Category: Trisha’s Life – Weekly Column

Part 11: “How could you do this to me?”

Trisha looked disgusted. “Are you kidding me? You are so full of yourself! Let me rephrase your memory. You just told me that you have been cheating on me! Me, your wife! The woman you married two years ago, remember? The woman who supported you because you were working on a big deal for the last couple of weeks.” Trisha said with a raised voice. “Now I can be added to the statistics.  I am also one of those women whose husband has cheated on them while the wife was thinking that he was working hard…working hard cuddling another woman….and more!” She looked at Karan as if she was possessed by the Goddess Kali herself.

Trisha shook her head and looked curious at Karan. “Who is this other woman, do I know her,” she said in a demanding voice.

That witch!

Karan stared at the floor and scraped his throat. Trisha saw that he was wondering whether he should answer her. He fidgeted with his wedding band. Trisha wanted to walk towards him and smack him in his face. She almost did but refrained for doing so.

“It’s Catherine” he said in a hesitant voice.

She looked him in the eyes. Her eyes were big and filled with anger. “That witch!” She spatted. “That witch!” “We had invited her to our wedding! She was on the dance floor with her husband all night.” Trisha had the urge to throw something at him but calmed herself down. “She knew that you were married.  And you knew that she was married, but still you both choose to cheat on us. Really, I cannot believe this! How could you do this to me? How? Why?” Trisha was confused.

It takes two to tango

Trisha now pictured how she would punch Catherine on her eye and when she had fallen down Trisha would stand on her hand with her high heels. On those very hands who had the nerve to caress her husband. She pictured how she would tie both of them and then torture them. It startled Trisha that she had such a violent mind.  But at the same time it felt good. It takes two to tango Trisha, don’t forget that, it was her inner voice.

“They got divorced six months ago,” said Karan.

“What!” You didn’t tell me that! Trisha paused and continued in a loud voice. Now she wondered if she really should smack him. “Let me get this straight. That witch got divorced and threw herself on you. Might I remind you, a married man? Who happens to be my husband?” Trisha spoke in a loud but calm voice. Wondering how she could keep so calm.

You will always be by number one

“Well, it didn’t exactly go like that.” He pressed his lips together. Trisha saw that he was thinking what to say next.  “She was feeling down and was going through some rough times because of her divorce. She needed someone who was willing to listen. I don’t know when it happened, it just happened.”

Trisha sighed deep “cut this shit!  Tell someone else this crappy sad story. She needed a shoulder to cry on and someone to …” she didn’t finish the sentence.

“But did you hear what I said before. I love you and I want to be with you, Trisha.”

“If you loved me, you wouldn’t be cheating on me, would you? Because a decent married man doesn´t cheat on his wife” her tone was now loud and aggressive. She felt tears welling up and took a deep breath. She wasn’t going to cry in front of him!

“But you will always be my number one.” Karan said in a desperate voice.…/chai-and-marigolds/9200000102642740/https://

Part 10: Am I not good enough for you?

“Wait, what?” She paused for a second. “Why? Why Karan, why?” I thought we had a good marriage.” Trisha said confused. “I don’t understand…. am I not good enough for you?” She yelled at him, her eyes spitting fire.

“We do… But I don’t know.”  He still avoided her gaze.

Trisha didn’t know what to say and stared at Karan. She felt her stomach turning. “To me it seems like our marriage doesn’t mean anything to you. Because if it would have meant something to you, you wouldn’t be seeing someone else, would you?” Trisha’s voice was calm now. She looked with questioning eyes at Karan demanding an answer.

I still love you Trisha

Finally he looked up. “I still love you Trisha. I mean I don’t know what happened, or why.” He looked at her as if he himself was the victim in this story.

Trisha felt anger building up inside of her. Her eyes were now filling up with anger. She looked at him as if he had a contagious disease. “How could you do this to me? You disgust me!” She screamed. “You disgust me, you bastard!”

Karan stood up and walked towards her. “Trisha I …”

Trisha interrupted him and raised her hands. She didn’t want to hear anything from him. “Please stay where you are. And please do not come near me.” She screamed at the top of her longs and felt her throat hurting.

He did as she had asked him to do. Karan looked at Trisha. His eyes giving away that  he was feeling uncomfortable. At the same time he had a kind look on his face which confused Trisha. How could he betray her?

“I still love you Trisha, you are the love of my life.  You do know that, don’t you?”

“I am” she said in a sarcastic tone. “Thank you for expressing your deepest feelings with me. It is highly appreciated.” She still felt her throat hurting and scraped her throat.

Trisha was scared of her own thoughts

Trisha calmed down but deep down she wanted to scratch Karan’s eyes out. She wanted to beat the hell out of him.  He had to suffer for the pain he had caused her a few minutes ago. Trisha was scared of her own thoughts.  Why did he cheat on her? What did they lack in their relationship? Apparently he was missing something, the other woman did have. Trisha had many questions and began doubting herself.

“I really mean it, Trisha. I still love you. We can work this out, can’t we? “

Trisha was now visualizing how she would punch him on the eye and how he would fall on the floor and pass out. Trisha smiled at the scene which was playing in her head.

“I am happy to see that I made you smile again” he sounded relieved. “Everything will be fine Trish. Right?”…/chai-and-marigolds/9200000102642740/https://

Part 9: Are you seeing someone else?

Trisha’s mind wondered of to that dreadful day. The day her world fell apart.

It was seven o’clock in the evening when Karan had come home. He seemed to be distracted and distanced himself from her. For the last couple of weeks Trisha had noticed that Karan´s behaviour was quite odd.

She knew that he had been quite busy at work lately and assumed that his behaviour was  due to his work. Trisha had been taking extra care of Karan since she thought that he was on the edge of getting a burn out. She had seen strong men going into a burn out, therefor she was being careful.


During dinner Trisha tried to force a conversation since she could not handle the awkward silence between them. In the past they had talked and laughed while having dinner but this had changed gradually over the last couple of weeks. She sensed that something was not right, but couldn´t put her finger on  it? Was it work or something else. She studied Karan´s face  and noticed the distracted look. It seemed like his mind was somewhere else.

“Is everything ok, at work Karan?  I mean, is there something on your mind? I am worried about you.”

“Yes, everything is ok at work.”  He sighed and pushed his plate away.

Trisha nodded and stood up to clear the table. While she was loading the dishes in the dishwasher she couldn’t stop thinking about his strange behaviour.  “Would you like some chocolate cake for desert? We have some left.”

“Pff, can’t you leave me alone.” Karan snapped at her.

Trisha continued to load the dishwasher wondering what was going on with Karan. “You know you have been acting weird the last couple of weeks.” She shut the dishwasher and turned it on.  “If I didn’t know you better, I would be thinking that you were seeing someone else,” she said laughing. “But I know that you are quite busy at work.”

Alarm Bells

Karan didn’t answer her. Trisha felt the room getting cold.  Karan still didn’t say a word. She dried her hands and slowly turned around. All the alarm bells in her body went off.  She looked at him but he didn’t look back at her, he avoided her gaze. Why wasn’t he telling her that this was not the case? That it was just work that made him cranky. That he was on the edge of a burn out and she had noticed it for which he was grateful.  That he was happy to have her as his wife. That she made him happy. That he appreciated the way she took care of him. But instead he remained silent.

Her throat felt dry. “You are seeing someone else, aren’t you?” Trisha forced the words out of her mouth. At the same time trying to be calm while her legs felt wobbly. She held on to the kitchen counter, afraid that she would tumble.  Instantly her stomach started to ache. Karan is cheating on you, Trisha, she said to herself.

“Yes” said Karan in a soft voice, still avoiding her gaze.…/chai-and-marigolds/9200000102642740/https://

Part 8: Why did she still cry over that scumbag?

Trisha stood up and walked towards the window. Her modern two bedroom apartment was located on the first floor, overlooking a small park with a big pond in  the middle.  She strolled to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water and sat at the  breakfast bar which divided the kitchen and the living room. 

Why was she feeling restless. Had it something to do with Sid? Just thinking about him  made her heart beat faster. What was he doing now and with whom? Trisha shook her head and decided to watch some TV to take her mind off him.

She plopped down on the couch,  indecisive  whether to watch ‘Say Yes To The Dress’, Netflix or a Bollywood movie. Trisha decided on the latter to  lighten up her mood at which she succeeded.  She was enjoying the movie until  the marriage scene. Her heart stopped beating for a second. The red Indian wedding gown reminded  her of her own wedding gown.

Dreams shattered

Trisha remembered her wedding day clearly. That day like many brides, she had felt as the happiest woman in the world on the  most beautiful day of her life.  So she had thought two years ago. But her dream was shattered abruptly. At times she still felt the pain deep inside her. How she wished  for, that the sharp pain would go away forever and let her be. Just as she thought the pain disappeared it appeared, unannounced.

At one of her cousins’ wedding she had met her ex-husband. They had kept in touch via text and started dating soon after. Three years later he proposed to her on the Eifel Tower. A  magical moment which took her by surprise. She had hugged and kissed him. Of course she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her soulmate.

They had a big fat Indian wedding and a small wedding reception for close family and friends. For their honeymoon they went to Mauritius where they stayed at a five star resort with a beautiful private beach. The  perfect place for a newly-wed couple. She had a wonderful time, the sightseeing, the food,  watching the sun  go down with her soulmate on  her side accompanied by a tailor made cocktail. A honeymoon as it should be, just perfect.

Lonely and sad

Trisha took a sip from her wine and looked at the woman on the television screen.  She looked beautiful and immensely happy. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Trisha gulped her wine down and turned the TV off.

She stared at the book on the coffee table questioning herself whether she would pick it up. Trisha felt lonely and sad.

Come on Trisha, do not let actions of others control your feeling. You are your own boss.  You have to make yourself happy. You cannot depend on others to make you happy. It was Trisha’s inner voice, trying to  encourage her.

She had thought that Karan, her ex-husband had loved her deeply, just as she had loved him deeply. She refilled her glass while thinking about that dreadful day.  The day she found out that their marriage bond was not a sacred bond to him. Trisha felt her eyes welling up, why did she still cry over that scumbag?…/chai-and-marigolds/9200000102642740/https://

Part 7: She refused to be a charity case

“I am going to get another cup of coffee before I head back to the office.”

Trisha nodded, “Enjoy your coffee. I will keep in touch.”

“I will be looking forward to your call.” He scraped his throat. “You can call me anytime. Even on the weekends. But I guess you don’t work on weekends.”

“I try not to.” Trisha said with a smile.

Sid nodded. “That is something I should learn, try not to work on weekends. It messes up your private life.”

Trisha smiled “yes, it does. Well, have a nice weekend, Sid.”

Trisha walked out of the door trying to keep her face straight.  A huge smile appeared on her face, an overwhelming sense of happiness overcame her. She took a deep breath and hummed a song she heard on the radio this morning.


Confused about her feelings Trisha walked to the train station, absorbed in her thoughts. Her divorce had scarred her heart deeply and therefore she had decided that this would never happen again, ever. But now she just couldn’t control her feelings.

Trisha, just remember why you named him Mr. Eye Candy. He has this impact on woman hence the name ‘Mr. Eye Candy.’ Besides he is your client. Enjoy the feeling while it lasts. This too will pass.


Trisha opened her front door and greeted a neighbour who happened to pass by. She closed the door and locked it. It felt good being home. She turned the lights on and took off her heels, carefully placing them in the shoe cabinet. Sid had been on her mind off and on the entire time while she was heading back home. Should she call him and tell him that she couldn’t get hold of the candidate? She decided against it. It was Friday evening after all.

What would he be doing now? Having a romantic date with a beautiful female? Trisha felt a knot in  her stomach. The thought alone made her feel jealous.

Trisha, get a hold of yourself, you act like a jealous teenager, she said in a loud voice.

Trisha walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. She had changed into a pair of yoga pants. It was time to unwind after a long week.

She sat down on her couch and took a sip from her wine with closed eyes.  This was not how she had imagined her life a couple of years ago, far from this.

Trisha had no siblings. She did not miss having them.  Her friends and cousins were married or in a relationship. They had lives of their own and she didn’t want to intrude.  She texted with them and every so often they planned something together.

When she was not working, she was home on her couch, reading or watching television. Her life wasn’t as glamorous as all of her friends and family thought it was. But she let them believe it was, she didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for her. She refused to be a charity case.…/chai-and-marigolds/9200000102642740/https://

Part 6: Is there a ring on his finger?

 “I am so sorry” quickly she grabbed some napkins. Trisha felt embarrassed and felt her head getting warm. Why was this always happening to her.

“Don’t worry about it, it is just water”, Sid said in a reassuring voice. “Let me get some paper towels.”

Clumsy Trisha strikes again, Trisha sighed. She wanted the ground to swallow her up.

When he came back he wiped the table. “See, like nothing happened.” Sid gave Trisha a smile, for a brief moment their eyes locked.

“Thank you, erhm where were we.”  Come on Trisha, you can do this, Trisha encouraged herself. “I think I might have someone who will be excellent for this job. She is young and mouldable and has had two internships with Fortune500 companies on her resume.”

Sid raised his eyebrows “Sounds very promising.”

“I will give her a call today.” Trisha stopped and then continued “I must say, I admire what you have achieved in such a small time.”

Bumpy Road

“Thank you. I appreciate that. It has been a bumpy road. Unfortunately not many people realize that. They think that  ‘Sid Data’ just grew like that without any fall backs.” He laughed and shook his head.   “I have many more plans for ‘Sid Data’ but can’t do them if I don’t have employees. It seems that all Tech companies are fishing in the same pond.”

Trisha nodded her head. “We are all fishing in the same pond. I will give her a call right after this meeting.”

 “That would be great, fingers crossed. Please keep me updated.”

“I will, is there anything else I can help you with, Sid?”  I am volunteering to put my head on your shoulders, her inner voice said.

Sid smiled, his eyes were sparkling again. He shook his head. “No, one Junior Software Tester is all that I need, for now.”

 “Okay, let me get in touch with this lady. It was nice meeting you, Sid,” she said and stood up. Trisha wanted to leave as soon as possible since Sid was making her feel awkward.


“The feeling is mutual” he said when he shook her hand, “to a fruitful cooperation, Trisha”

Was he holding her hand a second too long before he let go? It is your imagination Trisha, it is what you want to believe. Look at him he is ‘Mr. Eye Candy.  He is already engaged, married or has one or more beautiful girlfriends. It was her inner voice again.

Trisha opened her bag and pretended as if she was looking for something. Then she quickly peeked at his fingers, no wedding ring and no engagement ring.  Don’t get your hopes up to high, sometimes people don’t wear rings!

“You look awfully happy” said Sid. “You must be looking forward to your weekend.”

Are you making a fool of yourself again?  Can’t you act like a normal person? Trisha reprimanded herself.

“Yeah, well sort of. I better go and catch my train” trying her best to sound casual.

Part 5: Clumsy Trisha making a fool of herself

“So, as I was saying last week, I am looking for a Junior Software Tester, with or without experience. We really need one as quick as possible since we have taken on some interesting projects.”

Trisha nodded her head “That is wonderful news, could you please tell me more about your company, Sid?” You sound like a schoolteacher, Trisha, said her inner voice.

Sid took a small sip from his espresso. “I founded this company while I was still in college to earn some  extra money in order to pay for my college fees. My company was flourishing and I could just not combine college and work. It was hard keeping all the balls in the air, I hardly slept or ate, the only thing I was doing was working. I then realized that I had to make a decision. What was more important to me. A college degree or expanding my flourishing company. I choose for the latter.

College dropout

My parents were not happy with my decision of course and from their point of view I could understand them. They just couldn’t understand my decision since it was just one more year for my graduation. But I stood my ground and devoted all my energy  into my company. Things started to go really fast when I got a big client onboard. They are still one of our clients, not the biggest one though”.

Then Sid continued in a serious tone “you know at times my dad is still saying that I am a college drop out. When the going gets tough, a degree comes in handy, son.  You know how Indian parents are, degrees are everything for them.”

Trisha nodded. She knew pretty well how Indian parents were. She had seen and experienced a fair share of drama herself.

“Mr. Eye Candy” opens up

“How many people work for you, Sid?” Trisha tried her best to say it in a casual way while looking “Mr. Eye Candy” in his eyes. Her heart started to pound again. She had never felt like this before, never. Not even with Karan her ex-husband. Remember he is a client, Trisha, what are you thinking? She said to herself.

“Fifteen people” he said thoughtful. “Sometimes I sit behind my desk and look at my staff and think, this is so surreal. Fifteen people are working for me. But at the same time, I have fifteen mouths to feed. It sometimes scares me. “

Sid took another sip from his coffee. “I have no idea why I am telling you all this.” He frowned, “can you please keep it to yourself?”

Trisha smiled. “Of course, your secret is safe with me.” You sound like a school teacher Trisha, you are trying too hard, said her inner voice.

“So can you get me someone? I have spoken to several agencies and neither of them could help me out.”

Trisha took a sip from her drink and accidentally knocked over her glass. She looked embarrassed at “Mr. Eye Candy”. You are making a fool of yourself, don’t you think so Trisha?…/chai-and-marigolds/9200000102642740/https://

Part 4: Did “Mr. Eye Candy” unlock Trisha’s heart?

They both walked in silence to the coffee shop which was literally an one minute walk. The only thing going through Trisha’s mind was whether Sid could hear her heart pounding. Why was she having hot flashes?  What was happening to her? She had locked her heart and now this man just unlocked it, like that.

Sid opened the door and gestured Trisha to go ahead. She  appreciated the gesture and smiled at Sid. For a short moment she looked him into his eyes and felt some fluttering in her stomach.  Sid’s eyes were gentle and calm which made Trish feel uncomfortable.

“Shall we sit at the back near the window? I feel it’s the best place since no one wants to sit there.”

Coffee breath

Trisha, who was never short of words, did not know what to say and nodded. This had never happened to her before.  She sat down and hoped that her nerves would calm down.

“What would you like to have, Trisha?”

Trisha paused for a few seconds. “A sparkling water please.”

If she was going to speak to ‘Mr. Eye Candy’ the last thing she wanted was coffee breath.  Luckily her heart was beating normal again.

“You don’t like coffee? They have the best coffee in town.”

“I do like coffee but if I drink coffee now, I will not be able to sleep” she lied.

“Aah ok, you are one of those people, just like my, never mind” he said quickly. “It doesn’t matter.”

Just like your girlfriend or wife

Just like your girlfriend or wife,  Trisha said to herself. She looked up startled. She didn’t say this out loud, did she?

“Is something the matter” Sid looked curious at her.

Did she notice a vague smile on his face or was it just her imagination? Was he laughing at her?

“Ooh no, it’s nothing. I was just thinking if I took the iron’s plug out. But then I realized that I bought one which turns itself off.”

He must be thinking that you are crazy, Trisha, she said to herself.

“I see.” He scraped his throat and smiled. “Let me get our order.”

Trisha watched him  as a hawk as he walked towards the counter. His back looks as good as his front, she said to herself.…/chai-and-marigolds/9200000102642740/https://

Part 03: Mr. Eye Candy

A few minutes later the girl came back. “Mr. Bal will be here in five minutes.”

Trisha nodded “Thank you.”

“You know this job is so boring. I am just here so I can save for my Ibiza holiday. Have you ever been to Ibiza?” Then she tilted her head and frowned. “I really need to learn how to walk on heels like those. I would absolutely look gorgeous in my golden bikini and those heels.” Her eyes wandered off dreamy. “Well,  I better get to work.” The girl walked slowly to her desk while staring at the screen of her phone.

Trisha chuckled inwardly, who had hired her? Then her heart skipped a beat. She just realized that she had not looked up Sid Bal on the internet. Andy used to handle this account, but due to personal circumstances he had  asked Trisha to take over the account last Friday. And had given her a thorough briefing of the account.  

“Mr. IT”

She had been planning to dive into it  during the weekend but it had totally slipped her mind. “Trisha” she said in a firm voice to herself “how could you be so stupid!” She could do it now, and reached for her phone in her purse when she heard a man’s voice calling  her name.


Mr. Eye Candy

Trisha looked up and looked straight into the most beautiful brown eyes of a gorgeous tall man with a stumble beard. Had he just showered with perfume? He smelled divine, sweet yet masculine. She couldn’t utter a word.  Her friends would  have described this man as ‘Mr. Eye Candy’.  She quickly pulled herself back together, put her phone in her purse and stood up. Trisha felt as if her heart had stopped beating.

She pulled herself together and stood up. “Hi, I am Trisha Gandhi” she said calm  and as professional she could, stretching her baby pink manicured hands towards Sid.

“Sid Bal” he said in a calm voice. “Thank you for waiting Trisha. Are you familiar with days where everything seems to be going wrong?”

Trisha nodded since she felt choked up. His voice was gentle and manly and maybe even a bit arrogant. Did she just give away that she was mesmerized by him?

“Yes, I do,” her voice was professional. She was surprised that this man she just met for a few ‘nano’ minutes just swept her from her feet. This was something she believed would never happen again, since her heart was deeply scarred.

“Well this is one of those days! Do you mind if we have the meeting somewhere else?  I really could use a break.” Sid was searching for something in the pockets of his pants.

“Sure,” Trisha was glad that she was able to speak again.

“I will be back in a minute. I need to get my phone.”


Trisha watched as Sid took the stairs upstairs. What had just happened to her? Who was this man who just  had swept her from her feet? Why did she allow him to do so? She scraped her throat softly and swallowed. “He is a client, Trisha. Behave yourself.” Trisha opened her purse and searched for her pocket mirror. She had to make sure she looked presentable. How could such an attractive man work in the IT business? Her image of Sid had been of someone with goofy glasses and no sense of fashion. Not that of a physically attractive man who just whooped her from her feet. He was the kind of man who could get any woman he wanted. Trisha pressed her lips together and tried to stand as confident as possible on her beautiful nude coloured high heels.  “Why didn’t I look him up?” Trisha shook her head. 

“Thanks for waiting again. There is a coffee shop right across the street. The barista does an excellent job.”

“That sounds good to me”. Did he notice that this was not a courtesy smile, but a smile of pure joy? How could she have a business meeting with this man? She couldn’t even think straight!

Trisha’s life – Part 02

Trisha shook her head and  turned her laptop on.  While sipping on her coffee she went through her to do list. She had some interviews and a meeting scheduled for today, just after lunch.

“Trisha, I really like your work ethic,  but don’t forget to have your lunch. How else will you make me money? One can’t survive on an empty stomach, at least I can’t.” Andy rubbed his stomach and looked disgusted at the bottle with the green substance  on his desk.

“Thank you for reminding me, Andy”,  as she took a bite from her cheese sandwich and started a video on YouTube from ‘Ted X’.

Since her divorce, two years ago,  Trisha had been immersing herself into her work. As a single woman she did as she pleased and she happened to like her job as a job consultant. 

“Don’t you have this meeting with  ‘Sid Data’ in an hour?” Andy looked up from his laptop, his eyes on Trisha’s cheese sandwich.

Trisha nodded her head. “Don’t stare at my sandwich like that. You will give me a stomach ache.”

“Stomach ache?”

“It is an Indian superstitious thing. My mother used to tell me that when you are eating and someone is looking at you that you will get a stomach ache.”

“Aah ok, it is like I am sending you some bad energy towards the food you are eating?”

“You could put it that way. Can I offer you a piece of my sandwich. I won’t tell the Mrs…. It will be our little secret.”

“No, thank you. I better obey to the Mrs.” He rolled his eyes. “Imagine if she ever found out.”

Trisha grinned. “You pour soul. My sandwich is yum, yum. I must say  I really enjoy every bite of it.  But I do admire your perseverance, I couldn’t do it.”

“Yep, even I am proud of my own perseverance.” Andy said with a grin holding his bottle in one hand looking at the poisonous green liquid.

“You should be proud of yourself, Andy. Come on now, it is time to take a sip from the bottle. You don’t want to disappoint the Mrs. do you?

Trisha  walked into the lobby. She welcomed the cool air, as it was a hot and humid day. The girl at the reception desk stared at her which made Trisha feel uncomfortable.

“What can I do for you? And by the way, sorry for staring at you, but your shoes are so beautiful. I wish I could walk on heels like you do, so comfortable, like it is nothing.” She watched Trisha while leaning her head on her hand.

“Thank you. You know what they say practice makes perfect.”

“How may I help you? I assume you have an appointment with someone? Why else would you be here right?”

Trisha pressed her lips trying not to laugh. “I Am Trisha Gandhi. I am here to…”

The girls’ eyes widened. “Is Gandhi your grandfather?”

“No, he is not. We’re not related. It is just a common surname.”

The girl looked disappointed at Trisha. “Anyways your appointment is with whom?” Her eyes were giving away that Trisha was no longer a subject of interest to her.

“Mr. Bal.”

“Ooooh, Mr. Bal.” She stared at Trisha. “Lucky you” she murmured softly.  “You know it’s my second day here. So I need to find my way around. The lady who usually does this job has broken her leg. So, well, yeah… let me call Mr. Bal. Please take a seat.”