill. I bake pancakes with coconut milk or almond milk.

The eczema is disappearing now, Maharadjas skin has to heal over time.

Do you have any experience with eczema?