What brings you happiness?
What brings you happiness?

Just think about it for a little while. What brings you happiness? Your work, your family, your laughing kids, your caring family, that sweet lady who smiles when you pass by, that kid on the swing, that book which gave you a different perspective about your problems, your loving spouse, sun shine,  kids playing and laughing in the park, that vacation to your dream destination. These are just little aspects of life which could bring a smile on our face.

Happiness differs per person since each person is unique. And then there is that question what kind of happiness are we looking for? Materialistic or experience happiness? What will bring a smile on our face when we think about it in a few years from now? Is it that pair of jeans you bought or the fond memories of your kids playing in the garden?

Nowadays it seems like people are “weighing” their happiness on all the things they own. They have to have the latest phone because all their friends have it. It is a group thing. The phone is working why do you need a new phone? What better feature does it have then your last phone which you purchased last year? And if there is a new feature, do you really need it? It will only take a couple of weeks or maybe even a few days before the excitement will wear off.

What brings you happiness?
What brings you happiness?

We don’t need much to be happy when the basic needs are taken care of that is. A great example for this is my little Maharadja. Over the couple of years he has build up quite a collection of toys. Most of them were gifts for his birthday and holidays (we have a large family). He plays with them for a while till the excitement wears off. And then he starts playing with his favorite “old toys”.

So, what  brings you happiness?

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