Category: Tips

How to “prepare” your body for the Holiday Season

One cookie is yummy, two cookies are super yummy and three cookies are a no-noThe Holiday Season is all about joy, fun lots of laughter and of course love. Spending time with our family, friends and our  beloved ones. And…… lots of yummy foods which we should absolutely enjoy, in moderation that is. One cookie is yummy, two cookies are super yummy and three cookies are a no-no. In moderation a word we should remember especially  during the holiday season. We should absolutely sample all dishes. After all the cook did his/her utmost best to cook you a lovely Christmas dinner. It would be an insult to the cook if you did not sample all dishes.

Lots of people go on a diet to prepare themselves  for the Holiday Season.  Losing a few pounds, to fit into that nice dress or to enjoy all the food during the Holiday Season.  Atkins, low carb, South Beach, Cambridge and so on.

The truth is we don’t want to go on any kind of diet.  And we really don’t need to. Try to change your eating habits by adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet now. We all know that fruits and vegetables are healthy for us. They contain vitamins and lots of fibers. The good part is that they fill you up. So next time you have a food craving go for some fruits or vegetables.  And (try) to squeeze in a work out for 30 minutes. Keep in mind, it is for a good cause. That extra piece of pie, some more turkey or …..

Prepare your body now so you can indulge during the Holiday Season, in moderation that is. With your family, friends, beloved ones and food.

Happy preparing!





Ignoring yourself? It’s time for me time.


Do you allow yourself 7 minutes “me time” every day? Me time?  I don’t have time for me time. I don’t need me time. These are a few random answers given to this question.

There is so much going on in our life’s. That we just forget to look after ourselves. All the other things in our life are so much more important. The kids, work, household, the garden, TV et cetera. Most of us are so occupied with that we just  ignore ourselves.  Ignore? Yes,  dress without a second  thought, comb ones hair and start the day. That is ignoring yourself.  Did you know that ignorance can lead to unhappiness. Unhappiness can have many “side effects”  like not knowing how beautiful you are, eating disorders, not wanting to look into the mirror because you don’t like what you see. Therefore “me time” even if we are so super busy is important.

Do you just throw some clothes on in the morning? Quickly brush your hair and rush to whatever you have to do? Would you like to change that? Then please keep reading.

First step. Get yourself a great haircut. Browse on the internet for inspiration. Ask your hairdresser what style would look good on you. What hairstyles do women around you have? You don’t have a hairdresser? Ask your friends or relatives which salon they go to. Once you’re at the salon tell the hairdresser (or should I say stylist) what kind of haircut you would like. Make sure you get a low maintenance haircut.  A great haircut is just a start.

Second step. Now it’s time to declutter your closet. Get everything out and sort everything out. Make a pile of the clothes you would like to donate. Then sort all the skirts, trousers, jeans, t shirts, cardigans et cetera. Once this is done it is time to mix and match. For example, which skirt goes with what top(s) shirt(s). Make notes in your head or take pictures.

Third step. You already have a nice face. Yes, because everybody is beautiful in their own way! So why don’t we put on a little make-up. Make-up is a bonus to your face. First of all after your shower cleanse, tone and moisturize your face. Then apply some foundation,  add some mascara and if you want to some eyeliner. Add some lipstick, lipgloss or lip balm and you are good to go. You really don’t need expensive skincare or make-up. You can buy your skincare or make-up at your local drugstore.

Fourth step. Do you always wear sneakers? Just because they are comfy and easy to wear. Why not buy a pair of nice comfy shoes. Maybe with a (little) heel or stylish flat shoes.  Buy them when they are on sale and save money.

7 Minutes me time in the morning starts now:

  • Hair and make-up 6 minutes
  • Put on your clothes – 1 minute ( lay out your clothes the night before).

Now look in the mirror. Everybody can look pretty. Just allow yourself 7 minutes of me time!

You deserve me time, don’t you?

Was it easier In the “old days”?

family-286229_640Not so long ago, once the children were born mom stayed home. Dad would provide for the family. It was mom’s responsibility to raise the kids and to take care of the household.  Now this has all changed.


Nowadays it is normal that both parents work.  Some of them want to because they enjoy working.  And some of them have to because they need the money. Life is getting expensive. And we all notice this. No matter which part of the world you live.

When both parents are working a lot of organizing needs to be done. Who will pick up and drop of the kids.  Where will they have the lunch. And then who will make the lunch boxes?  In Holland for instance it is normal that children have lunch at home if they are in primary school (age 4 -12). So there is another pick up and drop off moment. ( Although this is changing, some schools end at 14.00. The kids have lunch at school.) Where will they go after school. Who will bring them to the soccer practice, who will help them with their homework. Things get even more difficult when you’re a single mom or dad.

And then there are chores to be taken care of. Once you arrive home after you picked up the kids, you start with dinner and tell the kids to do their homework. Meanwhile husband comes home and he may help you. Several  studies have shown that most men do not help around the house.

Then there needs to be vacuumed, bathrooms to be cleaned, bed linen to be changed, laundry to be  done, floors to be scrubbed and….. well the list is endless!

How to manage all this effectively? First of all we must acknowledge the fact  that we cannot do all chores at once. There are just too little hours in a day.

Would you like to have some bonus time during the weekends?  Extra few hours to spend with your family. Or just some time for yourself (to try out that new make-up tutorial) ? Without feeling guilty.  Without thinking I have to do this or that. The only option to do that is doing some extra chores during weekdays. You can for example do 10 minute chores during the morning and 10-15 minute chores during the afternoon. What?  10 Minutes chores in the morning? We are already very busy! True.  If you really want more free time during the weekend you have to wake up 10 minutes earlier. I totally agree  with you. Waking up in the mornings is hard.  And getting out of bed earlier is even more harder.  But remember practice makes perfect and we do get free time during the weekend.

A few morning chores examples: cleaning the bathroom, emptying the dishwasher, load the washing machine or ______. Fill in the blanks. And let us know what chores you do in the morning.

A few afternoon chores examples would be: changing and washing the bed sheets, vacuuming, sweeping dusting, unload the washing machine or ________.

Ask your hubby  to help you with the chores. Together Everyone Achieves More.

Be creative with your time. You could do chores during commercials, 10 minutes before  you will have dinner. Let the kids help you. Let them shine the microwave or oven for you.  When they are bigger they could even unload the dishwasher for you or some other chore.

Set a time for each chore. Did you know that you can get a new load of laundry in the washing machine and fold the washed laundry in 15 minutes? You can for instance iron for half an hour. Or pluck weeds for 15 minutes.

Do you do all your chores during the weekend? Please comment and let us know.