Category: Working out

To go or not to go to the gym?

Should I go to the gym or not…? How many times have you made excuses not to go to the gym? Let phase it. Once you come home from work, made dinner and did all the household chores most of us feel too exhausted to go the gym. When you decided to go the gym how many of you have to hurry to get in time for the gym because that class you wanted to attend will start in seven minutes. And if you decide not to go to the gym, there is always this guilty feeling for not going, which raises your stress levels, sounds familiar? Going to the gym is about lowering your stress levels right? Stressing to go the gym can’t be good for our health, especially if we didn’t want to go in the first place.

To go or not to go to the gym

So what can we do about it? If you really don’t like to go the gym, stop going to the gym. Start doing any form of exercise when it suits your agenda, do what you love and when you are relaxed and not in a hurry mode, which makes exercising more fun. An incredibly easy form of exercise is walking. Just put on your sneakers and start walking for half an hour. The fresh air will do you good. If you don’t like to walk alone, ask a friend or colleague along (why not walk during your lunch break). In a few weeks you will be able to walk for an hour without any stops and you will be addicted to walking. (Yes, you can get addicted to walking, I know several “walking addicts”) But whatever you do don’t forget to listen to your body. Why not make walking a family activity during the weekend? It is an easy, fun, cheap and a great way to spend quality time together, away from all the hustle and bustle at home.

And if walking is your “thing” don’t forget to cancel your subscription at the gym. You no longer have to ask yourself the question: To go or not to go to the gym.

It is that time of the year, the holiday season

Yes, it is that time of the year, December. It is holiday season! Don’t you just love the holiday season or do you think it is overrated?

Holiday Season

For me December is watching lots of Christmas movies and picking up my crochet projects from last year, family, baking, cooking and eating. And since four years we also have a Christmas tree. When our little Maharadja turned two he also “wanted” a Christmas tree of his “own”. I don’t mind setting up the Christmas tree but taking down the Christmas decorations and the tree….. But I guess that nobodies favorite part.

I know many people who love the holiday season but dread the extra calories. It’s a fact, during the holiday season we tend to eat more. I know I do (but in moderation).  And how can we resist all the yummy things which are presented in front of us? Someone took the time and effort to create the yummy goodies so it is our “obligation” to sample every single item. And the trick is doing this without feeling totally stuffed. You know what I am talking about, don’t you?

Holiday Season
Gingerbread house

Hmmmm……. Is it not a good idea to prepare our body for the holiday season? Before, we indulge ourselves in all the goodies.  And by prepare I do not mean to eat something extra each day, so that our tummy can get used to al the extras we are having a week before and after Christmas. Although that would be a great idea wouldn’t it?

Why not prepare our body by eating in moderation and doing some extra work outs two weeks before it “all” starts? (Like going for an extra walk or whatever works for you.)  Why not eat some more vegetables and fruits to prepare our body for the” upcoming” goodies we are going to have in a few weeks time.

But on the other hand why we do eat so much during the holiday season? Do we have a green card to go “bananas” during the holiday season? Isn’t our body our temple? Or are we looking forward to eating lots and lots of food which will lead to extra weight and lots of frustration in January, for some of us.

What plans do you have for the holiday season?

Weight loss and a fall back

Does this sound familiar to you? You are so proud about your weight loss journey and then there is this one day that you crave for some chocolate, candy maybe even a hamburger or something else which is not that healthy. And then before you realize it yourself you just can’t stop eating. At the back of your mind you know that you should stop eating but you just don’t stop. You are just filling your mouth with all the yummy goodies. Then after you had your, let’s call it “eat attack” you feel guilty and think that you have ruined everything you have worked so hard for. And therefore you start going back to being your old you.

croissant with chocolate bar

If you ever have one of this “eat attacks” please do not go back being the old you. Instead go ahead with what the new you was doing before the “eat attack”.  One eat attack won’t ruin what you have worked so hard for. Let me tell you, there will be more of these kinds of “eat attacks”. We are humans after all. The most important thing is “pick yourself up” after such an “eat attack” and keep yourself in control for the next few days. Doing some extra workouts and watching your diet carefully like a hawk. You will shed the extra calories you consumed in the next few days, don’t worry about them. And don’t feel guilty or think you have failed, you haven’t at all!

Measuring tape sandwich

During your weight loss journey many events will take place, there will be holidays, birthdays, weddings, vacations or other special occasions. At all these events there will be lots of yummy food which you should absolutely enjoy, in moderation that is. You can’t be on a strict diet all your life that is just impossible. Enjoying the food at all these occasions can prevent “eat attacks”. Discipline yourself to shed the extra calories after such an “eat attack” and you will just be fine.

The most important part is, is to be nice to yourself :).

When and where was your last “eat attack”? Please do share with us.

What happened to your New Year’s resolution?

What happened to your New Year’s resolution?Did you had any?  Did you chuck them in the bin or are you sticking to your New Year’s resolution?  If you did chuck them in the bin. What was the reason? Was it too hard to stick to them?

Making changes to your lifestyle is challenging. Changing your lifestyle will not just happen overnight.  It will take time.


It actually comes down to how much you really want it, the change.

My New Year’s resolution is to shed the extra weight I gained during the Holidays. I ate in moderation but did not work out. (Too much calories + no work out = gaining weight. ) In my opinion the best way to tackle the weight resolution is too start right away. After the holidays (which was January 5th for me) I started with banning all the food which contained sugars and fats. I substituted them for lots of fruits, veggies, tea, water,  low calorie sandwiches and a proper meal.  For me a proper meal is important. It satisfies me and keeps me from snacking. Sometimes I have a rice cracker or some fruits if I really crave for something more. The first few days are always the hardest. Your body has to adjust to your eating habits. So don’t give up! It is all about willpower. And it doesn’t mean you can’t have any snacks. Learn how to make healthy snacks or desserts. Ever tried baked banana with cinnamon and honey? How much do you really want it, the change?

Exercising of  is good for the body and the mind.  For a workout you really don’t have to go to the gym. You could easily do it at home. If you have discipline that is. You could go for a walk or a ride on your bike.  You could go for a walk on the treadmill or for a bike ride on your bike trainer. In the comfort of your own home in front of your own TV.

Even for  Pilates classes  you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home.  YouTube is a great channel to follow classes of any kind (Zumba, Insanity, Yoga et cetera) . I just love the videos from Cassey.  Her YouTube channel is  named Blogilates. I have my own personal trainer in the comfort of my own home.

So pick up your New Year’s resolution whatever that might be and remember it is about how bad you really want it.

Just so you know: Rome wasn’t built in a day.



How to “prepare” your body for the Holiday Season

One cookie is yummy, two cookies are super yummy and three cookies are a no-noThe Holiday Season is all about joy, fun lots of laughter and of course love. Spending time with our family, friends and our  beloved ones. And…… lots of yummy foods which we should absolutely enjoy, in moderation that is. One cookie is yummy, two cookies are super yummy and three cookies are a no-no. In moderation a word we should remember especially  during the holiday season. We should absolutely sample all dishes. After all the cook did his/her utmost best to cook you a lovely Christmas dinner. It would be an insult to the cook if you did not sample all dishes.

Lots of people go on a diet to prepare themselves  for the Holiday Season.  Losing a few pounds, to fit into that nice dress or to enjoy all the food during the Holiday Season.  Atkins, low carb, South Beach, Cambridge and so on.

The truth is we don’t want to go on any kind of diet.  And we really don’t need to. Try to change your eating habits by adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet now. We all know that fruits and vegetables are healthy for us. They contain vitamins and lots of fibers. The good part is that they fill you up. So next time you have a food craving go for some fruits or vegetables.  And (try) to squeeze in a work out for 30 minutes. Keep in mind, it is for a good cause. That extra piece of pie, some more turkey or …..

Prepare your body now so you can indulge during the Holiday Season, in moderation that is. With your family, friends, beloved ones and food.

Happy preparing!





Losing weight is hard


Fact: most people who want to lose weight FAIL. Why? Because they tend to overdo it. If you really want to lose weight start “slow”. Take it step by step. After all you did not gained weight overnight! Or did you? Losing weight is hard.

Gaining weight is very easy. We just eat all the yummy food.  Do little or no workouts. Within a few weeks we will be happy to notice our body has changed. Your underarms are flappy, they look like wings.  Your butt is bigger. Your jeans will not fit. Or any other garment in your closet for that matter. Time to buy new clothes……. Then you come to this point, enough is enough. You want to lose the extra weight!

The day you decided you wanted to lose weight.  You just ate everything you could find because tomorrow you are going on a diet! (More calories to burn…… but just don’t think about it. Makes life much more easier!)

The next day you go to the supermarket buying healthy food like salads, fruits and vegetables.  Maybe even soy milk because they say it is good for you…… For two weeks you are so motivated. You are one healthy fruit, veg lady. Then comes the point that you are craving for something sweet. You buy a bag of candy promising yourself to eat one only. Or maybe two. In the end you ate the whole bag. You are now so not motivated that you chuck the whole idea of losing weight in the bin.

What happened here? Well  overdoing it, happened here. Most people cannot just change their eating habits overnight.  One needs time. So take it step by step.

Eating habits? Yes to lose weight one really needs to change the way they eat. And you have to add some kind of exercise to your lifestyle.

Are you ready to change your lifestyle? Step by step?

Step 1

Write down  ALL the things you eat, a food diary. Do this for five days. (No cheating please and yes write down e v e r y sugar cube). Include one weekend, during the weekends we tend to eat too much! Yes I know, not all of us…. While making the list add some exercise of any kind to your daily life. The exercise should be at least 30 minutes. Exercise 2 times during these five days.

Exercise…… (please don’t huff and puff you are not the wolf from the three little pigs). Yes  they are very important if you really want to lose weight.  And exercises are good for body and mind. You really don’t  need to go to the gym. exercises you could do:

  1. A walk for 30 minutes
  2. Ride a bike for 30 minutes
  3. Skeeler for 30 minutes
  4. Cardio workouts for 30 minutes
  5. Go to the gym for some workouts
  6. What exercise would you recommend? Please leave a comment.

In short: Take it step by step.

How to tone your body in one week





If only it were true that we could tone our body in just one week. Unfortunately we need more time. How to achieve a toned body?  Well first of all, stop thinking, fantasizing or dreaming about a toned body, just start today.  Don’t try to find an excuse it will only take less than 5 minutes of your time.

Let’s start with the following exercises, twice a day for a week:

5 x 30 crunches

2 x 30 second side plank

2 x 30 seconds plank

For some of you this may be difficult but keep trying, in the end you will succeed! If you don’t know how to do these exercises, aren’t we lucky that we have  a channel called YouTube.