Tag: feelings

Part 8: Why did she still cry over that scumbag?

Trisha stood up and walked towards the window. Her modern two bedroom apartment was located on the first floor, overlooking a small park with a big pond in  the middle.  She strolled to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water and sat at the  breakfast bar which divided the kitchen and the living room. 

Why was she feeling restless. Had it something to do with Sid? Just thinking about him  made her heart beat faster. What was he doing now and with whom? Trisha shook her head and decided to watch some TV to take her mind off him.

She plopped down on the couch,  indecisive  whether to watch ‘Say Yes To The Dress’, Netflix or a Bollywood movie. Trisha decided on the latter to  lighten up her mood at which she succeeded.  She was enjoying the movie until  the marriage scene. Her heart stopped beating for a second. The red Indian wedding gown reminded  her of her own wedding gown.

Dreams shattered

Trisha remembered her wedding day clearly. That day like many brides, she had felt as the happiest woman in the world on the  most beautiful day of her life.  So she had thought two years ago. But her dream was shattered abruptly. At times she still felt the pain deep inside her. How she wished  for, that the sharp pain would go away forever and let her be. Just as she thought the pain disappeared it appeared, unannounced.

At one of her cousins’ wedding she had met her ex-husband. They had kept in touch via text and started dating soon after. Three years later he proposed to her on the Eifel Tower. A  magical moment which took her by surprise. She had hugged and kissed him. Of course she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her soulmate.

They had a big fat Indian wedding and a small wedding reception for close family and friends. For their honeymoon they went to Mauritius where they stayed at a five star resort with a beautiful private beach. The  perfect place for a newly-wed couple. She had a wonderful time, the sightseeing, the food,  watching the sun  go down with her soulmate on  her side accompanied by a tailor made cocktail. A honeymoon as it should be, just perfect.

Lonely and sad

Trisha took a sip from her wine and looked at the woman on the television screen.  She looked beautiful and immensely happy. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Trisha gulped her wine down and turned the TV off.

She stared at the book on the coffee table questioning herself whether she would pick it up. Trisha felt lonely and sad.

Come on Trisha, do not let actions of others control your feeling. You are your own boss.  You have to make yourself happy. You cannot depend on others to make you happy. It was Trisha’s inner voice, trying to  encourage her.

She had thought that Karan, her ex-husband had loved her deeply, just as she had loved him deeply. She refilled her glass while thinking about that dreadful day.  The day she found out that their marriage bond was not a sacred bond to him. Trisha felt her eyes welling up, why did she still cry over that scumbag?




Part 5: Clumsy Trisha making a fool of herself

“So, as I was saying last week, I am looking for a Junior Software Tester, with or without experience. We really need one as quick as possible since we have taken on some interesting projects.”

Trisha nodded her head “That is wonderful news, could you please tell me more about your company, Sid?” You sound like a schoolteacher, Trisha, said her inner voice.

Sid took a small sip from his espresso. “I founded this company while I was still in college to earn some  extra money in order to pay for my college fees. My company was flourishing and I could just not combine college and work. It was hard keeping all the balls in the air, I hardly slept or ate, the only thing I was doing was working. I then realized that I had to make a decision. What was more important to me. A college degree or expanding my flourishing company. I choose for the latter.

College dropout

My parents were not happy with my decision of course and from their point of view I could understand them. They just couldn’t understand my decision since it was just one more year for my graduation. But I stood my ground and devoted all my energy  into my company. Things started to go really fast when I got a big client onboard. They are still one of our clients, not the biggest one though”.

Then Sid continued in a serious tone “you know at times my dad is still saying that I am a college drop out. When the going gets tough, a degree comes in handy, son.  You know how Indian parents are, degrees are everything for them.”

Trisha nodded. She knew pretty well how Indian parents were. She had seen and experienced a fair share of drama herself.

“Mr. Eye Candy” opens up

“How many people work for you, Sid?” Trisha tried her best to say it in a casual way while looking “Mr. Eye Candy” in his eyes. Her heart started to pound again. She had never felt like this before, never. Not even with Karan her ex-husband. Remember he is a client, Trisha, what are you thinking? She said to herself.

“Fifteen people” he said thoughtful. “Sometimes I sit behind my desk and look at my staff and think, this is so surreal. Fifteen people are working for me. But at the same time, I have fifteen mouths to feed. It sometimes scares me. “

Sid took another sip from his coffee. “I have no idea why I am telling you all this.” He frowned, “can you please keep it to yourself?”

Trisha smiled. “Of course, your secret is safe with me.” You sound like a school teacher Trisha, you are trying too hard, said her inner voice.

“So can you get me someone? I have spoken to several agencies and neither of them could help me out.”

Trisha took a sip from her drink and accidentally knocked over her glass. She looked embarrassed at “Mr. Eye Candy”. You are making a fool of yourself, don’t you think so Trisha?




Being judgemental, natural human behaviour?

Is being judgemental natural human behaviour? When was the last time you were judgemental?


Last week I stepped into an elevator. I had to go to the second floor. But since I was wearing heels and was a little bit tired I didn’t felt like taking the stairs. A gentleman with kids and a lady stepped into the elevator. The lady stepped out of the elevator on the first floor.  When the doors closed the gentleman said, well she could have taken the stairs when she only had to go to the first floor.

Usually comments like these would have triggered my comment button but that day I was feeling too tired to even comment. In my opinion his comments were so judgemental. First of all he doesn’t know the lady at all.  Maybe the lady has a medical condition or she is just feeling too tired to even take the stairs to the first floor (like I did). People might seem healthy on the outside but what’s really going on with them we just don’t know. We only see these people for a few seconds of our lives who are we to judge them? But on the other hand is being judgemental not human behaviour? But then again why waste energy into being judgemental?

Everybody has their own agenda for being judgemental. Some are judgemental because they are jealous. Then there are those who are judgemental because they just can’t believe that that specific person can achieve something in life. Specific persons like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Walt Disney and the list goes on.

So actually being judgemental has other emotions linked to it. Emotions we hide we do not show others or ourselves. Emotions like these are actually polluting our brains making it hard for us to think straight.

So next time when we want to be judgemental we just have to take a deep breath. Look at the person we want to be judgemental about and think: we can’t judge a book by its cover.

When was the last time you judged a book by its cover?



Losing weight is hard


Fact: most people who want to lose weight FAIL. Why? Because they tend to overdo it. If you really want to lose weight start “slow”. Take it step by step. After all you did not gained weight overnight! Or did you? Losing weight is hard.

Gaining weight is very easy. We just eat all the yummy food.  Do little or no workouts. Within a few weeks we will be happy to notice our body has changed. Your underarms are flappy, they look like wings.  Your butt is bigger. Your jeans will not fit. Or any other garment in your closet for that matter. Time to buy new clothes……. Then you come to this point, enough is enough. You want to lose the extra weight!

The day you decided you wanted to lose weight.  You just ate everything you could find because tomorrow you are going on a diet! (More calories to burn…… but just don’t think about it. Makes life much more easier!)

The next day you go to the supermarket buying healthy food like salads, fruits and vegetables.  Maybe even soy milk because they say it is good for you…… For two weeks you are so motivated. You are one healthy fruit, veg lady. Then comes the point that you are craving for something sweet. You buy a bag of candy promising yourself to eat one only. Or maybe two. In the end you ate the whole bag. You are now so not motivated that you chuck the whole idea of losing weight in the bin.

What happened here? Well  overdoing it, happened here. Most people cannot just change their eating habits overnight.  One needs time. So take it step by step.

Eating habits? Yes to lose weight one really needs to change the way they eat. And you have to add some kind of exercise to your lifestyle.

Are you ready to change your lifestyle? Step by step?

Step 1

Write down  ALL the things you eat, a food diary. Do this for five days. (No cheating please and yes write down e v e r y sugar cube). Include one weekend, during the weekends we tend to eat too much! Yes I know, not all of us…. While making the list add some exercise of any kind to your daily life. The exercise should be at least 30 minutes. Exercise 2 times during these five days.

Exercise…… (please don’t huff and puff you are not the wolf from the three little pigs). Yes  they are very important if you really want to lose weight.  And exercises are good for body and mind. You really don’t  need to go to the gym. exercises you could do:

  1. A walk for 30 minutes
  2. Ride a bike for 30 minutes
  3. Skeeler for 30 minutes
  4. Cardio workouts for 30 minutes
  5. Go to the gym for some workouts
  6. What exercise would you recommend? Please leave a comment.

In short: Take it step by step.