Do you ever read fashion magazines? What do you notice about the cover girl/woman? They look flawless, right? When in real life, most of them are not. Like every other women they too have their bad and good days. They are humans after all.


Many years ago a friend of mine wanted to have the same makeup look like J Lo.  She went to the beauty store with the magazine cover and told the makeup artist what she wanted. My friend was so excited about her new soon to be makeup look. Then the makeup artist told her the bad news, we can’t make that look for you. That picture is heavily photoshopped!

We are being fooled all the time and not only by fashion magazines. What about the travel industry posting a picture on the internet with just the most perfect blue sky you could ever imagine. Or the food industry making that cookie or burger look so yummy you just want to buy it. We are being lied to all the times. Is it because, we would not buy that product if it was not photoshopped, would it not look attractive enough?

Then there is this other question. Are all the women who are wearing makeup photoshopping themselves? I don’t see it that way. Most of them are enhancing their beauty. And some of them are, let’s say “over enhancing” their beauty. I believe that there is nothing wrong with enhancing your beauty. Men and women have been using makeup many thousands of years ago.

The other day someone showed me their wedding album. The pictures were beautiful but most of them were photoshopped. So nowadays the photographer skill is not to shoot beautiful pictures. His skill is photoshop? Or is it a combination of the right shoot and photoshop?