Are you a kitchen princess? Or are you in the process becoming one? Some of us love to cook and others just dread the thought of cooking. They just don’t like cooking which shows in whatever they are cooking. But then again we are human and everybody has their own interest. If you don’t like cooking you just don’t like cooking. I bet you have other skills which some kitchen princess’s lack.

(By the way if you’re wondering if I am a kitchen princess. Well I don’t see myself as a kitchen princess. I am still in the process of becoming one. The day I can cook like my mom I will officially declare myself as a kitchen princess.)

I have a friend (and yes she knows I am writing about her). She is not a kitchen princess and admits that she doesn’t want to become one either. She just doesn’t like cooking.  When she was in college she survived eating sandwiches and noodles. She once even almost set the kitchen on fire but that was not totally her fault. She was at a friend’s place, and this friend asked her to turn on the oven, which she did. Little did she know that they used the oven as a cupboard, setting whatever was in the oven on fire…But hey I don’t think that was her fault, do you? I did learn a wise lesson. If you’re at someone’s place and they ask you turn on the oven, take a look into the oven before turning on the oven.

But even people who don’t like to cook have the urge to cook or bake something. So my friend was craving for some cake. And she decided to bake a fresh cake for the guests who were in the living room. So she started on mixing the cake, which was from a box, so far so good. (Well not so good, I believe she told me the whole kitchen was a mess, from one cake box). Then she opened a cupboard and saw some a bottle of red coloring and decided let’s make some red velvet cake. Every sane person would add a drop of red food coloring but she dumped the whole bottle into the cake batter. At this stage somebody walked in and asked her what she was doing.  Don’t you see I am making red velvet cake. Then this person saw the empty bottle of food coloring and started to laugh. Making the others come in the kitchen and they all had a good laugh. My friend is totally not embarrassed about her kitchen disasters. She laughs about her disasters and shares her disasters with others, which I now share with you.

Red velvet cake

My friend why don’t you try this foolproof cake recipe the next time? Don’t use a “boxed cake”, know your food. Good luck and please do invite me to taste the cake.

So are you a kitchen princess?

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