Tag: bored

Part 26: She looked seductive at Sid…

“It is my best friend’s sister’s wedding.”

 “Ooh, I see. The groom is a college friend of mine. Unfortunately, we don’t see each other that much anymore.”

Trisha nodded, “I know what you mean. We don’t see each other that much anymore.” She pointed with her head towards her two friends who were talking with each other. Trisha knew who they were talking about, “Mr. Eye Candy,” of course.

She looked seductive at Sid.

“You two know each other,” said Jen as she rudely interrupted their conversation. “I am sorry, I overheard you talking to each other.”

“We do,” said Sid with a charming smile. “What is Jen your relationship with the wedding couple, Jen?”

“I am a gym friend of the bride. I am very honoured to be invited to their wedding.” She looked seductive at Sid.

“Aah, ok.” Sid turned his head and looked at Trisha. “It is wonderful to see you again, Trisha.”

Trisha smiled, not knowing what to say. “It is a small world.”

“Excuse me,” said a waiter. He had two big platters with appetizers in his hand, which he carefully put on the table. “Enjoy,” he said with a genuine smile as he walked away.

“Well, that looks scrumptious, doesn’t it?” Jen moved closer to Sid, “I believe we should tuck in,” as she popped an olive into her mouth. “They plated it with such care; eating it is almost a sin.”

Trisha agreed with Jen; the platter looked scrumptious, stacked with olives, almonds, cheeses, and several pieces of fruit, crackers, and salads. Like the ones, you saw in food magazines.

“You know, Sid,” Jen said in a soft voice but loud enough for Trisha to hear, “watermelon is an aphrodisiac food.”

She looked mischievous at Sid as she took a bite of the watermelon.

“Sweety,” she looked at her husband Peter, who had stacked his plate with several kinds of cheese and crackers. She rolled her eyes. “Peter, you shouldn’t eat that much cheese. It makes you fat.”

Peter looked at his wife. “I know, but these cheeses are too good!” He took a bite of his cracker with a thick slice of cheese. “Besides, I am already married.” He winked at his wife, who rolled her eyes.

Sid took a bite of a cracker with cheese. “You are right, Peter. The cheese is delicious.”

Peter smiled at him and nodded. “See, Jen, that young man agrees with me.”

Jen mumbled something to her herself and looked disgusted at her husband. She put a piece of fig in her mouth and whispered in Sid’s ear, “figs are also aphrodisiacs.”

Trisha watched Jen’s behaviour and wondered if Sid was falling for her charms. She was an attractive woman. There was no doubt about that.

“Trisha, aren’t you having something to eat?”

“I am,” she said as she scooped up some olives and a cracker. She smiled at her friends, who were watching her like a hawk. 

“Is that all you are going to have?” he said surprisedly. “I am starving, I haven’t had the time to have lunch today.”

“I am not that hungry,” Trisha lied.

“Can I get you something to drink then?” Sid nodded. He looked around to see if he could locate a waiter.

An idle mind is the devil’s playground

An idle mind is the devil’s playground. Have you ever heard of this quote? What does this quote mean?  Does it mean that we have to keep ourselves busy all day? Keep ourselves busy so that we won’t do any activities which we will regret? What do you think?

An idle mindMost people when they have nothing to do (read bored) watch television. While watching television they think, well it is time for a snack. You get yourself a bag of potato chips and finish the whole bag. Instead of finishing a whole bag of potato chips you could have gone for a walk, enjoy the weather or done some small chores.  Don’t get me wrong, watching television is not a sin; it can be very relaxing, especially after a hard day working. But at the same time it should not be the only activity (can we call watching television an activity?) we can think of when we are bored. Isn’t it important to trigger our minds once in a while?  To learn something new, in order to protect ourselves from the “idle mind”.

Nowadays people are glued to their screens watching one show after another, their mind on zero, forgetting about what goes around them. And then we are complaining that we are too busy and too tired. If we are not watching our television screen we are watching the most popular screens of all, the telephone screen updating our statuses, posting pictures on social media, checking our email making us anti social creatures. Did you know that many people are afraid to call someone; they rather send a text message. (hmmm next blog topic?). Are screens our lifelines?

To prevent an idle mind we should keep learning, keep ourselves busy. And learning doesn’t mean that you have to join a master course. Learning can be done in many ways, by talking to people about various subjects, by watching a gardening tutorial (note: we are using the screen to learn), by reading about various subjects, by joining an art class course. And most important we should teach our kids what they can do when they are bored. Make a list together with your kids, write down what projects they want to do and let them pick one project when they are bored and all they want to do is watching television.

So how do you prevent and idle mind?

(Great way to prevent and idle mind  watch cooking videos on YouTube for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDSav_gn_lQ&list=PLrw59gJ6sVyFzXXVQW8dZd6Q0_MTzdYjj&index=1)