Tag: bookworm

Part 29: “If only you weren’t married…”

Trisha’s head was spinning. She tried to keep her tears back. It would be rude to refuse him, wouldn’t it? Besides, what else was there to do? She kept quiet and nodded, afraid that Sid might hear that she was on the edge of crying. They both walked side by side to the dance floor. Sid put his hand on her upper back and took her right hand. Trisha put her hand on his shoulders. His perfume smelled masculine and sweet, which made her heart beat faster. She could feel his hand on her back which gave her a tingly feeling. She felt butterflies in her stomach and forgot all about her tears. 

“You are a great dancer, Trisha,” Sid looked into her eyes.

 “Thank you,” she said in a soft voice. She noticed that his eyes were calm and gentle. His smile was to die for, and his eyes sparkled.

From the corner of her eyes, Trisha noticed Jen staring at them. She didn’t look amused. Trisha could see the fire in the woman’s eyes which gave her the chills. Jen pressed her perfectly painted red lips together and looked away, giving her a side-eye. The song ended, and Sid thanked Trisha for the dance. She smiled at him, and they both walked back to their table. Trisha excused herself and walked towards the lady’s room. She needed to be alone. When Trisha entered the lady’s room, she was glad to find out that no one was there. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. “Get a hold of yourself, Trisha,” said her inner voice. She opened the tap and washed her hands with cold water, hoping it would calm her.

 She strolled back and saw Jen standing beside Sid. “Sid darling, I would love to dance with you,” she said in a sulking tone, pushing her breast forward. Sid leaned backward and then stood up. He did not look amused. Trisha could hear that Jen had too much wine. She looked at Peter, who looked embarrassed at his wife.

Sid gave her a broad smile. “If only you weren’t married. I don’t dance with a married woman who doesn’t belong to my inner circle. I am sorry, Jen.”

Jen’s head turned red, but she quickly recomposed herself. “You truly are a gentleman! We don’t see many of your species around. If you all will excuse me,” she said with a forced smile.

“Jen, darling, shall we get going?”

Jen looked at her husband with a doting smile “the party has just started, darling! I know people your age need to get to bed early, but I want to enjoy life. After all, I am still young.”

Pete nodded and took a sip from his water. He looked small, although he was a big man. Trisha felt sorry for the way Jen treated Pete. She couldn’t help herself thinking whether Jen loved Pete or did she marry him for money. “Don’t go there,” said her inner voice “he is a grown man. He knows what he is doing.”

“That is what you get when you marry a younger beautiful woman. There comes a time that you are too old to keep up with them. But I wouldn’t miss her for the world. She is my Jen!” He said to no one in particular.

“Can I get you something to drink?” Fan’s husband looked at Pete. “They have an open bar,” he said with a smile.

“Could you get me a whiskey on the rocks? I could use one now.”

Fan’s husband nodded and looked around “anyone cares for a drink?”

“Girls, I need to go to use the girl’s room. Are you coming with me?” Fan looked at her friends.

“This baby is pushing at my blather. I am coming with you. But I can’t walk fast. My feet have swollen up. “I can’t wait till I can wear heels again.”

“I will join you,” said Trisha and looked at Meera. “Are you ok?”

When they returned from the lady’s room, the three decided to see what the dessert buffet offered.

Meera walked past the buffet, her brown eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “This is what I call mouth-watering. I wish the buffet were next to ours so I could sample it all. I cannot heap up my plate, can I? It will look like I am being greedy, don’t you think so? Besides, I am a lady.” She looked at her friends, who both agreed with a nod and a smile. They both knew that Meera didn’t care what others thought of her.

“Aren’t you having anything,”? Meera looked at Trisha’s plate, which had one small piece of chocolate brownie on it. “Trish, grab some more food for me. I am going to our table. I need to eat this now.”

Trisha looked amused at Meera, who looked pleased with her plate.

 “But what do you want?” Trisha looked confused at the buffet.

“I am not picky. You choose my baby is feeling hungry. Let’s go! Trisha will catch up. I need to eat! My mouth is watering. Ooh, Trisha, I want two éclairs; pick the big ones.” She looked at her plate. Her eyes were filled with joy. “See you in a bit.”

Trisha did as Meera had asked her to do. She filled up her plate and put two big éclairs on her plate. Then she heard a woman’s voice.

“Someone is hungry today.”

Part 28: “These Are Certainly Not Worker’s Hands.”

“I missed you,” said Jen to Sid in a soft voice. “My, my, aren’t your hands soft? These are certainly not worker’s hands.” She looked flirtish at Sid and pressed her red lips together.

“I think I have a phone call.” He reached for his phone in the pocket of his trouser, freeing his hand. He stared at the screen with a surprised face. He seemed to be distracted. Was it because of the missed call or because of Jen? The three could tell that Sid felt uncomfortable by Jen’s behaviour.  

“Is everything ok, Sid?” Jen looked at him like a tigress ready to jump on her prey any minute.

“Yes, everything is ok,” he said and then turned to Trisha. “Can we switch seats, please? I would love to get to know Meera’s husband better.”

Trisha looked surprised. “Of course, we can.” When she stood up, she felt Jen’s eyes fixated on her. She did as if she didn’t notice but could see Jen’s disapproving look.

“Are you leaving me, Sid?” Jen sulked like a little kid.

“Jen, darling, leave that boy alone. He is just switching seats with that pretty lady. Now you can talk to her.”

Jen looked at her husband, her eyes sending him the message to keep his mouth shut. Peter put his hand on top of her hand and looked at his wife with a smile. Jen quickly removed her hand. The entire table, except for Chris and Sid, who were in a deep conversation, noticed how Jen treated her husband. Making them all wonder if she loved her much older husband.

Wedding Couple

The DJ announcing the wedding couples’ first dance drew their attention to the newlyweds. Meera and Fan looked at Trisha and smiled at her. Jen noticed the three friends exchanging glances. She raised her eyebrows and looked curious at Trisha.

“Now join the newlyweds on the dancefloor; let’s give them a night to remember,” the DJ said. Jen reluctantly accepted her husband’s invitation to dance with him and tried to make eye contact with Sid but much to her dislike, he hadn’t noticed.

You look wonderful tonight

Trisha and Sid were the only ones left at their table. Trisha was uncomfortable and stared at the dance floor without saying a word. Her mind wandered off to the day she got married. She scolded herself for her memory of going there once again. Her stomach was in a knot, and she felt alone among 200 people. ” Trisha,” said her inner voice, “why do you keep returning to that question? Why do you torture yourself? What good will it do? You have decided to move on, didn’t you? Why torture yourself? The past is the past. Let it be. See it as a life lesson, a very hard one.”

“You know, I am enjoying myself; it has been a long time since I have allowed myself to do something else besides my work.”

Hearing Sid’s voice made Trisha come back to reality. “Sorry, did you say something?”

“It seems like you were distracted for a second.”

“Yes, I was. I am sorry.”

“It is ok,” said Sid. He watched the wedding guest as they were having a good time on the dance floor.

“Come on, guys! Join the newlyweds on the dance floor! It is time to take it slow,” the DJ said in a flirtatious voice.

Trisha heard Eric Clapton’s ‘You look wonderful tonight,’ filling the air. The song she had danced to on her wedding day. Her then prince had especially requested this song for his princess. Trisha felt choked up and hoped that she wouldn’t start crying.

 ‘You heard what he said.” Sid stood up. “Shall we?” he asked with a big smile.

Part 26: She looked seductive at Sid…

“It is my best friend’s sister’s wedding.”

 “Ooh, I see. The groom is a college friend of mine. Unfortunately, we don’t see each other that much anymore.”

Trisha nodded, “I know what you mean. We don’t see each other that much anymore.” She pointed with her head towards her two friends who were talking with each other. Trisha knew who they were talking about, “Mr. Eye Candy,” of course.

She looked seductive at Sid.

“You two know each other,” said Jen as she rudely interrupted their conversation. “I am sorry, I overheard you talking to each other.”

“We do,” said Sid with a charming smile. “What is Jen your relationship with the wedding couple, Jen?”

“I am a gym friend of the bride. I am very honoured to be invited to their wedding.” She looked seductive at Sid.

“Aah, ok.” Sid turned his head and looked at Trisha. “It is wonderful to see you again, Trisha.”

Trisha smiled, not knowing what to say. “It is a small world.”

“Excuse me,” said a waiter. He had two big platters with appetizers in his hand, which he carefully put on the table. “Enjoy,” he said with a genuine smile as he walked away.

“Well, that looks scrumptious, doesn’t it?” Jen moved closer to Sid, “I believe we should tuck in,” as she popped an olive into her mouth. “They plated it with such care; eating it is almost a sin.”

Trisha agreed with Jen; the platter looked scrumptious, stacked with olives, almonds, cheeses, and several pieces of fruit, crackers, and salads. Like the ones, you saw in food magazines.

“You know, Sid,” Jen said in a soft voice but loud enough for Trisha to hear, “watermelon is an aphrodisiac food.”

She looked mischievous at Sid as she took a bite of the watermelon.

“Sweety,” she looked at her husband Peter, who had stacked his plate with several kinds of cheese and crackers. She rolled her eyes. “Peter, you shouldn’t eat that much cheese. It makes you fat.”

Peter looked at his wife. “I know, but these cheeses are too good!” He took a bite of his cracker with a thick slice of cheese. “Besides, I am already married.” He winked at his wife, who rolled her eyes.

Sid took a bite of a cracker with cheese. “You are right, Peter. The cheese is delicious.”

Peter smiled at him and nodded. “See, Jen, that young man agrees with me.”

Jen mumbled something to her herself and looked disgusted at her husband. She put a piece of fig in her mouth and whispered in Sid’s ear, “figs are also aphrodisiacs.”

Trisha watched Jen’s behaviour and wondered if Sid was falling for her charms. She was an attractive woman. There was no doubt about that.

“Trisha, aren’t you having something to eat?”

“I am,” she said as she scooped up some olives and a cracker. She smiled at her friends, who were watching her like a hawk. 

“Is that all you are going to have?” he said surprisedly. “I am starving, I haven’t had the time to have lunch today.”

“I am not that hungry,” Trisha lied.

“Can I get you something to drink then?” Sid nodded. He looked around to see if he could locate a waiter.

Part 25: “Why Was he grinning like Batman?”

The wedding venue is beautiful, Meghan,” said Trisha. “And the garden is death gorgeous. It amazes me how peaceful it is even with all the guests.”

“It is isn’t it,” Meghan looked at the garden as if it was the first time she had seen it. “April took us venue hunting every weekend but it was worth it.“ I better check where my children and husband are.” She looked around to see if she could spot her children. “Girls, dinner will be served in fifteen minutes, don’t be late. I have been on a champagne diet since this morning, I could eat a horse!” She winked at her friends. “Don’t be late girls.”
Trisha watched Meghan walking towards her husband. She had always been the sensible one between the four of them. It was Meghan who looked after them when they went out.

Dinner Time

They all sat down at their table which was set for 8 people. A couple joined them a few minutes later and introduced themselves as Jen and Peter. Trisha guessed that the age difference between Jen and Peter was at least 30 years. What brought these two souls together?

The seat next to Trisha was still empty. She was having small talk with Jen when a familiar voice distracted her.

“Hi, seems like I am seated here, nice to meet you all.” He looked at Trisha with a surprised grin on his face.
What was he doing here? And why was he grinning like ‘Batman’? Mr. ‘Eyecandy’ looked dead gorgeous in his navy blue designer suit.

Meera gave Trisha a thumbs-up when Sid was shaking hands with her husband. “Gorgeous” she mouthed at Trisha. Trisha kept her face straight and continued talking to Jen. But was distracted by the fact that Sid would sit next to her probably for the whole evening. She felt excited and nervous at the same time.

Mr. Eye Candy

“Hi, nice to meet you,” Sid said to Jen as he stretched his hand to greet her. Jen looked at him and Trisha noticed the flirtatious smile on her face. From the corner of her eyes, she looked at Pete but he was in conversation with Fan’s husband.

“The pleasure is all mine,” she said and pressed her red-painted lips. Sid smiled at her showing his perfect white teeth, released his hand from Jen’s, who still holding onto his hand, and looked at Trisha.

“If only I could wrap my arms around him,” she said to herself. “Trisha, don’t get any ideas. Girls must be lining up for him. Jen is already all over him.” It was Trisha’s inner voice.

Trisha noticed Jen staring at Sid as if she had found a treasure she was not willing to share.
“I didn’t expect to see you here, Trisha. It is a small world.” He said while he sat down.

Part 21: When life gives you lemons…

“Don’t worry about me mom. You should go on that cruise.” Then her mother paused. “You can come along if you want to.”

“That is nice of you. But I’ll pass. I can take care of myself, don’t worry about me. Just book the cruise.”

Trisha’s mother poured some tea for the both of them and handed Trisha a slice of chocolate cake. She then picked up the brochure and flipped through the pages. “This is the cruise I am thinking about.”

Trisha put down her plate and scanned the route. “This sounds amazing! So you start in Florida and you end in Italy? It is a world tour on a boat.”

“Yes it is. Trisha, are you sure you don’t want to join me?”

You should go

Trisha started laughing. “Maa, you sound like Amitabh Bachan on ‘Kaun banega crorpati’.  Are you sure, are you positive? Trisha laughed. “You should really go on this cruise. Don’t think about me. For once think about yourself not about others.”

Her mother smiled. “You are not others Trisha. You are my child. And no matter what, I will always be thinking about you.” Her mother took a sip from her tea. “Since I started working, I started saving money and called it ‘One Day’. I just saved money not knowing where to spend it on. And then I saw this cruise.  It is a lifetime opportunity. I am very excited!”

“So you should be! It is very exciting.” Trisha picked up her plate and took a bite. “Chocolate cake is the best invention ever! When will you be leaving?”

“The cruise leaves in January.”

“I am so happy for you Maa.”

Her mother took a sip from her tea and looked dreamy at the magazines on the coffee table. “I have saved enough to take you with me.”

“That is so nice of you. But I don’t want to go on a cruise, mom.”

Karan’s Mother

 Her mother sighed and pressed her lips “You know who called me last night?”

Trisha shook her head.

“Karan’s mother.”

“Did she?,” Trisha’s voice sounded surpirsed.

“What did she have to say?”

“She was asking about you. How you were doing. And what had happened shouldn’t have happened. That her son is an idiot and that she hoped… that you two would get back together.”

“When did she call you? I bumped into her at the supermarket last Friday. She was saying the same thing to me.” Trisha sighed. “I am not going back to Karan. I cannot forgive him for what he has done to me. I can’t.”

Her mother nodded. “Yes, I can imagine” she said in a soft voice.

“I have felt so miserable for the past two years. There were happy moments, I was not miserable all the time but I think most of the time.  I don’t know what happened but last Monday I decided that I had mourned enough. It was time to move forward. I threw everything out that reminded me of him.”

 “You have to do what is best for you. I am so happy to see your eyes sparkle again, like they used to.  Don’t lose that sparkle Trisha. You should do as to what makes you happy my child.”

 “Yes maa, I just realize that now.” She hugged her mother. “I Will miss you when you are on the cruise.”

“The offer still stands. I saved enough for two persons.”

