Category: Tips

Food wastage

Food wastage….. How much food do you waste weekly? How much food do you throw away because….

apple-pie-6007_640Food wastage is a big problem especially in the Western countries. We throw away so much food which the poor and hungry could only dream about. But why doesn’t that stop us from throwing food away? Because we just don’t think about it if we throw away those bruised apples. Those bruised apples could be turned into a yummy apple pancake, an apple sponge cake, a smoothie or maybe even apple sauce. If the solutions are that easy why don’t we do it? There are many reasons why we don’t do it. We are tired, we are busy or we are just plain lazy. Or we are ….  Just fill in the dots.  And did you know that you could make these dishes within 15 minutes. But still many of us choose to throw away those bruised apples which we worked so hard for so we could afford them. May be the next time when we want to throw away food we have to remember that we or our spouse woke up early in the morning to earn money so that those apples could be bought. And we have to realize that those apples did not magically appear in the supermarket or at the farmers market. A lot of effort has been put into growing these apples. Are we taking food for granted?

food-693306_640There are so many things we could do with leftover food. You could make your own fresh homemade croutons, a grilled cheese sandwich, French toast. Leftover meat or poultry could be turned into an easy tomato sauce. Vegetables just lying on the fridge waiting to be thrown away could be turned into a soup. Or add them to your tomato sauce.

Shouldn’t we actually be more aware of all the food that we have in the fridge or in our cupboards? In my opinion one of the solutions to keep food wastage to a minimum is to cook with leftovers once or twice a week.  And don’t forget to look into your cupboard because those canned goods you bought when they were on sale will expire eventually.

How are you going to keep food wastage to a minimum?

What keeps you motivated?

Motivation stonesWhat or who keeps you motivated? Think about it for a second.

Some people are gifted, they can motivate themselves. Others get motivated by their loved ones, a book they read, a stranger they just bumped into, their children, a YouTube tutorial, a situation, circumstances, an occasion. The list is endless.

Sometimes it is “scary” to work towards your dreams because it is out of your comfort zone. Right at that moment we need to get motivated or else we will let go of our dreams. Achieving your goals in life gives you satisfaction and fulfillment. Think about the chores you postponed and the satisfaction you felt once they were done.

I know two gentlemen who have quitted their well paid job to start their own business. They were motivated to pursuit their goals, their dreams. They dared to step outside of their comfort zone. Then there are people who have a goal but can’t achieve them. Since they cannot motivate themselves or the people around them demotivate them, by telling them they just can’t do it. Then there are people who are motivated to reach their goal but because of the circumstances or situations they can’t.

Maybe you have read my blog about my Maharadja’s eczema, if not here’s the link His milk allergy motivated me to bake dairy free cakes and cookies. I can even make dairy free ice cream now!

pink roseA few weeks ago we were at my friend’s house. They have a beautiful house with a beautiful well kept garden. And it’s not a tiny garden! I asked my friend who did her garden. And she said we do it ourselves. That got me thinking. If they can do their huge garden all by themselves how hard can it be to do our tiny garden by ourselves. So Mr. Babblewell and I did our garden. My friend also gave me some gardening tips like cut back what you don’t like and improve the soil quality. With only these few tips my garden looks much better! We only need some color in our garden so this weekend my Maharadja and I are going shopping for some flowers.

Motivation (or getting inspired) leads us to completing our goals whether they are big or small. The most important part is, it gets you started.

What keeps you motivated?

Are you a honest parent?

Are you a honest parent? Do you tell your kids that they do not have the skills to, for instance sing, dance or play soccer?

Are you a honest parent?

A few weeks ago I went to a concert of a big Bollywood singer. In the hallway I heard “singing” which can be more described as  screaming , I thought to myself …….? It was a kid who could not sing at all. Then after that another kid began to sing and it was just horrifying. What were his parents thinking? Putting him on stage in front of 1000 people. That he was the next Justin Timberlake? I really felt sorry for the kid…..

In my opinion your “job” as a parent is  to guide your child. If your child likes to become a singer and doesn’t have any talent at all, be honest and tell your child that singing is not his or her cup of tea. They can sing in private as a hobby  but not in public. This way your child can’t make a fool of themselves. You as a parent don’t want to your child to be laughed at, right? If your child is not talented to be a singer, he or she definitely has other talents, like playing a music instrument, painting drawing, sports or….

It’s a fact a child can’t do everything right. When your child draws a human being and the hands are out of proportion for instance, you should tell your child so (unless your child is drawing inspector Gadget). This way your child can improve itself. In my opinion by not telling parents are sending the wrong signals. And in the future it can back fire on your child. Since the child thinks that everything it does is great.  And who can blame the child? No one ever told the child that certain skills really need  improvement.

Next time your child is painting something, be honest and tell them what they could improve. Unless your child is the next Picasso of course.

How do you motivate your kids?

Motivating kids is not an easy task. It takes a lot of patience especially when they are not interested in what they are doing.

Most kids are not aware that education is an important part of their life’s.  We cannot blame them, they are kids. As parents it is our task to motivate our kids to study. To keep them focused so that they can grow. Without pushing them too much. Yes, at times parenting can be a tough job.

How do you motivate your kids?

Listening to our kids is important. What are their thoughts, what are they struggling with? Kids who are demotivated cannot just be motivated overnight.  We actually need a happy child so that we can motivate her or him. Or, so that they want to be motivated. Just telling them they have to do homework is not going to motivate children. Explaining them the whys will make your job easier.


Explaining the whys to older children can be done over a cup of hot cocoa and cookies. Sit down with your child and ask them what their goals are? What do they want to do in the future.  Explain to your child  that school is important if they want to achieve their goals. Let them know that you are there for them when they face difficulties doing their homework. That you want to help them. Comfort your child with your words. Let them know that they are not alone, that you as a parent want your child to succeed. Let them know that you want to help them whenever they are struggling with school. But at the same time you have to let them know that they have to do the actual work. They have to take action.

If you as a parent are having difficulties to help your child with homework you need to solve that problem. If for instance fractions are difficult to you, you need to learn it. YouTube has some great tutorials on math. Like this one:

Or you could ask a friend, relative or any other person whom you trust (and who understands the subject, this goes without saying) to help your child with their homework.

When your child doesn’t get it, by any means do not call your child stupid. For a child it is important that their parent have faith in them. Remember, practice makes perfect.

How do you motivate your kids?

Store bought or homemade yummy salad dressing?

Picture this: you just washed some crunchy fresh salad leaves. Added a handful of diced fresh carrots and chucked some garlic olives along with some fresh cherry tomatoes in the bowl.  Now it’s time to choose your protein, grilled chicken, some grilled tofu or some kidney beans maybe?

You walk towards the fridge to get your favorite store bought salad dressing to pour it over your homemade salad. And then you stop and start to think. I made all the effort to make a lovely homemade salad. Why am I going to pour store bought salad dressing over my salad?

Salad dressing is really easy to make. I make this salad dressing  from “Eugenies kitchen”  (see video below) all the time. Eugenie’s recipe is my basic recipe. Sometimes I add some dried herbs to the dressing or some extra garlic. I just make the dressing and keep it in the fridge.

Want a more creamier dressing? Make your own mayonnaise or buy a really good one. Add a tablespoon of mayonnaise in a bowl and add a few drops of water. Whisk it till the mixture is combined. You could add some dried parsley, some finely chopped onions, some garlic maybe (yes I love garlic!).

Lots of us choose the easy way because it is convenient or it didn’t came up to make our own.  It goes without saying that when you make your own food from scratch it is (usually)much more healthier. In this case the salad dressing has no additives, thickening agent or artificial flavors.

By the way salads are really easy to make you can add anything you like. Baby spinach, roman lettuce, onions, cabbage, beans, corn, mushrooms, walnuts, almonds, leftover protein from last night meal (chicken, tofu, beans, fish or any kind of meat), leftover pasta, cheese, some fruits maybe? The options are endless.

Store bought salad dressing or homemade salad dressing?



How many empty calories did you had?

Did you had any empty calories this week? You might have…..

Empty calories

Empty calories are calories which supply little or no nutritional value.  A few examples of empty calories are candy bars, cookies, a hot steaming caramel macchiato, a blueberry muffin, potato chips, sodas.  All the yummy stuff people crave for (most people) when the days are getting colder, when you are having (or going to have) your period, when you are bored……….

Should we ban foods with empty calories then? The question is, how often and how many empty calories do you consume. If you are having empty calories on a regular base it might be time for some change. By the way empty calories have another side effect most of them are bad for your teeth. Did you know that a Kit Kat of 43 grams contains about 220 calories and a Snickers bar of 57 gram contains about 273 calories. A Grande  Caramel Macchiato contains about 240 calories. And a large blueberry muffin contains approximately 385 calories?

You might be consuming empty calories without even being aware of it.  Why not substitute those empty calories for nutrient-dense foods. (This is the opposite of empty calories.) Here is a list of nutrient dense foods:

  • Dry fruits such as dates, prunes, cranberries, raisins, apples, apricots
  • Nuts: Walnuts, almonds, pistachio, cashew (have a handful)
  • Carrot sticks
  • Any Fruit: apple, banana , pineapple, mango, pears, kiwis
  • Rice cakes
  • Instead of soda have some water with lime and mint leaves
  • Instead of a fancy coffee have black coffee or coffee with skimmed milk with sugar (in moderation!) or sweetener
  • Hot steaming tea with fresh mint leaves
  • Homemade salted popcorn with NO butter (read: no microwave popcorn)
  • A small piece of dark chocolate
  • Fresh fruits with a little dot of whipped cream
  • (Vegan) Yoghurt with some muesli and fresh fruits
  • What would you recommend?

How many  “empty calories”  did you had?






Have empty calories once in a while but remember  in MODERATION is the keyword.

What is in moderation according to you?

Do you have time for personal development?

Name at least  one skill you would like to develop.

We all have skills we would like to develop. Whether is it learning a language,  learning how to bake, how to do presentations  or maybe even an crochet class. These are only a few examples of the many skills we can develop.

Personal development is an important part of our life. Many people think about it and only a few take action. Then there are those who want to but have no time. Everyday life is hectic. Work, mortgages, family, kids, the gym…..

I myself wanted to learn how to crochet. And NO, crochet isn’t  just for old ladies!  Since I did not had time (and I did not feel like leaving the comfort of my own home, to be frank) to join a crochet class I learned to crochet by watching YouTube tutorials. I can now crochet blankets, shawls and am currently working on a clutch.

Time. If we don’t have time to develop ourselves we should do something about it. How busy is our daily schedule really? We need to find out.  The best thing to do is write down what we really do on a daily basis. Don’t forget to write down how much time you spent on work, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, surfing the internet, watching TV, games, folding laundry, doing dishes, cooking, helping the kids with their homework, household chores, commuting  and so on. Once you have written everything down it is time to “sacrifice”. (Hmmm, now you know what your daily schedule really looks like).

Which activity would you “sacrifice” to develop yourself, to learn or improve a new skill? Please note:  you do not have to sacrifice hours of your time. Half an hour or an hour,  3 times a week works.  Let’s say,  your “sacrificing” half an hour,  surfing on the internet time for learning French. How and when are you going to do that? Are you going to follow a course on the internet, are you downloading an App, will you hire a teacher….? Once you have determined the “how and when you are going to do it” it is time to take action! Block your calendar and now it is all comes down to discipline, willpower and how much you really want it.

What skill would you like to develop? Please leave a comment.



Maharadja’s eczema caused by a food allergy

My little Maharadja eczema was caused by milk and the additives in our food.

eczema caused by milk

Just before Maharadja turned two we went on a holiday to dream destination Mauritius. We booked our accommodation and trips thru Island Explorer & Tours (, I highly recommend them :-).

During the holidays Maharadja had milk for breakfast which he gulped down much to my surprise. At home he did not want to drink any milk. I was one happy mom. Because they say milk is healthy, right?  I was wondering why he did drink the Mauritian milk and hated the milk at home.  I took a small sip and tasted the milk, it was sweeter then what he got at home.  Now I understood why he drank the milk without any tantrums.

At the end of our holidays he started to scratch severely . But there were no sign of eczema. When we got home the eczema appeared. He started to scratch but little did  we knew that the dairy, sugar and food additives were the culprits. So I kept feeding  little Maharadja cheese and yoghurt drinks, which he loved.

We took our Maharadja to the doctors. They prescribed him hormone creams. Since these creams have many side effects I refused to use them for my two year old. I am surprised that doctors are not interested in what causes the eczema.

I tried every cream and gel on the market.  I walked into every store which sold creams to find a solution. And I tried a lot of creams and oils. Maharadja turned 3 and I was searching the internet for a solution. Meanwhile I did find out that if he had sugars and foods with additives (like a stock cube which contains MSG or a juice with additives or sugars or both) he started to scratch right away. So these foods were banned. I also introduced spelt bread into his and our diet. I used and still use hemp  oil and coconut oil and neutral crème the doctor prescribed. Maharadjas clothes were and still are washed with a perfume free detergent.  We also got him perfume free soap. Then right after his 4th birthday I found the culprit by accident. One night I was watching some videos on YouTube about eczema. By accident I stumbled upon a documentary about eczema and allergies. There was this one boy who had a dairy allergy and severe eczema. Once these foods were removed from his diet the eczema started to disappear. The next morning I removed all dairy products from his diet and in  the next few days, he stopped scratching! We were so happy for our Maharadja. He slept through the night. Usually he woke up because he was itchy. We told our Maharadja that he cannot have any dairy products due to his allergy and he understands now.

eczema caused by milk

By accident we found out that my Maharadja can have sheep cheese. So he is one happy Maharadja because he just loves cheese soo much! He is a real Dutch boy ;-)!

Cookies and cakes I make myself. When I go to a birthday party I make a cake for my Maharadja and take it along. For his 5th birthday I made dairy free muffins which the kids could decorate. I found out that he can have chocolate as long as it is 72%. White bread is a no-no and  so is white flour.  Sodas are also a no-no. Maharadja drinks water and 100% apple juice. He can have real butter. The culprit is the milk protein in  dairy products.  If you have a good brand of butter there are hardly any or no milk proteins in it.  I buy organic food as much as I can. I do read the labels because some organic products contain milk protein or even  palm oil! I am one lucky lady,  I buy organic flour at an authentic Dutch mill. I bake pancakes with coconut milk or almond milk.

The eczema is disappearing now, Maharadjas skin has to heal over time.

Do you have any experience with eczema?

What happened to your New Year’s resolution?

What happened to your New Year’s resolution?Did you had any?  Did you chuck them in the bin or are you sticking to your New Year’s resolution?  If you did chuck them in the bin. What was the reason? Was it too hard to stick to them?

Making changes to your lifestyle is challenging. Changing your lifestyle will not just happen overnight.  It will take time.


It actually comes down to how much you really want it, the change.

My New Year’s resolution is to shed the extra weight I gained during the Holidays. I ate in moderation but did not work out. (Too much calories + no work out = gaining weight. ) In my opinion the best way to tackle the weight resolution is too start right away. After the holidays (which was January 5th for me) I started with banning all the food which contained sugars and fats. I substituted them for lots of fruits, veggies, tea, water,  low calorie sandwiches and a proper meal.  For me a proper meal is important. It satisfies me and keeps me from snacking. Sometimes I have a rice cracker or some fruits if I really crave for something more. The first few days are always the hardest. Your body has to adjust to your eating habits. So don’t give up! It is all about willpower. And it doesn’t mean you can’t have any snacks. Learn how to make healthy snacks or desserts. Ever tried baked banana with cinnamon and honey? How much do you really want it, the change?

Exercising of  is good for the body and the mind.  For a workout you really don’t have to go to the gym. You could easily do it at home. If you have discipline that is. You could go for a walk or a ride on your bike.  You could go for a walk on the treadmill or for a bike ride on your bike trainer. In the comfort of your own home in front of your own TV.

Even for  Pilates classes  you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home.  YouTube is a great channel to follow classes of any kind (Zumba, Insanity, Yoga et cetera) . I just love the videos from Cassey.  Her YouTube channel is  named Blogilates. I have my own personal trainer in the comfort of my own home.

So pick up your New Year’s resolution whatever that might be and remember it is about how bad you really want it.

Just so you know: Rome wasn’t built in a day.



Can we entertain our kids with no technology?

When we were younger we did not have tablets, iPads, Playstations, Xboxes, Nintendo’s. And still we were not bored and we were able to entertain ourselves.

It is winter and it is getting colder outside. My little Maharadja does not want to play outside. It is too cold he told me the other day. There are a lot of activities kids can do during the cold winter months. They don’t need to go outside and no TV, tablet, IPad and so on are involved! Yes, we can entertain our kids with no technology.

Can we entertain our kids without technology?







Almost all kids love to color. And it is such an easy activity to set up. All you need is a coloring book and pencils. You don’t have any coloring books? Google for free coloring pages or buy some cheap coloring books at stores like Dollar store, Action. Where do you buy your coloring books. Please share your tips with us.

Playing with Lego or Wooden Blocks

Can we entertain our kids without technology?








My little one loves to build, with Lego, Wooden Blocks or Kapla. It is a great way for kids to use their imagination. If they are clueless what to build, give them some tips what to build. An house, aircraft or…. The options are endless.

Moon Sand

It is winter and the kids can build sand castles. What more joy can they have? It is easy to make Moon Sand. Don’t rush to the toy store to buy any. You might need to rush to the grocery store. The recipe for Moon Sand is as follows:

8 cups of flour

1 cup of oil.

Mix these Ingredients and voila you have Moon Sand!

Give the kid some plastic cups and let them build castles.


Get some paint, brushes and paper and let the little artist start.

Bake something

Can we entertain our kids without technology?

Baking is always a hit with kids. Ask them in advance what they want to bake. Search for an easy recipe on the internet. Let them help you weigh the ingredients, mix the batter and help you clean up.




Salt dough

Make some salt dough with 1 cup salt, 1 cup flour and 0.5 cup water. The kids could make shapes using cookie cutters. If you don’t have cookie cutters you could use plastic cups.  They could make Christmas, Easter, Divali, ____Ornaments. Bake them on 200 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. The next day the kids could paint the ornaments. Or you can make the ornaments in advance and have the kids paint them.

100 cup challenge

Buy cups at a dollar store and have the kids make a tower cup.

Indoor camping

Kids just love the idea of camping. If you have a small tent put it up.  No tent? Just throw a sheet over your kitchen table and the tent is ready. (if you don’t want to put up the tent this is an excellent alternative!). Let the kids pack the things they want to take with them for their camping trip. Give the kids a picnic basket to enjoy their camping. If you really want to, let them sleep in the tent!


Can we entertain our kids without technology?

Which kids doesn’t love to play with Playdough? What fun it is, to build a zoo or a fruit basket with good old fashioned playdough. Let the kids imagination go wild!






Making Greeting Cards

Start with folding a colored piece of paper in half and let the kids start decorating. There are many ways to decorate Greeting Cards. The kids could decorate them with glitter, ribbon, stickers, colored paper, fabric. In short there are many option to decorate Greeting cards.

There are many more options to entertain our kids without technology. These are just a few. How do you entertain your kids?