How to save money

Do you have any New Year’s resolution? I do. Mine is too shed the extra weight I gained during the holidays. For a lot of people this is their New Year’s resolution.) You will achieve your goal if you really determined to do so. Just take it step by step.) Please see my blog post “Losing weight is hard”

Let me introduce another New Year’s resolution: How to save money in 2015. Here are just a few tips:

  • Turn off the lights when you leave the room. (I really have to teach myself to do that)
  • Stock up on long shelf life bargain items like laundry detergent, body lotion, dishwasher detergent, body wash, tissues and so on. By stock up I mean stock up.
  • Cook your own food. Cooking your own food has two major benefits. A, it is ealthier and B it saves you money. Need some tips:
  • How to save moneyMake a grocery list and stick to the list! If you’re buying an item that is not on the list ask yourself, do you really need it? And when will you use it, make it? Don’t forget to check the grocery deals. Stock up on long shelf life items.
  • Declutter the attic, garage, the play room or any other room. Have a garage sale or sell the items online.
  • If you are thinking about spending money on an item you don’t really need, stop yourself.  Don’t  rush to the store. Wait two weeks.  If, at the end of  the two weeks, you still want the item, buy it.
  • Ban your credit card. Learn not to spend money you don’t have.
  • How to save moneyTake your own lunch to work. Make sandwiches, salads, meals et cetera a day in advance. This avoids the morning stress the next morning. Don’t forget to pack some fruits, snack and drinks! Keep a stock of crackers, drinks, snacks or anything you like at work.
  • Take your own coffee or any hot beverage to work. Spending dollars or euros on coffee is outrageous! You can save 100 dollars or euros per month! If you spend 5 euro or dollar every workday, that is.  How much do you spend on beverages?
  • usa-339566_640Going on a road trip. Pack your own food, drinks and snacks. This will save you a lot of money! Make your shopping list a week in advance.
  • Do not go shopping for fun. There are lots of other activities you could do.
  • Like to go to museums or the cinema? Did you know that most museums and cinemas have discount times?
  • Host dinner parties at homeHost dinner parties at your own place instead of going out to a restaurant. It saves you a lot of money! Don’t have time to cook. Ask your guests to bring something along.
  • If you haven’t been to the gym for more than two months, cancel your membership. Just face it. You will not go to the gym in the next few months. Find other ways to exercise like going for a walk.
  • Save money by buying potted herbs instead of buying bunches of herbs.
  • What are your ways to save money?


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