Tag: ebook

Part 7: She refused to be a charity case

“I am going to get another cup of coffee before I head back to the office.”

Trisha nodded, “Enjoy your coffee. I will keep in touch.”

“I will be looking forward to your call.” He scraped his throat. “You can call me anytime. Even on the weekends. But I guess you don’t work on weekends.”

“I try not to.” Trisha said with a smile.

Sid nodded. “That is something I should learn, try not to work on weekends. It messes up your private life.”

Trisha smiled “yes, it does. Well, have a nice weekend, Sid.”

Trisha walked out of the door trying to keep her face straight.  A huge smile appeared on her face, an overwhelming sense of happiness overcame her. She took a deep breath and hummed a song she heard on the radio this morning.


Confused about her feelings Trisha walked to the train station, absorbed in her thoughts. Her divorce had scarred her heart deeply and therefore she had decided that this would never happen again, ever. But now she just couldn’t control her feelings.

Trisha, just remember why you named him Mr. Eye Candy. He has this impact on woman hence the name ‘Mr. Eye Candy.’ Besides he is your client. Enjoy the feeling while it lasts. This too will pass.


Trisha opened her front door and greeted a neighbour who happened to pass by. She closed the door and locked it. It felt good being home. She turned the lights on and took off her heels, carefully placing them in the shoe cabinet. Sid had been on her mind off and on the entire time while she was heading back home. Should she call him and tell him that she couldn’t get hold of the candidate? She decided against it. It was Friday evening after all.

What would he be doing now? Having a romantic date with a beautiful female? Trisha felt a knot in  her stomach. The thought alone made her feel jealous.

Trisha, get a hold of yourself, you act like a jealous teenager, she said in a loud voice.

Trisha walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. She had changed into a pair of yoga pants. It was time to unwind after a long week.

She sat down on her couch and took a sip from her wine with closed eyes.  This was not how she had imagined her life a couple of years ago, far from this.

Trisha had no siblings. She did not miss having them.  Her friends and cousins were married or in a relationship. They had lives of their own and she didn’t want to intrude.  She texted with them and every so often they planned something together.

When she was not working, she was home on her couch, reading or watching television. Her life wasn’t as glamorous as all of her friends and family thought it was. But she let them believe it was, she didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for her. She refused to be a charity case.




Part 5: Clumsy Trisha making a fool of herself

“So, as I was saying last week, I am looking for a Junior Software Tester, with or without experience. We really need one as quick as possible since we have taken on some interesting projects.”

Trisha nodded her head “That is wonderful news, could you please tell me more about your company, Sid?” You sound like a schoolteacher, Trisha, said her inner voice.

Sid took a small sip from his espresso. “I founded this company while I was still in college to earn some  extra money in order to pay for my college fees. My company was flourishing and I could just not combine college and work. It was hard keeping all the balls in the air, I hardly slept or ate, the only thing I was doing was working. I then realized that I had to make a decision. What was more important to me. A college degree or expanding my flourishing company. I choose for the latter.

College dropout

My parents were not happy with my decision of course and from their point of view I could understand them. They just couldn’t understand my decision since it was just one more year for my graduation. But I stood my ground and devoted all my energy  into my company. Things started to go really fast when I got a big client onboard. They are still one of our clients, not the biggest one though”.

Then Sid continued in a serious tone “you know at times my dad is still saying that I am a college drop out. When the going gets tough, a degree comes in handy, son.  You know how Indian parents are, degrees are everything for them.”

Trisha nodded. She knew pretty well how Indian parents were. She had seen and experienced a fair share of drama herself.

“Mr. Eye Candy” opens up

“How many people work for you, Sid?” Trisha tried her best to say it in a casual way while looking “Mr. Eye Candy” in his eyes. Her heart started to pound again. She had never felt like this before, never. Not even with Karan her ex-husband. Remember he is a client, Trisha, what are you thinking? She said to herself.

“Fifteen people” he said thoughtful. “Sometimes I sit behind my desk and look at my staff and think, this is so surreal. Fifteen people are working for me. But at the same time, I have fifteen mouths to feed. It sometimes scares me. “

Sid took another sip from his coffee. “I have no idea why I am telling you all this.” He frowned, “can you please keep it to yourself?”

Trisha smiled. “Of course, your secret is safe with me.” You sound like a school teacher Trisha, you are trying too hard, said her inner voice.

“So can you get me someone? I have spoken to several agencies and neither of them could help me out.”

Trisha took a sip from her drink and accidentally knocked over her glass. She looked embarrassed at “Mr. Eye Candy”. You are making a fool of yourself, don’t you think so Trisha?




Part 4: Did “Mr. Eye Candy” unlock Trisha’s heart?

They both walked in silence to the coffee shop which was literally an one minute walk. The only thing going through Trisha’s mind was whether Sid could hear her heart pounding. Why was she having hot flashes?  What was happening to her? She had locked her heart and now this man just unlocked it, like that.

Sid opened the door and gestured Trisha to go ahead. She  appreciated the gesture and smiled at Sid. For a short moment she looked him into his eyes and felt some fluttering in her stomach.  Sid’s eyes were gentle and calm which made Trish feel uncomfortable.

“Shall we sit at the back near the window? I feel it’s the best place since no one wants to sit there.”

Coffee breath

Trisha, who was never short of words, did not know what to say and nodded. This had never happened to her before.  She sat down and hoped that her nerves would calm down.

“What would you like to have, Trisha?”

Trisha paused for a few seconds. “A sparkling water please.”

If she was going to speak to ‘Mr. Eye Candy’ the last thing she wanted was coffee breath.  Luckily her heart was beating normal again.

“You don’t like coffee? They have the best coffee in town.”

“I do like coffee but if I drink coffee now, I will not be able to sleep” she lied.

“Aah ok, you are one of those people, just like my, never mind” he said quickly. “It doesn’t matter.”

Just like your girlfriend or wife

Just like your girlfriend or wife,  Trisha said to herself. She looked up startled. She didn’t say this out loud, did she?

“Is something the matter” Sid looked curious at her.

Did she notice a vague smile on his face or was it just her imagination? Was he laughing at her?

“Ooh no, it’s nothing. I was just thinking if I took the iron’s plug out. But then I realized that I bought one which turns itself off.”

He must be thinking that you are crazy, Trisha, she said to herself.

“I see.” He scraped his throat and smiled. “Let me get our order.”

Trisha watched him  as a hawk as he walked towards the counter. His back looks as good as his front, she said to herself.


