To go or not to go to the gym?

Should I go to the gym or not…? How many times have you made excuses not to go to the gym? Let phase it. Once you come home from work, made dinner and did all the household chores most of us feel too exhausted to go the gym. When you decided to go the gym how many of you have to hurry to get in time for the gym because that class you wanted to attend will start in seven minutes. And if you decide not to go to the gym, there is always this guilty feeling for not going, which raises your stress levels, sounds familiar? Going to the gym is about lowering your stress levels right? Stressing to go the gym can’t be good for our health, especially if we didn’t want to go in the first place.

To go or not to go to the gym

So what can we do about it? If you really don’t like to go the gym, stop going to the gym. Start doing any form of exercise when it suits your agenda, do what you love and when you are relaxed and not in a hurry mode, which makes exercising more fun. An incredibly easy form of exercise is walking. Just put on your sneakers and start walking for half an hour. The fresh air will do you good. If you don’t like to walk alone, ask a friend or colleague along (why not walk during your lunch break). In a few weeks you will be able to walk for an hour without any stops and you will be addicted to walking. (Yes, you can get addicted to walking, I know several “walking addicts”) But whatever you do don’t forget to listen to your body. Why not make walking a family activity during the weekend? It is an easy, fun, cheap and a great way to spend quality time together, away from all the hustle and bustle at home.

And if walking is your “thing” don’t forget to cancel your subscription at the gym. You no longer have to ask yourself the question: To go or not to go to the gym.

Poverty in the Western world

poverty-96293_640Being poor in the Western world? It does sound strange? But it is reality! There are many people, who are having problems making end meets. Lower income families try not to indulge themselves with luxury products like luxury clothes for their kids. They are living from paycheck to paycheck. When they have to buy new clothes for their kids their stress level rises. Also birthday parties of family and friends can lead to sleepless nights. How are they going to pay for all that? In order to keep up the appearances or to avoid social exclusion they start overspending. All this can lead to stress and significant financial problems. In the West it is called hidden poverty. According to The Netherlands Institute for Social Research the number of people living below the norm amount increased from 600,000 to 850,000 households in the Netherlands. The poverty rate is mainly increasing due to the current economic recession in Europe and the rest of world.

Poverty can also lead to eating disorders like for example obesity. Healthy food like fruit and vegetables are expensive. Lower income families are therefore forced to buy convenience food like pizzas, fries, frozen food and hamburgers. Convenience food is cheap, however also unhealthy. Unhealthy often means high sugar, high calorie and high fat food. In addition they have no money to pay for a sport club or for a gym membership. We all know a lack of exercise can results in obesity. But it can also have a negative impact on their future health.

I was astonished that in a country like the Netherlands 1 out of 7 children are going to school on an empty stomach. As we all know breakfast is an important start of the day. Studies have shown that kids who have breakfast perform better in the classroom. They will have more energy and a much better concentration.

How to fight poverty? On the one hand the government should simply start creating jobs and economic growth. How? The government should increase spending by borrowing at negative rates in the capital market. They should for example invest in infrastructural projects, to support innovations i.e. become Europe’s Silicon Valley, in education and in the transformation to green energy.

On the other hand it’s inspiring and heart warming that there are many organisations, run by volunteers, who are helping the lower income families. In the Netherlands there are 162 food banks who are distributing food to those in need. Furthermore there are organisations that are making sure that children are getting a healthy dinner at least once a week.

What can we do? First stop judging! Never be fooled what you see on the outside because on the inside it’s often a different story. Imagine how difficult a step to the food bank must be for them. Second we can work as a volunteer. Third we can donate money or food to the food bank. So next time when we see volunteers in the supermarket asking for food for those in need: let’s donate whatever you can give!

Author: Mr. Babblewell

Sugar the hidden fat-maker

Sugar the hidden fat-maker
Sugar the hidden fat-maker

Are you one of those people who just love to buy a hot steamy drink at their favourite coffee chain on their way to work? There is nothing better than to sip a hot chocolate or a steamy fancy “chai” when it is cold outside, don’t you agree? By the way do you avoid sodas because they contain quite a lot of sugar? Well I got news for you. Fact alert: your hot drink might contain even more sugar then the sodas you banned from your daily diet? This is an eye opener isn’t? Are you “craving” for the facts here are some details:

Starbucks: Hot Mulled Fruit (Grape with Chai, Orange and Cinnamon), Venti – 25 teaspoons

Costa Coffee: Chai Latte Massimo – 20 teaspoons

Starbucks: White Chocolate Mocha with Whipped Cream, Venti – 18 teaspoons (was my personal favourite, not anymore, 18 teaspoons of sugar!)

For full details please visit:

Our food is “poisioned” with hidden sugar. We consume it daily without even knowing that we are having it. A few examples are: bread, sauces like ketchup or barbecue sauce, your healthy fruit juice, your favourite pasta sauce or your favourite fruit yoghurt. Are you buying low fat products because you think it might be healthier? Well I got another fact alert for you. In order to hide the bland taste of your low fat product they “just” add some extra sugar. All the “healthy” granola bars widely available nowadays may seem healthy but do contain a lot of sugar, most of them contain dried fruits, honey or another sugar in disguise which you as a consumer are not aware of. Sugar makes our food taste better and we are addicted to the taste without even knowing it.

How can we avoid the intake of hidden sugars? The easiest ways is, let’s call it the first option, to limit the amount of processed food and make our own food. But how can we make this happen with the limited amount of spare time we have. Due to our busy lives most of us are pressed for time. The second option is awareness, read ingredient labels. The third option is a mix of the first and second option. For example you could make your own fruit yoghurt by adding fruits to plain yoghurt or make your own pasta sauce. You even could make your own bread if you have time for it that is or are willing to make time for it.

Once you’re used to making your own food you will notice how much better it tastes and you know what you are eating. If you have some spare time left maybe you would like to try to make your own bread. Here’s a video from The Bread Kitchen of how to make your own bread, Titli has some great bread recipes!:

Happy baking!

What happened to our educational system?

Our little Maharadja is six years old. He goes to primary school. He wants to become a policeman or an archaeologist. He loves to play on his playstation, with his Lego and to tinker. He also likes to talk about various subjects like dinosaurs, the police, cartoons and the universe. Above all he is curious about how many things are being made. As a parent we believe that education is the foundation for his career in life.  We therefore strive for the best education for our little Maharadja. Hence we take co-responsibility for his education. Although a successful career is important but material success should not be fundamental for happiness! As long as he loves what he is doing nothing else should matter.

But I am astonished about the current workload at his primary school. Nowadays a lot is expected from our children at school. Our Maharadja already needs to read, to write, telling time and do mathematics. Furthermore his school is assessing his skills against the national standards twice a year! It will not come as a surprise but his standard is way higher compared to what we needed to know at his age. Remember? I understand the necessity of testing our children at school. On the one hand it helps to monitor their progress, to identify who needs additional support and to fill the gaps. The ultimate goal is to set a high standard for performance. But on the other hand a label can also have negative consequences for a child i.e. it can develop into a stigma. With such a label parents and teachers will most likely focus on the child’s weaknesses instead of their capabilities and strengths. As a result our children can become de-motivated, lose their self-esteem and above all their interest in learning. What a stress for a child at his age! Every day I am wondering what happened to our educational system i.e. what happened to the fun at primary school?


We do have dedicated teachers committed to educate our children. But they cannot give every child the attention they need. On the one hand classes are too large. This will have an impact on their teaching effectiveness. On the other hand the high workload and the stress to perform. A primary teacher needs to prepare classes, assess children and to write many development reports for parents and management. This is just a tip of the iceberg. As a consequence too much time is being spent on administrative duties instead of on children’s education.

So what should we do? I guess without our help many children will not be able to meet and cope with the high standard set by the school system. We need to take our responsibility for the sake of our children. Without our help our children can fall between two tools. The time we spend educating at home can be just enough for them not to get discouraged at school. Children, who will become discouraged will get frustrated, will lose their self-esteem and will get bored. In addition they will have a lack of confidence and will stop dreaming. We need to stop the downward spiral. I do understand that they need to make their own future. But it is our responsibility to make sure they stay on track.  If necessary we need to help them with their homework. Last but not least let’s not forget there should be a healthy balance between playing, having fun and making homework.

Remember we need to inspire and help our children to become the architect of their own future.

Author: Mr. Babblewell

Sweatpants and the stay at home mom

Sweatpants, are so comfy? Don’t you agree? If you’re a working mom, there is nothing better than to change from your “work clothes” into something much more comfortable. They say this “changing ritual” relaxes our mind. But is it ok to wear sweatpants all the time? If you are happy wearing sweatpants all the time then go for it, or not?

Many stay at home mom’s, have the tendency to wear sweatpants or yoga pants all the time.  It’s just super comfortable and easy with kids. The moms are so busy with the kids, household chores, sports games and so on that they just forget about themselves. And before the moms realize it, the sweatpants have become their day to day clothes, their costume. It just happened like that, from one day to another.


For many stay at home moms everything is about the kids and household chores. They are so occupied that they just forgot to take care of themselves. Or maybe they don’t allow themselves some “me time”. If this sounds familiar to you, take out some old pictures (of happy moments!) and take a look at yourself. This was the woman you were before the kids and you can be this woman again but now with kids and all the household chores. This is another stage in your life.

Let me tell you a secret….. household chores are never ending chores. You have to realize that. Why don’t you allow yourself to get out of those sweatpants or yoga pants? And allow yourself 7 minutes of “me time”. Allow yourself to be you again and the mom and the wife but without those sweatpants. Allow yourself to take care of yourself.  You deserve this.

Please do read my post about “me time”:

What is your perfect “stay at home mom” daily outfit?

Your dream is not for sale

Everything in life starts with a dream, like every child dreams of becoming an actor, a fire-fighter or a doctor. But as we grow up we stop pursuing our dreams. Why? On the one hand we conform ourselves to the aspirations and ambitions set by our parents. On the other hand we are reluctant to step outside of our comfort zone as soon as we have a job and responsibilities. Responsibilities like for example a mortgage or a family.  Apparently the most important obstacle between you and your dream is being comfortable with your current situation. In other words you are satisfied with the good instead of pursuing for the best. This is a natural reaction.

list-800759_640 (1)But whenever we are forced to leave our comfort zone we start following our dreams again. An obvious trigger is when we are being made redundant. Losing our job is never a pleasant situation. It could lead to financial and social stress. But losing your job should not be the end of the world. As soon as you have reclaimed your situation you will realize that you have taken important things in your life, like your dream, for granted. We are therefore willing to look at new opportunities and use our skills in a better and more fulfilling way. As a result you will be in control of your own life again. You will be doing work that you really love to do. On the one hand you can consider finding a job that is connected to you dream. On the other hand you can start  your own business. As an entrepreneur you need to be convinced that your dream can provide you with a sustainable source of income.

But the path to your dream is not easy. You need to have endurance, a lot of perseverance and above all support from your family and friends. Failure and discouragement will always be part of your journey. But failure can be the foundation for your success. Thomas Edison once stated “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Remember those who never tried will always fail i.e. follow your dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs. So let’s take control of our own life and follow our own dreams!

Author: Mr. Babblewell

Food cravings after the holidays

The second week of January 2016 already, time flies doesn’t? Did you make any new year’s resolutions or did you already chuck them in the bin? Well if you did, it is never too late to get them out of the bin or later this year when you are ready.  It is never too late.

It is never too late to pick up your studies, never too late to call that dear friend, never too late to lose those extra pounds. Speaking about those extra pounds, don’t you have cravings for some extras and we are not talking about carrot and celery sticks here.  Well I know I do. I always try to “satisfy” my cravings with healthy options like a fruit salad with a little dot of whipped cream for example, or some yummy walnuts and almonds.

The other day I was craving for something more. What recipes did I have to satisfy my cravings? It had to be a recipe which was a healthy one and quick to make. I decided on making an oatmeal crumble apple pie, a low fat version, but yummy enough to satisfy my cravings only 120 calories per serving (estimated). This recipe is not for people who are on a carb and/or fat free diet….


This recipe is a keeper. It would go well with a dot of vanilla ice cream and some whipped cream, if you would like to turn it into a not so healthy version. But hey it is January and I have been sampling quite a lot of yummy stuff during the holidays, I am sticking to this healthy version for now that is. I would only make a few changes to this recipe. I would decrease the amount of sugar with 2 teaspoons. It was a little bit too sweet for me. And I would use more apples, a mix of sweet and tart apples.


Here’s the link for the recipe:

Happy baking!

It is that time of the year, the holiday season

Yes, it is that time of the year, December. It is holiday season! Don’t you just love the holiday season or do you think it is overrated?

Holiday Season

For me December is watching lots of Christmas movies and picking up my crochet projects from last year, family, baking, cooking and eating. And since four years we also have a Christmas tree. When our little Maharadja turned two he also “wanted” a Christmas tree of his “own”. I don’t mind setting up the Christmas tree but taking down the Christmas decorations and the tree….. But I guess that nobodies favorite part.

I know many people who love the holiday season but dread the extra calories. It’s a fact, during the holiday season we tend to eat more. I know I do (but in moderation).  And how can we resist all the yummy things which are presented in front of us? Someone took the time and effort to create the yummy goodies so it is our “obligation” to sample every single item. And the trick is doing this without feeling totally stuffed. You know what I am talking about, don’t you?

Holiday Season
Gingerbread house

Hmmmm……. Is it not a good idea to prepare our body for the holiday season? Before, we indulge ourselves in all the goodies.  And by prepare I do not mean to eat something extra each day, so that our tummy can get used to al the extras we are having a week before and after Christmas. Although that would be a great idea wouldn’t it?

Why not prepare our body by eating in moderation and doing some extra work outs two weeks before it “all” starts? (Like going for an extra walk or whatever works for you.)  Why not eat some more vegetables and fruits to prepare our body for the” upcoming” goodies we are going to have in a few weeks time.

But on the other hand why we do eat so much during the holiday season? Do we have a green card to go “bananas” during the holiday season? Isn’t our body our temple? Or are we looking forward to eating lots and lots of food which will lead to extra weight and lots of frustration in January, for some of us.

What plans do you have for the holiday season?

My friend the kitchen princess

Are you a kitchen princess? Or are you in the process becoming one? Some of us love to cook and others just dread the thought of cooking. They just don’t like cooking which shows in whatever they are cooking. But then again we are human and everybody has their own interest. If you don’t like cooking you just don’t like cooking. I bet you have other skills which some kitchen princess’s lack.

(By the way if you’re wondering if I am a kitchen princess. Well I don’t see myself as a kitchen princess. I am still in the process of becoming one. The day I can cook like my mom I will officially declare myself as a kitchen princess.)

I have a friend (and yes she knows I am writing about her). She is not a kitchen princess and admits that she doesn’t want to become one either. She just doesn’t like cooking.  When she was in college she survived eating sandwiches and noodles. She once even almost set the kitchen on fire but that was not totally her fault. She was at a friend’s place, and this friend asked her to turn on the oven, which she did. Little did she know that they used the oven as a cupboard, setting whatever was in the oven on fire…But hey I don’t think that was her fault, do you? I did learn a wise lesson. If you’re at someone’s place and they ask you turn on the oven, take a look into the oven before turning on the oven.

But even people who don’t like to cook have the urge to cook or bake something. So my friend was craving for some cake. And she decided to bake a fresh cake for the guests who were in the living room. So she started on mixing the cake, which was from a box, so far so good. (Well not so good, I believe she told me the whole kitchen was a mess, from one cake box). Then she opened a cupboard and saw some a bottle of red coloring and decided let’s make some red velvet cake. Every sane person would add a drop of red food coloring but she dumped the whole bottle into the cake batter. At this stage somebody walked in and asked her what she was doing.  Don’t you see I am making red velvet cake. Then this person saw the empty bottle of food coloring and started to laugh. Making the others come in the kitchen and they all had a good laugh. My friend is totally not embarrassed about her kitchen disasters. She laughs about her disasters and shares her disasters with others, which I now share with you.

Red velvet cake

My friend why don’t you try this foolproof cake recipe the next time? Don’t use a “boxed cake”, know your food. Good luck and please do invite me to taste the cake.

So are you a kitchen princess?

Food wastage

Food wastage….. How much food do you waste weekly? How much food do you throw away because….

apple-pie-6007_640Food wastage is a big problem especially in the Western countries. We throw away so much food which the poor and hungry could only dream about. But why doesn’t that stop us from throwing food away? Because we just don’t think about it if we throw away those bruised apples. Those bruised apples could be turned into a yummy apple pancake, an apple sponge cake, a smoothie or maybe even apple sauce. If the solutions are that easy why don’t we do it? There are many reasons why we don’t do it. We are tired, we are busy or we are just plain lazy. Or we are ….  Just fill in the dots.  And did you know that you could make these dishes within 15 minutes. But still many of us choose to throw away those bruised apples which we worked so hard for so we could afford them. May be the next time when we want to throw away food we have to remember that we or our spouse woke up early in the morning to earn money so that those apples could be bought. And we have to realize that those apples did not magically appear in the supermarket or at the farmers market. A lot of effort has been put into growing these apples. Are we taking food for granted?

food-693306_640There are so many things we could do with leftover food. You could make your own fresh homemade croutons, a grilled cheese sandwich, French toast. Leftover meat or poultry could be turned into an easy tomato sauce. Vegetables just lying on the fridge waiting to be thrown away could be turned into a soup. Or add them to your tomato sauce.

Shouldn’t we actually be more aware of all the food that we have in the fridge or in our cupboards? In my opinion one of the solutions to keep food wastage to a minimum is to cook with leftovers once or twice a week.  And don’t forget to look into your cupboard because those canned goods you bought when they were on sale will expire eventually.

How are you going to keep food wastage to a minimum?