“Yes, ma’am.” Trisha looked around and saw that Meera and Fran’s husband were in deep conversation with Sid. The men had shifted to a standing cocktail table. Trisha noticed the uncomfortable look on Pete’s face. He was listening to the discussion and sipping on his glass of whiskey.

Pete smiled when she approached the table. “Are you joining us?” He said with a genuine smile.

Trisha shook her head. “No, I am just the messenger. Chris, Meera wants to go home,” she said to Meera’s husband.” 

“Gentlemen, it was nice talking to you.” He took out his wallet and gave Sid his business card. “We are calling it a night.” He looked at Sid. “It was nice meeting you. Do give me a call when you’re in the neighbourhood. I would love to carry on this conversation. Or maybe we could do lunch.”

Sid took the business card and took a look at it. “I will give you a call soon.”

Pete looked around like he had been stung by a bee.  “Has anyone seen my wife?”

“She was sitting next to Meera,” said Trisha.

Pete looked at the table. “I don’t see her.  I better go looking for her.”

They all walked back toward their seats. Meera stood up and hugged each of her friends. “Ladies, take care of yourself. Trisha, call the taxi ahead of time; I don’t want you to wander around here all alone.”

I will mom…

Trisha smiled. “I will, Mom.”

“We will ensure that she arrives home safely,” Fran said.

 “I don’t know about you,” said Fan’s husband, “but we are off to the dance floor. We are free birds, no kids.” He smiled and took Fan by the hand.

 “Your friends are very nice. You are lucky.” Sid looked at Trisha with a smile.

“Thank you. Unfortunately, we don’t see each other that much anymore. All three of my friends are married with kids.”

Sid smiled. “I know what you mean. Almost all of my friends have settled down. I am the last one.”

Trisha looked at the guests who were enjoying themselves on the dance floor. She was aware of the awkward silence and tension between them. 

A Serendipitous Invitation

 “Shall we dance?”

Trisha turned her face and looked pleased at Sid. She wanted to stand up and hold his hand while walking to the dance floor,  to show off with ‘Mr. Eye Candy. She couldn’t believe her ears, ‘the georgisness’ himself asked Trisha to dance with him.

Trisha looked at Sid with a smile. “Yes,” she blurted in a cheerful voice. “Too much champagne Trisha,” said her inner voice. “He is not asking you to marry him. He is asking you to dance with him.”

 “Shall we?”  

She felt her knees getting weak while they walked to the dance floor. Trisha was afraid she would fall and grabbed Sid’s’ arm.

Feeling her tight grip, Sid looked at her. “Are you ok?”

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