Category: Get organized

Sweatpants and the stay at home mom

Sweatpants, are so comfy? Don’t you agree? If you’re a working mom, there is nothing better than to change from your “work clothes” into something much more comfortable. They say this “changing ritual” relaxes our mind. But is it ok to wear sweatpants all the time? If you are happy wearing sweatpants all the time then go for it, or not?

Many stay at home mom’s, have the tendency to wear sweatpants or yoga pants all the time.  It’s just super comfortable and easy with kids. The moms are so busy with the kids, household chores, sports games and so on that they just forget about themselves. And before the moms realize it, the sweatpants have become their day to day clothes, their costume. It just happened like that, from one day to another.


For many stay at home moms everything is about the kids and household chores. They are so occupied that they just forgot to take care of themselves. Or maybe they don’t allow themselves some “me time”. If this sounds familiar to you, take out some old pictures (of happy moments!) and take a look at yourself. This was the woman you were before the kids and you can be this woman again but now with kids and all the household chores. This is another stage in your life.

Let me tell you a secret….. household chores are never ending chores. You have to realize that. Why don’t you allow yourself to get out of those sweatpants or yoga pants? And allow yourself 7 minutes of “me time”. Allow yourself to be you again and the mom and the wife but without those sweatpants. Allow yourself to take care of yourself.  You deserve this.

Please do read my post about “me time”:

What is your perfect “stay at home mom” daily outfit?

Do you have time for personal development?

Name at least  one skill you would like to develop.

We all have skills we would like to develop. Whether is it learning a language,  learning how to bake, how to do presentations  or maybe even an crochet class. These are only a few examples of the many skills we can develop.

Personal development is an important part of our life. Many people think about it and only a few take action. Then there are those who want to but have no time. Everyday life is hectic. Work, mortgages, family, kids, the gym…..

I myself wanted to learn how to crochet. And NO, crochet isn’t  just for old ladies!  Since I did not had time (and I did not feel like leaving the comfort of my own home, to be frank) to join a crochet class I learned to crochet by watching YouTube tutorials. I can now crochet blankets, shawls and am currently working on a clutch.

Time. If we don’t have time to develop ourselves we should do something about it. How busy is our daily schedule really? We need to find out.  The best thing to do is write down what we really do on a daily basis. Don’t forget to write down how much time you spent on work, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, surfing the internet, watching TV, games, folding laundry, doing dishes, cooking, helping the kids with their homework, household chores, commuting  and so on. Once you have written everything down it is time to “sacrifice”. (Hmmm, now you know what your daily schedule really looks like).

Which activity would you “sacrifice” to develop yourself, to learn or improve a new skill? Please note:  you do not have to sacrifice hours of your time. Half an hour or an hour,  3 times a week works.  Let’s say,  your “sacrificing” half an hour,  surfing on the internet time for learning French. How and when are you going to do that? Are you going to follow a course on the internet, are you downloading an App, will you hire a teacher….? Once you have determined the “how and when you are going to do it” it is time to take action! Block your calendar and now it is all comes down to discipline, willpower and how much you really want it.

What skill would you like to develop? Please leave a comment.



How to get tasks done

How to get things don eWe all have tasks to do. Some are easy and a necessity (unloading the dishwasher). Some are fun(baking a cake for your grandma’s birthday party or crochet a scarf) and some tasks are somewhat more difficult (writing an essay). Some people do their tasks immediately without any postponement.  And then there are those who postpone them.  Tomorrow . And when tomorrow is there , tomorrow or next weekend.  Does this sound familiar?


Why do we postpone our tasks? The answer is simple. Because we just don’t feel like doing them (now or ever). Not only the tasks around the house are being postponed. Work related tasks are also being postponed. That dreadful  presentation you have to write, paperwork that needs to be filed or _____ fill in the blank.

Let’s face it. We will never like doing certain tasks. We just have to them.  When your garage is all piled up with boxes you have two options.  You can leave the boxes forever in your garage or you can start now and organize your garage. Once the task is done you will feel better. One task you don’t have to think about anymore. Moreover it declutters your mind.

How to get things done

Same goes for work related tasks. Do not postpone,  it will cause stress when the deadline is there. So why put yourself into that situation? Or are you one of those people who like to work under pressure?
You are aware that stress can lead to health issues right?



How to get tasks done whether is it work related or personal related. Make a to do-list. A personal to do list and a work related to do list. Write down the most 5 most important to do’s and start doing them. Please note: By just writing them down they aren’t done, you really have to take action. If you have the urge to do a task, do it right away. Because within a few minutes the “I don’t feel like doing it” will crawl into your mind. With the end result that nothing has been done. And will be done for a long time.

Are you one of those people who think that making notes in a notebook is ancient. There are lots of Apps you could download like Evernote, Springpad, Simple and the list goes on.

What is on your to do-list?