Category: Trisha’s Life – Weekly Column

Part 42: “London’s Love Affair: Luca and Trisha’s Dinner Date Delight”

As planned, Luca picked Trisha up at the Tube Station near her hotel at eight o’clock in the evening. Despite her initial reservations, she found Luca waiting for her with a tired yet welcoming smile. His slim-fit blue suit and slightly unbuttoned pale blue shirt gave him an elegant charm.

Trisha wore her favorite black lace embroidery dress and comfortable black leather ankle-strap sandals instead of her packed high heels. A red shawl completed her ensemble, adding a touch of elegance. The possibility of a dinner date hadn’t crossed her mind until now.

“You look beautiful,” Luca remarked with a genuine smile.

Blushing slightly, Trisha replied softly, “Thank you.”

With the restaurant just a short walk away, they casually talked about London’s sights and sounds. Upon their arrival, Luca courteously held the door open for Trisha and smiled at her.

“You smell wonderful,” Luca said while she went into the restaurant.

“Thank you,” Trisha mumbled. She felt anxiety coming up. Did she make the right choice to go to dinner with Luca, a man she had just met on the plain? Trisha tried to breathe calmly, but her heart was still racing, as if it would pop out of her body anytime.

They were greeted by the waiter, who greeted Luca warmly and expressed concern over his appearance.

“You look tired, Luca.” Is everything okay?

Luca shrugged it off. “I had a late-night meeting yesterday.”

The waiter raised his eyebrows. “You work all day and night; how can one think in the evening? You have to look after yourself. Work is good, but you must relax, too, Luca. If you don’t relax, how can you work? But now you are here, no work, just relaxation.”

Luca nodded. “You said it right.”

Trisha looked around. The ambiance was modern with subtle Italian touches, reflected in the red-checked napkins adorning the tables.

As they settled at their table, the waiter returned with complimentary Bellinis and appetizers, a gesture of hospitality reserved for Luca’s familiarity with the establishment.

“For you and the beautiful lady and to a wonderful night,” he said in a cheery Italian accent. “This is on the house.” He smiled as he looked at both of them and walked away.

Impressed by the spread, Trisha couldn’t help but smile. “This looks so fresh and smells lovely.”

 “I travel a lot, but this place is home away from home. Italian food and some wine are needed to forget the busy schedule ahead the next day. But I have to say I have never received any complimentary treats. Luca paused and gave Trisha her glass. “To a wonderful evening with a beautiful woman. Then he looked concerned. “I am sorry, I just assumed you drink alcohol; if you don’t, we can order something else.”

Trisha smiled. “I do drink alcohol once in a while; I am not a big drinker, though.”

Their conversation flowed more comfortably as they sampled the delicious appetizers. Luca recommended the bruschetta with grilled tomatoes, which Trisha found delightful. Soon, the waiter returned with the menu, and Trisha settled on a pasta dish.  

“In Italy, we have 10-course dinners; we should do that some other time”, referencing Italian dining customs. “You should take another dish, a secondi, Trisha.”

Trisha’s eyes widened. “I don’t think I could eat a 10-course meal”.

Luca chuckled. “We will start at noon and finish at midnight. What better way to get to know each other better?

Trisha stared at the menu, pretending she hadn’t heard Luca’s words. “Grilled salmon sounds lovely,” she said as she closed the menu.

Once again, Trisha felt that all-too-familiar flutter of anxiety sneaking up on her like an unexpected guest crashing a party. Amidst the jittery excitement bubbling within her, a sprinkle of self-doubt floated, curious to see what the evening would bring. Wrapped in a cloak of vulnerability, she couldn’t help but keep her guard up, even as Luca’s charm tempted her to let it slip. Balancing on the tightrope between intrigue and skepticism, she ventured into the unknown with a dash of hopefulness and a pinch of caution, ready to see where the night might lead.

Part 41: “Thames River Stroll to London Eye: Sid’s Surprise Call”

The following day, Trisha woke up with the first light of dawn, feeling as though the day held promise. She hastily grabbed a croissant and coffee from the charming French Bakery down the street, her mind buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead.

Eager to soak in the beauty of London, she set off for a stroll along the River Thames, her starting point being the iconic London Eye. As she approached the London Eye, the sun cast a golden hue on the glistening waters of the Thames, and the bustling South Bank came alive with street performers, artists, and tourists snapping photos.

Trisha looked at the daunting queue at the London Eye; she hesitated momentarily, taking in the lively atmosphere around her. Opting not to wait, she continued on her way, meandering along the Thames, where the sound of lapping water and the distant laughter of children created a tranquil backdrop to her thoughts.

Just as she was soaking up the vibrant atmosphere of the bustling South Bank, her phone buzzed in her tote bag, interrupting her musings. Her heart skipped a beat when she glimpsed the caller ID.

“Hello,” Trisha answered, her voice blending surprise and curiosity.

“Hi, Trisha, it’s Sid. How are you?”

“I’m fine, thank you. How’s everything with April?”

“Oh, she’s doing wonderfully. She’s become an invaluable team member. She fits right in, works diligently, and has quite the fiery spirit,” Sid chuckled.

“That’s splendid to hear. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever require any assistance in the future.”

Clearing his throat, Sid continued, “Actually, I’m calling because I need two more people for a significant project we’re working on.”

“You’ve come to the right place. I’m currently on holiday, but I’ll contact Andy and ask him to contact you.”

“I’m sorry to disturb you during your vacation, Trisha.”

Her name coming out of his mouth made her heart race. “No worries at all. I’ll have Andy reach out to you.”

“Don’t concern yourself; I’ll contact him directly.”

“All right,” Trisha replied, unsure what else to say, resulting in a brief, awkward silence.

“Trisha, I had a wonderful time at the wedding.”

Blushing, Trisha responded, “I had a great time too.”

Clearing his throat again, Sid suggested, “We should have a business lunch when you get back.”

“Sure,” Trisha agreed.

“How long will you be on holiday?”

“Just a week; I’ll return to work next Monday.”

“Could we do lunch on Friday, then?”

Trisha felt a flutter in her stomach. “Sure, I don’t have any plans,” she replied confidently, a smile forming on her face.

“Well, that’s set then. See you next Friday,” Sid said.

“Yes, looking forward to it,” Trisha responded before ending the call.

Staring at her phone, Trisha wondered if she was dreaming. Had he just asked her out for lunch?

“It’s a business lunch, Trisha,” she reminded herself. “Don’t get your hopes up too high. He said so himself.”

Shaking off her surprise, Trisha continued her walk along the Thames, still flabbergasted by Sid’s unexpected call and the turn her holiday had taken.

Part 40: “London Delights: Discover Hyde Park MagicPart”

Trisha strolled through Hyde Park, utterly charmed by its vastness amidst the city bustle. With the sun grinning down like a Cheshire cat, the park buzzed with activity – locals and tourists mingled, children played, and tourists whizzed by on rental bikes like colorful streaks of confetti. Amidst the kaleidoscope of blooms, Trisha paused to admire the playful squirrels darting among the trees, feeling the sun’s warm embrace on her skin.

As she watched one particularly industrious squirrel, busy burying a nut, Trisha couldn’t help but grin. Taking a sip from her trusty water bottle, she soaked in the eclectic mix around her – nannies from far-flung corners of the globe tending to giggling children and a group of friends in chic black hijabs sharing laughter over a picnic spread fit for a magazine shoot.

Suddenly, Trisha’s phone chimed like a cheerful melody, and a grin spread across her face – it was her mother calling. “Hey, Mom?” Trisha answered, finding a quiet spot on an empty bench.

“Trisha, darling, how’s my little Londoner?” her mother’s voice bubbled over the line.

“Mom, I’m at Hyde Park, and it’s like a scene from a movie. I half-expect Hugh Grant to come walking past,” Trisha chuckled.

“Well, aren’t you just living your best life? You’re like a post-divorce poster girl,” her mother teased.

Trisha laughed. “I’ll take that as a compliment, Mom. But seriously, how are you doing?”

“Oh, you know me, darling, planning my next escapade like a true jet-setter. I’ve got a sightseeing bucket list longer than the Thames! It’s exhausting,” her mom replied with a chuckle.

“Ah, the joys of retirement,” Trisha quipped. “But seriously, Mom, you’re an inspiration. You’re living life on your terms.”

“That’s right, Trish. Happiness is an inside job, and you’ve got to be your architect. Speaking of happiness, I may have slipped a little extra pocket money into your account,” her mom confessed.

“Mom, you’re a legend! But seriously, you didn’t have to do that,” Trisha protested.

“I know, but I’m your mom; it’s my prerogative to spoil you rotten. Consider it a little insurance policy for those rainy days,” her mom insisted.

Trisha couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks, Mom. You’re the best!”

“Take care, darling. And don’t forget to live a little,” her mom said warmly.

“Bye, Mom,” Trisha replied, ending the call and tucking her phone back into her bag. She settled onto the bench, taking in the scene around her. Two little girls nearby were playing with their dolls, a scene that tugged at Trisha’s heartstrings, reminding her of simpler times.

Lost in thought, Trisha’s mind drifted to Luca’s text message. She felt nervous about dinner with him, but her inner voice urged her to seize the moment. Trisha rummaged through her bag with a decisive nod and replied to Luca. She was going to have dinner with him tomorrow, and she couldn’t wait to see where the evening would take her. With a spring in her step, she set off towards Kensington Palace, ready for whatever adventure lay ahead.

Part 39: “Whispers of Dinner: Igniting Romance”

 “I am asking you to have dinner with me.” He said in a whispering tone.

“Erhmm, I don’t know you, Luca.” Her voice was hesitant.

Luca took his wallet out and handed Trisha his business card. Trisha took the card. He worked in sales and marketing for a big oil company.

“Now you know what I do for a living. If you want to know more about me, you can check my LinkedIn page.  Can I now take you to dinner? Please.”

 “Dinner sounds great”. She could always make something up later and cancel, she said to herself.

 “You made my day. Can I have your phone number, please?”

Trisha hesitated for a few seconds, then gave Luca her number. She could permanently block him if he turned out to be a psycho. In the worst-case scenario, she would have to change numbers.

“I will call you later today. They have planned some dinners with clients I must attend to.”

Two hours later, Trisha was in her hotel room. She flipped onto the bed and felt tired. The commute to the hotel had been easy; there was a direct line to where her hotel was.

Trisha looked through the brochures she had picked up at the front desk.  Then she walked to the window and opened the net curtains. There was a small park across the street; children played while their parents sat on the benches and looked at their phones. Trisha loved the white terraced  Victorian houses. Her hotel was in a Victorian house with a beautifully high ceiling. Her room was small but had everything she needed. The bed had a white duvet with a charming grey bedspread. There was a nightstand with a complimentary water bottle, a small desk, and a modern bathroom stocked with plush, fluffy towels and luxury soaps.

Trisha heard her alarm going off. Since she was tired, she had decided to take a nap. She turned the alarm off and looked at the ceiling. “Five more minutes, Trisha,” she said, rolling on her side. She heard a car honking and someone shouting and cursing.  Her phone bleeped; she had received a text message. Trisha picked up her phone, expecting it would be her mother sending her a text message, but much to her surprise, it was a message from Luca.

“I am thrilled to have met you today. Can I take you to dinner tomorrow evening?


Trisha read the text message a few times. She hadn’t expected a text from him this soon. She rolled over and looked at the ceiling. Should she go to dinner with him? What if he expected something more than having dinner? He wasn’t her type. On the other hand, he seemed to be friendly and sincere, and he did behave like a gentleman. Having dinner with someone instead of eating alone at a restaurant did appeal to her. She added Luca’s number to her phone when she noticed he was texting her with an American number. ‘So he is an American-Italian,” she said to herself. She decided to freshen up and text Luca back later. She didn´t want to come over as desperate. 

Trisha exited the hotel and walked past the Victorian houses to the left. Across the street was another hotel. Trisha walked straight into a busy street. On the left, there was a bar, and at the left, there was a bakery. The bakery was full of people since it was around lunchtime. The sandwiches looked appealing, and Trisha decided to buy one for later. She crossed the road to go into the Tube and chose to go to Hyde Park. “Trisha, we are going to find the sparkle,” she told herself.

Part 38: “Delays & Unwelcome Company”

Trisha was exhausted. She had booked a morning flight to London, which she regretted now. She walked through the aisle, looking for her seat. The flight was fully booked, so she was told when she had checked her bags. Trisha opened the overhead compartment and stored her small safety bag. A bag she always took with her when she was flying in case her suitcase did not arrive. Luckily, the seat next to her was still empty. She hated it when she had to ask people to stand up. Trisha sat down and fastened her seat belt. She felt tired and hoped that she would catch some sleep during the flight.

She closed her eyes and heard the engines roaring and people putting their luggage in the overhead compartments in the background. A child was singing a song; he sounded cheerful. She opened her eyes and looked outside when someone sat down and bumped her elbow. She turned her gaze to the right and looked straight into the eyes of a man in his thirties, so she guessed. He was tall, wearing a slim-fit blue suit and a crisp white shirt with no tie.

“Sorry, but these seats are too small.” He apologized.

“It is okay,” said Trisha in a low voice. She could smell his perfume. It was sweet yet masculine.  His dark hair was combed backward.

Trisha was not in the mood for a conversation with a stranger. She crossed her hands, glanced at her watch, and closed her eyes. The flight would depart in five minutes, and in 45 minutes, she would be in London. She already pictured herself strolling through the streets of London, going for a walk in Hyde Park, and having tea at a café when her thoughts were interrupted by an announcement from the pilot.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we’re just finishing some paperwork and should be underway shortly…”

The man beside her sighed. “In other words, our flight has been delayed.”

Trisha opened her eyes and looked at the man. Should she say something? “Is it? That is not what he said.”

He smiled and looked at her. “Trust me. We are not taking off in the next 5 minutes.

Trisha nodded, closed her eyes again, and dozed off. When she woke twenty minutes later, there was still no sign of the plane taking off. The man beside her was staring at his laptop screen. Finally, she heard the captain saying:

“Cabin crew, please take your seats for take-off.”

The man beside her looked at Trisha. “I told you we were delayed.” He closed his laptop and stored it in his designer laptop bag.

“So you did,” said Trisha while she took a ‘mint’ from her bag and popped it in her mouth.

“Hi, I am Luca; nice to meet you.”

Trisha pressed her lips and finally mumbled, “I am Trisha.” She got the magazine she bought for the airport bookstore from her leather tote bag and looked at the cover. Would he get her hint that she was not willing to talk to him?

She looked out the window at the platform where people were doing their jobs. Her thoughts drifted away to the wedding a few weeks ago. She had enjoyed the evening with her friends and Sid. She felt a fluttering sensation in her stomach, and she smiled. Should she have called him? But then again, he could have called her. “Why would he want to talk to you? He can have any woman he wants.” said her inner voice.

She sighed deeply and flipped through the magazine, scanning the articles and pages. She was not in the mood to read.

“So, are you on a business trip?”

Trisha looked at her fellow passenger, trying not to look annoyed. Couldn’t he gasp that she did not want to talk? Trisha shook her head. “No leisure,” she said without even looking up.

“London is a beautiful city.  It never bores.” The men answered.

“Yes, it is,” said Trisha, flipping through her magazine. Did he get the message now?

“Lucky you, I am on a business trip. I will spare you the details.”

Trisha didn’t respond.

“Are you Indian?” Luca looked at Trisha.

Trisha closed her magazine and looked the man in the eyes. “Yes,” she said, “and you?” She tried hard not to sound annoyed. She should not have asked where he was from. How could she be that stupid?

“I am Italian, born and raised in Italy.”

“Italy is my favourite vacation destination.” She blurted out, regretting it at the same time.

Luca smiled.  “I love the Indian culture and Indian ladies. They are beautiful.”  He looked intensely at Trisha.

Trisha blushed and fell, her cheeks getting warm. Was he flirting with her?

“We Italians and Indians have the same thing in common: family and food.” Don’t you think so? He looked at her with a genuine smile.

Trisha paused for a few seconds. “I love Italian food.  Pasta is my favourite.”

 “Well, I should take you to my favourite Italian restaurant in London.”

Trisha stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. She looked at confused at Luca.

“Click Here to Order Your Copy of Chai and Marigolds – Let’s Dive In!”

Part 37: “Trisha’s London Adventure”

Trisha couldn’t get the conversation with her cousins out of her head. How could she find her sparkle back? It was easier said than done. She knew she would not find it if she cooped herself up in the house and emerged to work. “You need to do something, Trisha. Something that can bring back the sparkle you are missing.”  She said to herself.

Since it was a beautiful day, Trisha decided to sit on her terrace. She left work on time and was now surfing the internet, trying to figure out how to find her sparkle back. She had written all the options down and was now staring at her screen. She read out loud:

– Resign and travel the world for a year

– Stay at an ashram in India

– A walking holiday through the French Pyrenees

– A road trip through America

– Climbing the Kilimanjaro

– Take a city trip to a European destination like London or Paris.

Trisha put her laptop on the coffee table and made herself comfortable. She looked at the list and decided to take the least adventurous one, a city trip to London.

“No need to take giant steps, Trisha. Take it slow,” she said, trying to convince herself.


Trisha handed Andy the files she was working on. “You can call me if anything comes up.”

Andy looked at her. “As a boss, I demand you get your bag and leave. I don’t want to see or hear from you till your holiday is over.” Andy looked at her with a serious expression on his face. “How do I sound like a real boss, don’t I?”

“Do I really have to answer that? I just wanted to tell you about that …”

Andy held his hand up. “Now go and leave me alone. I can manage without you. Although you think I can’t. It is summer; business is slow, so go and enjoy Trisha. You deserve it. Enjoy your holiday. Have some wine, meet some new people, and get… Well, I better not say it before you sue me.”

“Thank you, Andy, this means a lot to me.” She gathered her belongings, said goodbye to Andy, and walked out the door. The weather was sunny, and she wondered how the weather in London would be.

She saw a familiar face waving at her as she walked towards the metro. She couldn’t believe her eyes. What was Karan doing here? Was he now stalking her?

“What a coincidence, Trisha, to see you here?” He raised his eyebrows. “You look lovely as always. Those heels really add at least 10 cm to your height.” He took a step back. “You look good. Have you lost weight?” He looked curious at Trisha.

Trisha forced a smile. “Karan, I have to go. ”She paused, then blurted out. “I have a date”. Trisha noticed the surprised look on Karan’s face.

“You are going on a date?” He said as if he couldn’t believe what Trisha was saying. “Does this date have a name? I…I want to make sure that you are safe.” He said in a jealous voice, wanting to sound confident.

“Yes, Karan. I am going on a date, and yes, this date has a name.” Trisha rolled her eyes. “Karan, you have your life, and I have mine. That is what happens when people separate. Now, if you will excuse me.”

“So what did you say his name was again?” Jealousy had now overtaken his voice.

Trisha sighed deeply and walked past Karan without saying a word when Karan grabbed her wrist. “Please, Trisha, don’t date another man. The thought of you going on a date with another man, I cannot bear it.”

Trisha’s eyes filled with anger, and she pulled her wrist from his hand. “Don’t you dare to touch me again, Karan! Get your act together, Karan, and move on! And leave me alone!” She walked as fast as she could to the metro, not looking back.

Trisha had managed to get a seat on the metro. She watched the people going off and on the train when her phone started to ring. She took her phone out of her purse. It was Karan. She declined the call and blocked his number. How could she find her sparkle when Karan didn’t leave her alone?


Part 36: “Trisha’s Sparkle Quest”

A month had passed since April’s wedding, and life had settled into its usual routine. During this time, there had been no word from Sid. Thoughts of reaching out to him had crossed Trisha’s mind, but she found herself at a loss for words.

Trisha’s mother was delighted to see her daughter getting back on track. However, she couldn’t help but worry about the long hours Trisha was putting in at work. She viewed it as a sign that her daughter needed a break, and so she invited Trisha to join her at a family gathering. “Trisha, everyone will be thrilled to have you there,” her mother said. “When was the last time you spent time with the family?” In an attempt to please her mother, Trisha agreed. She loved her family, but there was one aspect that never failed to irk her – their persistent attempts to turn her single status into a married one. She had grown weary of explaining that she led a fulfilling life even without a husband, but they just didn’t seem to understand particularly her mother’s generation.

As they gathered at the event, Trisha’s mother sat with her aunts, sharing laughter on the couch. Trisha was seated next to her cousins, who were animatedly discussing their recent travels. One of her cousins chimed in, “You know what you should do, Trisha? Take a holiday and add some sparkle to your life. There’s no one waiting for you at home, is there?”

Trisha chuckled at the notion. “Add some sparkle? That sounds like something you’d find on Pinterest.”

Jaya, her cousin, looked at her, her beautifully made-up eyes beaming. “Trisha, you used to have that sparkle, but it seems to have dimmed since your divorce. Don’t you think it’s time to reignite it?”

Hema joined in, “Jaya’s right, but I say aim for fireworks, not just sparkle.”

Jaya smiled, “Well, first things first, she should find her sparkle.”

Trisha looked at them both and admitted, “You’re right. I lost my sparkle when Karan betrayed me. I felt so hurt, so angry, and full of resentment.”

Jaya offered a reassuring smile. “I think you’re on the path to finding that sparkle again, Trisha. One step at a time.”

Their conversation was momentarily interrupted by Jaya’s son, who politely asked for a drink. Trisha observed as Jaya attended to her family, her husband, and other cousins. It was a bustling party with around 50 guests celebrating her uncle’s birthday.

“He’s adorable,” Hema remarked. “I want to take him home.” Trisha smiled “he sure is”.

Jaya returned with a plate of samosas, which she shared with her cousins. As they indulged in the snacks, Jaya offered some wisdom, “Wounds take time to heal. Take your time, but remember that time doesn’t wait for anyone. At some point, we have to move forward, or we’ll keep going backward.”

Trisha nodded in agreement. “You’re absolutely right. I’ve already taken some small steps, like signing up at the gym.”

Hema complimented her, “Is that why you’ve lost weight? You look great, not that you didn’t look great before. There’s life after a man, you know. Show them, Trish! Find your sparkle. It’s hidden somewhere, it can’t just disappear like that.”

Trisha nodded with determination. “I’ll try, I will.”

Part 35: “Surprise at the Door: Trisha’s Journey of Closure”

Trisha inhaled deeply, unwilling to waste any more of her precious time on this. With a decisive click, she ended the call and gracefully exited her bed.

Her terrace welcomed her warmly, bathed in the morning sun’s embrace. Balancing her breakfast on a tray, she stepped outside. Settling into the plush lounge couch, she indulged in her eggs, her mind wandering back to the enchanting events of the previous night.

After the last bite, she gave in to the idea of a quick nap. Just as her eyelids began to droop, a sudden ring of the doorbell disrupted the peace. She waited, hoping the visitor would decide to disappear into the quiet of the day. The doorbell chimed again, more insistent this time, and irritation started to creep in since she wasn’t expecting anyone.

Unexpected Visit from Karan

Slowly, she made her way to the front door, annoyed at the intrusion on her Sunday solitude. Another doorbell ring prompted her to peer through the peephole; her curiosity was piqued. To her astonishment, there stood Karan, grinning and holding a bouquet of roses above his head.

She recalled that he’d never brought her flowers during their time together, except for the bridal bouquet on their wedding day. Now, he was at her doorstep with an unexpected gift.

Staring in disbelief, she remained silent, hoping he’d take the hint and depart. But the doorbell pierced the air once more. Karan’s voice reached her through the door, gentle and pleading.

“Trisha, come on, I know you’re in there.”

With a resigned sigh, she unlatched the door, leaving the chain securely in place. “What is it, Karan?”

A hint of nostalgia flickered in his eyes as he gazed beyond her into the house. “You look tired, Princess, but still beautiful.”

Trisha arched an eyebrow. “Why are you here?”

“I thought I’d surprise you and bring you these.” He displayed the bouquet, hastily acquired from the supermarket. Trisha sighed, skepticism in her eyes.

“It’s the thought that counts,” he added quickly. “Come on, Trisha, please open the door.”

“Karan, go away and leave me alone, please.” She shut the door and peered through the peephole.

Closure and Moving Forward

“Come on, Trisha. Please open the door. I miss you, I miss you.”

Reluctantly, she removed the chain and opened the door. “Karan, don’t make a fool of yourself. It’s over between us. We’ll never have a future together.”

She paused for a moment, her eyes locking onto his. “I was your Princess once, but I’m not anymore. Those days are gone. You had your chance, and you blew it… big time. When you cheated on me, remember? You didn’t think about your princess then, did you? You didn’t think about my feelings, did you? You made me feel worthless.”

Karan’s guilt-ridden eyes pleaded for forgiveness, but she silenced him with a firm tone.

“You know, when I threw you out of the house, I kept asking myself why, why, why? I couldn’t fathom why you treated me that way. We had a wonderful life together—or so I thought. But you didn’t see it that way because of that ….. And now that she’s left you, you think you can come crawling back? It doesn’t work like that, Karan. I felt terrible after our breakup, but not anymore. I realized you have no place in my life. Our journey has ended forever.”

“Unforgettable Night for Trisha: Love, Regret, and Hope (Part 34)”

Fan and Trisha exchanged wide-eyed glances, shocked by what they had heard.

“I feel sorry for her husband,” Trisha said, her disapproval evident. “He is a good man.”

Meghan added disapprovingly, “These women who go after older rich men forget that these men eventually get older and can’t keep up with them. But who am I to judge? Money makes the world go round.”

“How did she react when her husband caught her?” Trisha inquired with a furrowed brow.

“Well, she couldn’t care less. It seems like she doesn’t care about his thoughts or feelings. Poor Pete remained calm, but I could see the sadness in his eyes. He took her hand and said, ‘Jen, I think we should go home.’”

“You reap what you sow,” Fran remarked, checking her watch. “We really should be going. Shall we?”

The next day, Trisha woke up early, surprisingly well-rested. She closed her eyes and smiled, still in disbelief that she had danced the entire night with Sid, the charming “Mr. Eye Candy” she thought she’d never see again. After finding the right candidate, she had never expected such an encounter. Turning to look at her nightstand clock, she noticed it was only 9 a.m. Trisha decided to indulge herself with an additional 15 minutes in bed and dozed off again. Just as she was drifting, her phone began to ring. Annoyed, she checked the number—it was Karan. Why was he calling so early?

The phone finally stopped ringing, but she couldn’t fall back asleep. Her phone started ringing again. This had to stop.

“Hello,” Trisha answered groggily, keeping her eyes closed.

“Good morning, Trisha. Are you still sleeping? That’s unlike you,” Karan said.

Trisha let out a sigh. “What do you want, Karan?”

“I’d like to know if we could have lunch together, like friends. Are we still friends, right? What time should I pick you up?”

“Karan, we are not friends, and I’m not going out for lunch with you.”

“Why not, Trisha? You used to love our Sunday lunches, remember?”

“That was in the past, Karan,” Trisha replied irritably. “When we were happily married, but then you decided to cheat on me, remember?” Her voice dripped with sarcasm. “And stop calling me ‘princess.’ I am not your princess.”

“Trisha, my dearest Trisha. I made one mistake. A stupid mistake, I agree. Please don’t be so harsh on me. Please, let’s make a new start. We can’t just pretend that we didn’t have some wonderful years together,” Karan pleaded desperately. “I was thinking; maybe we can start seeing each other again and see how it goes?”

Part 33: “A Captivating Dance”

“I’m fine, thank you,” Trisha reassured Sid. “I almost stumbled over a bump on the floor, but thankfully I managed to avoid it.”

Sid nodded in understanding, a playful laugh escaping his lips. “We wouldn’t want any accidents, would we?” he replied, taking hold of Trisha’s hand. “Allow me to guide you to the dance floor safely.”

Trisha’s breath was caught in her throat. The electricity between them was overwhelming, leaving her unable to find her voice. She was grateful for the dimmed lights since her cheeks flushed as her heart raced.

To Trisha’s surprise, they danced together throughout the night. She had expected just one dance, but fate had other plans. Then, a dreadful announcement reached her ears.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve been an incredible audience. Give yourselves a round of applause and find your partner for the last dance of the night. Here’s my favorite song by Ed Sheeran, ‘Darling, you look perfect tonight.'”

As Trisha turned to head back to their table, Sid gently grasped her hand. “Please dance with me,” he pleaded with demanding yet tender eyes. Was it her imagination, or did she sense a hint of distance? A shiver ran down her spine as she felt Sid’s warm breath against her ear. “You’re an amazing dancer,” he whispered. “I’ve had a wonderful time tonight.”

A shy smile graced Trisha’s lips as she replied, barely audibly, “So have I.”

When the song ended, they walked back to their seats in silence, lost in their thoughts. “Excuse me for a moment,” Sid said abruptly.

Fan walked towards Trisha with a smile. “We’ll take you home. No need to call a taxi,” Fan assured Trisha, giving her hand a comforting squeeze.

“Thank you, Fan. You both have been amazing. Are you sure about this? I don’t want to impose,” Trisha replied gratefully, considering their offer.

“Absolutely sure,” Fan’s husband said, his gaze shifting between them. He smiled and turned to his wife. “I could use some water before we leave. Would you like some too?”

Trisha nodded, her eyes catching sight of Sid approaching her. He took a seat, his eyes locked with hers. “I had a wonderful night, thank you,” he said sincerely.

Trisha returned his gaze, her heart fluttering. “I did too.”

It felt like Sid had more to say, but an awkward pause lingered between them. Trisha was relieved when Fan and her husband returned.

“Well, I should leave. It was nice meeting you. Sid said, standing up and shaking their hands, his grasp on Trisha’s hand lingering for a moment too long. He turned and disappeared into the darkness, almost colliding with Meghan.

“You look flustered,” Fan remarked. “Is everything all right?” she asked Meghan.

“You won’t believe what just happened,” Meghan exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment. “You know Jen, April’s friend, the woman seated at our table? Her husband’s name is Pete, I think.”

Fan chuckled. “How could we forget her? She’s quite peculiar. But Pete, he’s a nice guy. He truly adores his wife, although I’m unsure if the feeling is mutual. There’s something about her, something I can’t quite put my finger on.”

“Yes,  she is the one,” Meghan confirmed, nodding.

Fan smiled knowingly. “She made advances towards my husband when he went to the restroom. I wasn’t supposed to tell you,” she whispered.

Trisha stared at them in disbelief. “She did? That woman has absolutely no respect! What did she say to him?”

Fan chuckled again. “She asked him if he was as bored as she was and suggested they walk through the garden for some ‘fun’ together.”

“What?” Trisha and Meghan exclaimed simultaneously, their voices filled with disbelief.

Meghan turned to Fan; the confusion was evident in her eyes. “And what did he say to her?”

“He simply walked away, ignoring her for the rest of the night, and so did I,” Fan replied, a hint of satisfaction in her voice.

“Well, it seems she found another target,” Meghan revealed. “Her husband caught her red-handed, kissing the groom’s cousin.”