Part 22: “A call from her ex-husband…”

“No, you go and save the extra money for another holiday. Trisha looked at her mother with a mischievous smile. “Are you really going alone?”

“Don’t be silly.  I cannot handle a man in my life at my age.” Her mother shook her head.

“Your age… how old do you think you are, eighty?”

“Her mother sighed, I am happy just by myself, Trish.” Her mother smiled.  “Can we go shopping sometime soon? I need some new dresses to wear to the dinner on the cruise.”

“I’d loved that. Let me know when. We can make it a mother and daughters day.”


Two weeks had passed since Trisha decided it was time to make changes to her life.

She was still in bed since it was Saturday. She peeked at her alarm clock.  It was 9 in the morning. Instead of staying in yesterday, as she would usually do she went on a dinner date with her cousin who also happened to be her best friend. Afterwards, they went to a rooftop cocktail bar where they met some friends. Trisha closed her eyes and decided to stay in bed for another half hour.

Just as she wanted to take a bite of her tuna salad sandwich her phone rang. She shook her hair which was still damp from her shower. Since she wasn’t going anywhere today she decided not to blow dry her hair. Besides, it was raining cats and dogs, who wanted to go out in this weather anyway?  

Annoyed she looked at the screen and was astonished about the caller, Karan.  Trisha deleted his number from her phone the day she had decided to change her life. She sighed and reached for her phone. Why was he calling her? What did he want now? She stared at her phone as if it was a magic device. Then she put her phone away and turned on the TV and took a bite of her sandwich.  Her phone started to ring, again. Trisha peeked and saw Karan’s number. She took another deep sigh and picked up the phone.

I want you back…

“Hello,” she said in a blank voice, putting her plate on the coffee table.

“Hi Trisha, how are you doing?”

“You called me to ask how I am doing?” Her voice sounded impatient.

“I stopped by at your apartment yesterday evening, but you weren’t home.”

“So, you are calling me to say that I wasn’t home yesterday? I don’t want anything to do with you, Karan. Stay away from me.”

It was quite on the other end of the line. “I have been a real fool, Trisha! I shouldn’t have done what I have done. Now I know what I lost and it hurts me a lot. We are humans, Trisha, and humans do make mistakes. We are not perfect. Why don’t we go out for a drink like…old friends or maybe new friends? Maybe we can start dating again and patch things up? What do you think?”

Part 21: When life gives you lemons…

“Don’t worry about me mom. You should go on that cruise.” Then her mother paused. “You can come along if you want to.”

“That is nice of you. But I’ll pass. I can take care of myself, don’t worry about me. Just book the cruise.”

Trisha’s mother poured some tea for the both of them and handed Trisha a slice of chocolate cake. She then picked up the brochure and flipped through the pages. “This is the cruise I am thinking about.”

Trisha put down her plate and scanned the route. “This sounds amazing! So you start in Florida and you end in Italy? It is a world tour on a boat.”

“Yes it is. Trisha, are you sure you don’t want to join me?”

You should go

Trisha started laughing. “Maa, you sound like Amitabh Bachan on ‘Kaun banega crorpati’.  Are you sure, are you positive? Trisha laughed. “You should really go on this cruise. Don’t think about me. For once think about yourself not about others.”

Her mother smiled. “You are not others Trisha. You are my child. And no matter what, I will always be thinking about you.” Her mother took a sip from her tea. “Since I started working, I started saving money and called it ‘One Day’. I just saved money not knowing where to spend it on. And then I saw this cruise.  It is a lifetime opportunity. I am very excited!”

“So you should be! It is very exciting.” Trisha picked up her plate and took a bite. “Chocolate cake is the best invention ever! When will you be leaving?”

“The cruise leaves in January.”

“I am so happy for you Maa.”

Her mother took a sip from her tea and looked dreamy at the magazines on the coffee table. “I have saved enough to take you with me.”

“That is so nice of you. But I don’t want to go on a cruise, mom.”

Karan’s Mother

 Her mother sighed and pressed her lips “You know who called me last night?”

Trisha shook her head.

“Karan’s mother.”

“Did she?,” Trisha’s voice sounded surpirsed.

“What did she have to say?”

“She was asking about you. How you were doing. And what had happened shouldn’t have happened. That her son is an idiot and that she hoped… that you two would get back together.”

“When did she call you? I bumped into her at the supermarket last Friday. She was saying the same thing to me.” Trisha sighed. “I am not going back to Karan. I cannot forgive him for what he has done to me. I can’t.”

Her mother nodded. “Yes, I can imagine” she said in a soft voice.

“I have felt so miserable for the past two years. There were happy moments, I was not miserable all the time but I think most of the time.  I don’t know what happened but last Monday I decided that I had mourned enough. It was time to move forward. I threw everything out that reminded me of him.”

 “You have to do what is best for you. I am so happy to see your eyes sparkle again, like they used to.  Don’t lose that sparkle Trisha. You should do as to what makes you happy my child.”

 “Yes maa, I just realize that now.” She hugged her mother. “I Will miss you when you are on the cruise.”

“The offer still stands. I saved enough for two persons.”

Part 20: New Chapter

“What a nice surprise,” said her mother with a broad smile when she opened
the door. “Hope all is well?” her mother’s said concerned.

“I am doing fine ma, don’t worry about me. I mourned enough and decided to
close the Karan chapter. It is time to move on.” Trisha’s eyes were beaming with

“I am so happy for you,” she said and gave her daughter a tight hug. “I am
so happy for you.”

“Enough about me, why are your eyes sparkling? ” Trisha looked curious at
her mother.

Her mother pressed her natural plump limps and laughed. “We should live
every day as if it was our last. It is not mine I read it on Pinterest. Let me
get you some tea and something to eat. You do eat don’t you?”

“Of course, I eat!”

“It seems like you have lost some weight.”

“I know, just trying to shed some pounds. I even joined the gym.”

Her mother raised her eyebrows. “That is good to hear. You are taking
control of your life.” Her mother nodded her head with a big smile.

While her mother was making tea in the kitchen Trisha noticed travel
magazines on the coffee table.

“Are you going on a cruise, mom? Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something. Why
is Dad’s picture no longer on the dresser?”

“Now you that you no longer live here anymore seeing his picture, I don’t
know I can’t explain. It somehow makes me sad. It reminds me of the few good
years we had. I am a widow longer than I was married. When the time is right I will put
it back.”

“That is what I wanted to talk about.” Her mother came out of the kitchen
with a tray filled with snacks and tea. She nodded towards the coffee table.
“Trish, I am planning on going on early retirement. I have worked long
and hard enough.” She put the tray on the coffee table.”

“That sounds wonderful. How long will you be going?”

“I was thinking of doing a cruise for three months.”

“Three months?” Trisha’s eyes almost popped out of her head. “I am so happy
for you. Finally, you are doing something for yourself. “

“I haven’t booked anything yet, I wanted to discuss it with you first. I
will be gone for three months, will you manage Trish? I mean I know you have
a safety net here with your aunts and grandparents but still I want to make
sure that you are ok.”

Part 19: A Mothers Plea…

“Thank you,” said Trisha “I am doing the best I can.”

“So I can see. How is your mother doing? Hope she is well?”

“My mom is doing well, thank you for asking. How are daddy and Devi doing?”

“They are both doing fine. Devi is expecting. I will be a grandmother soon.” Her face was beaming with pleasure when she told Trisha the news. “I am so happy.  At last, something to look forward to.”

“That is wonderful news indeed.”

“But Karan is not doing well. He broke up with Caroline.”

Trisha kept her face blank and kept quiet.

“Don’t you want to know, why they broke up?”

“No, I don’t,” said Trisha. “It really was nice meeting you, I have to go now.”

“Do you have plans tonight?” She looked curious at Trisha. Trisha could see that she was envying her.

“It was nice meeting you,” Trisha said once again not wanting to answer her question. She grabbed her cart and walked quickly to the cheese section.

“Wait,” said her ex-mother-in-law.

Trisha stopped and turned around. She didn’t want to talk about Karan or Caroline.

 “You know Caroline broke up with him because he was only talking about you.”

Trisha looked at Karan’s mother, her face still blank. She could see that her eyes were filled with hope. She walked toward Trisha and grabbed her hand. Trisha was taken aback and wanted to release her but Karan’s mother held her hand firmly.

“My Karan has made a huge mistake, letting you go. He is not doing well,Trisha. He looks horrible. He doesn’t say a thing when he comes home. He lives with us now, since he has no place to live, the poor thing.” Then her ex-mother-in-law hesitated “I was going to call you one these days. I am glad that I walked into you. I was thinking. maybe you two could get back together. You don’t have anyone, he hasn’t got anyone, let the past be and start over.”

Trisha’s looked at her ex-mother-in-law. “I hope he will be doing well soon.But I have to go now. Bye.”

Trisha walked as fast as her heels good could carry her to the cashier. What a nerve the woman had! Did she really think that she would ever get back with Karan? This was not going to happen. And what made her think that she was not seeing anyone?

Part 18: “To the new me…!”

I called the office. Andy told me you are not feeling well. I wanted to let you know that April is the perfect match for our company.  Call me when you feel better. Sid

It is not a love letter, Trisha, said her inner voice.

Holding the phone to her chest Trisha continued watching. Hugging a phone or Sid are two different things, Trisha. It was her inner voice again. Trisha sighed and put her phone on the coffee table. After a long debate with herself, she picked up the phone and decided to text Sid back.

I am very pleased to hear that. I will call you when I am back at work. For any questions please do not hesitate to contact Andy.  Trisha.

With a big smile, Trisha put her phone on the coffee table. Her stomach was in a knot and a smile appeared on her face.  What if he drops by with a fruit basket or flowers?

Trisha, don’t you start getting things into your head! Why would he be interested in you? What do you have he can’t have?

Ooh shut up, I am just enjoying my moment with Mr. Eye Candy she said out loud.


Trisha, she said in a harsh and loud voice to herself things will be different from now on. No more sulking over Mr. Scumbag! And that is an order! Life is too beautiful to sulk over people who have mistreated you. Why should you put your life on hold? Go and live your life. There is a whole bright world for you to explore. Trisha pressed her lips together and nodded her head.

It felt as if a burden fell off Trisha´s shoulders. Two years of misery, she had put herself into. She felt relieved and enjoyed the moment. Trisha took the chocolate bar from the pity box which was on her coffee table.  To the new me she said as she took a big bite from the bar,  enjoying the sweet melting sensation in her mouth.

The next day Trisha felt rejuvenated. From now on Karan was a closed chapter in her life. She called Andy to tell him that she felt better and would be in the office in two hours. To which Andy put a stop. Trisha, take the day off, I will see you first thing in the morning, if you feel better that is, of course.

Since Andy didn’t want her in  the office for the day she decided to de-clutter her house and remove every item which reminded her of Karan. By the end of the day she had three donation boxes ready to be brought to  the thrift store.

Trisha was on her way home, feeling satisfied that she had her life under control.  It had been a busy week at work, since she had been home for two days.

The encounter

Before she went home Trisha made a quick stop at the supermarket, which was near the train station.

She scanned through the different kinds of pastas in the dry pasta section.  Indecisive of which one to choose, she decided on her usual spiral pasta. Then she walked to the cheese section when she heard a familiar voice calling her name.

Trisha, Trisha?

Trisha froze. Now she knew why she didn’t like coming to this supermarket. Karan’s parents lived in this neighbourhood. Trisha took a deep breath and turned around.

Hi, she said with a smile.

Her ex-mother-in-law looked at her from top to toe.

Hi, Trisha, how are you doing? You look so good, said her mother in law. Her voice gave away that she didn’t like what she was seeing.

Part 17: “I don’t want a man in my life…”

“Don’t be silly, Andy. I already told you, I don’t want a man in my life, besides he is a client.”

“The heart wants what it wants, Trisha.”

Trisha rolled her eyes. “Are you a poet now?” She shook her head. “Meghan is lucky to have you. There is never a dull moment with you.”

“Yes, she is very lucky to have me as her husband.” He nodded his head.  “Don’t worry about Sid being a client. Let’s call it networking.” He winked at her and gave her a grin. “Trisha please, you really should try to relax.  Go with the flow, loosen up a little. You know what, I am going to make us both a cup of tea and leave you to your thoughts.” He smiled from ear to ear and walked to the small kitchen which was in the back of the office.

He is a client

“He is a client, Andy! You asked me to handle this account, remember?”

A few minutes later, Andy came back with two cups of tea and gazed at Trisha. “Are you ok Trisha? You look kind of pale. Or is this a new make-up look, you are going for? 

 “I don´t feel very well, all of a sudden, it will pass.” She took the mug from her desk and wrapped her hands around it. “Aaah, that feels much better.”

“Are you sure? It seems like the brown is fading away from your face. That can´t be a good sign and I’m no doctor.  I think you are  getting sick.” Andy shook his head. “Take the rest of the day off. As your boss, I don’t want to hear no for an answer.”

Trisha sat down on her comfy couch and wrapped a blanket around her.  She had made herself  a steaming mug of hot tea and changed into a comfortable pink jogging suit.


Trisha closed her eyes,  holding the mug in both her hands. “You have to come to terms with your divorce. It has been two years now. The time to torture yourself is over! Andy is right! Only you can make yourself happy!” It was her inner voice, repeating the same things she already knew.

Maybe they were right. Maybe she should go out more. “Of course they are right” said her inner voice. “You are turning into a hermit.”

Her attention was drawn to the high ceiling window. A group of school girls were passing by. From her first floor apartment she had a good view of the street. The girls were laughing and staring at a mobile, which one of the girls was holding in her hand. Trisha kept watching the girls till she couldn’t see them anymore. She took the bowl of potato chips from the coffee table and started munching on them.  She picked up the remote and turned the television on and decided on binge watching “The Crown” on Netflix.

In the middle of episode four, her phone beeped. She looked annoyed at the intruder of her peace, cursing herself that she should have switched her phone off.

It was a text message. Assuming that it was Andy’s, she picked up her phone. Her heart skipped a beat. It was a message from ‘Mr. Eye Candy’.  Trisha smiled at her screen and read the message over and over again.

Part 16: “I Want to be Alone…”

“A salsa class for singles! Are you out of your mind! That is so not Trisha! But maybe I could take up a hobby, like crochet or something like that.”

“Promise me to take up a hobby where you get to meet other people, you know like human beings.”

Trisha nodded her head. “I don’t want to be with human beings, I want to be alone. But I guess you are right.”

“Or should I get you a Tinder account?”

“Don’t you dare! I am not thinking about dating or men!”

“All jokes aside Trisha. Take control of your life. You know what they say. “You can’t have a rainbow without rain. It is just something to think about. Sort out your thoughts.  Try to make yourself happy. Only you can make yourself happy, Trisha.”

Trisha felt her eyes welling up. She swallowed trying to get rid of the lump she felt in her throat.  “Thank you. You’re the best boss. I am glad we had this conversation.”

“That is very nice of you to say, compliment accepted’’ Andy said with a huge smile.

“I am going to make some tea, want some?”

“No, thank you. I am sticking to my Mrs. Detox drink, don’t want to upset her.” He lifted his bottle to take another sip.

Trisha was waiting for her tea to be infused when Andy peeked around the corner “Sid from Sid data is on the line. Should I tell him to call back?”

Trisha started to smile. “No, no… I can take the call. It is very hard to get a hold of him.”

Andy raised his eyebrows and went back to his desk. He observed Trisha as she picked up the phone.

“Good Morning Sid, this is Trisha speaking.”

“Hi Trisha, how are you doing.”

Trisha felt as if her heart were to jump out of her body any minute now. “I am doing fine, hope you are doing well?”

“Yes, thank you. I was wondering if you heard from the candidate you were talking about last Friday?”

blog storytelling, weekly blog post, a love story blog

Part 15: “Why do people cheat?”

“Only If you want too.”

“I don’t want to burden you with my heartache.”

“Well go on,  I am listening.”

“I have my moments, my ups and downs. Sometimes I feel well or ok and  sometimes I am just depressed. It drives me crazy, Andy. There are times that I just know that I am losing it.  You know what annoys me the most.  Everyone around me is telling me to go out and have a social life. To pick up my life and  start dating. I should prove Karan what a scumbag he has been and what he is missing out on.” She paused and looked outside.  “I know they mean well, but why should I prove that piece of, well you know what I wanted to say.  Deep down I know that I should move on. I see women around me who are divorced and live a happy live. What is wrong with me?


It still feels like my heart is cut into pieces. I am waiting for my heart to heal. Will it heal ever?  Why do people cheat? This all frustrates me so much since I know there are no answers to these questions and I do know that I am tormenting myself.”

Trisha pouted her mouth and moved her lips.  “My friends and family keep telling me that it has been two years already. That I should get over it, since he is getting on with his life. But I don’t care about him, I care about me.”

Andy listened to Trisha and was silent for a few moments. “Do you want to heal, Trisha? To me it seems that you are stuck in feeling sorry for yourself and you don’t know how to let go of that feeling. Life is never easy and you cannot compare your life to others. You are Trisha, a unique person. ”I think that you have to sort your feelings out, maybe talk to a therapist?”


“I considered going into therapy, but I was hoping to fix things myself.”

Andy nodded his head. “Sometimes we must set our ego aside and do what we know is good for us.”

“I know. I keep telling myself that.”

“Have you considered taking up a hobby? Take it step by step, don’t overdo it. Go to the gym. Maybe even a sewing classes or a baking class. No strings attached type of activities. You don’t need to talk with these people, if you don’t want to.” He continued in a naughty voice “And if you really want to be bold…you should take a salsa class for singles.”

Part 14: “You are in love”,  said her inner voice.”

Trisha´s was three years old when her father  had died in a hotel fire due to the smoke. He was on a business trip and had taken his mistress with him.

It was the mistress who had called Trisha´s mother to tell her that her husband had died. When she heard the news Trisha’s mother was devastated.  She had no idea that her husband was having an affair. There were no signs that he was seeing someone else, he was a loving husband and a doting father. She couldn´t imagine that her husband was capable of doing  this to her.

Trisha´s only knew that her father had died in a hotel fire. The mistress part was a well kept secret which only a few family members knew about.

Emotional wreck

For years her mother was an emotional wreck, but did not tell anyone, except for her therapist. She couldn´t cope with the sudden dead of her husband and above all  the betrayal. Since then she had lost faith in all men and kept the men who wanted to date a young widow at a far distance.

Trisha  was frustrated with herself. Her mother was right, she  should be going out more. So on Sunday morning she decided to go  for a long walk at a nearby park. Much to her surprise she had felt good when she came back home.

The next day Trisha  felt energized and came in early. Andy was not going to be here for another hour, so she had the place to herself.  She turned on her computer and made herself a cup of coffee. While sipping on her steaming mug of coffee, she observed the people walking by.  They couldn´t see her since their office was on the first floor.  All these people have their own story to tell, she said to herself.

She hadn’t heard from April the candidate for “Mr. Eye Candy”  yet.  On Friday, on her way home Trisha had had sent her an email. “People do have lifes Trisha”, it was her sarcastic inner voice.

Just thinking about “Mr. Eye Candy” produced a smile on her face. There was something about this man, that she liked. 

“You are in love”,  said her inner voice. “He is not your type, you silly.”

Do you really want to know?

“Someone is in a happy mood! Seems like you had a good weekend.” He  frowned and looked at Trisha.  “Please, I need some distraction! I had a weekend with my in laws! Can you imagine? They are nice people don’t get me wrong…but my mum in law thinks that the world revolves around her. Now she is pressuring us to have kids, she wants to be a grandmother since all of her friends are already a grandmother.” Andy took a sip from his coffee and grinned  “I don’t mind the practice but I don’t want to hit bulls’ eye yet.”

Trisha rolled her eyes. This was so typical Andy. She pretended as if she hadn’t heard the last sentence.

“I am sorry Trisha, I didn’t mean to be rude. How are you doing?”

“Do you really want to know?”…/chai-and-marigolds/9200000102642740/https://

Part 13: “It is Friday night, you should go out!”

Trisha cursed as she  put her glass down. She had spilled  wine on herself and on the couch. Quickly she grabbed a  Kleenex from the coffee table to dab the stain.  Clumsy Trisha, the name her friends had given her. The queen of  spilling food on the table, on herself,  dropping her cutlery in a fancy restaurant, trip over something to name a few. Once she tripped over a pebble and almost fell off a cliff in Crete.

“That scumbag” she hissed. She hated it when her mind wondered off to her ‘precious previous life’ as she was used to calling it now. It made Trisha wonder, how her feelings for the man she once loved so deeply, had turned into utter hatred.

She had changed into a fresh shirt and was preparing dinner. An easy one pot rice and vegetables with a Greek green salad. Cooking relaxed Trisha, she hummed a song while cutting the vegetables.

Phone call from Diya

Then her phone started ringing. Quickly she rinsed her hands and took a look at the display. A smile appeared on her face.  It was her cousin who lived abroad with her two children.  She had made a brave step and moved to the USA after a messy divorce . She now worked as a school teacher at an International school.

“Hi Diya”, Trisha said in a cheerful voice. “How are you and the kids doing?”

“We are doing fine.  Hope you are well.”

“Yes, thank you for asking. I am making dinner.”

“It is Friday night, you should go out.  You are young. Go the movies, to a bar, to a club, meet with friends. Step out of your comfort zone. ”

“You sound just like everyone else. I just want to relax, I worked all week and I don’t have a 9 to 5 job.”

“Don’t be a wall flower Trisha.” Her cousin now really sounded like a school teacher.  

“Hmm, that makes two wall flowers? You never go out either.  How are the kids doing?”

“They are doing fine, they adapted quickly, they have an American accent.” Her cousin chuckled. “The kids and work keep me busy and going.  I have come to realize that I should enjoy life. I  am the only one who can make me happy. Life is too precious to sulk over people who are not worth it. I have learned this the hard way. And one day Trish you will realize it too, when you have grieved enough and when you realize it is time to move on. I know what you are going through. I have experienced a divorce first hand. You know Trish, life is a learning school.”

“You can say that again.”

Ocean apart

“I am here for you although there is an ocean between us. You know that right?”

“I know. You know Diya, I am so proud of you. Not many women have the courage to do what you have done. For now I would describe my life as,  good and bad times and thankfully they are mostly good times. They say time heals wounds so I am betting on time.”

“Trisha, believe it or not, time really does heals wounds, it does. We human beings are weird creatures, we sometimes jeopardize our own happiness. Hey, I need to go now, my break is over.  Just think about what I said ok. Speak to you soon.”

“Speak to you soon, Diya.”

Since the day Diya heard about Trisha´s divorce she  had called her every week. The phone calls although short helped Trisha seeing the bigger picture.

Speaking with Diya´s today had done Trisha good, it had cheered her up and then just like that she felt sad. Trisha cursed herself. Why was she  tormenting herself.

That entire weekend Trisha had locked herself up. She didn´t answer any phone calls or text messages except that from her mother, who was worried about her daughter. Since now people were calling her that they couldn´t get hold of Trisha.

Her mother had called her and  tried to convince Trisha to go out or visit her but to no avail. She told her mother that she would like to stay in and she didn’t want any visitors. Trisha’s mother had sighed and put the phone down. She knew exactly what her beloved daughter was going through because she had experienced this herself.…/chai-and-marigolds/9200000102642740/https://