Month: March 2024

Part 41: “Thames River Stroll to London Eye: Sid’s Surprise Call”

The following day, Trisha woke up with the first light of dawn, feeling as though the day held promise. She hastily grabbed a croissant and coffee from the charming French Bakery down the street, her mind buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead.

Eager to soak in the beauty of London, she set off for a stroll along the River Thames, her starting point being the iconic London Eye. As she approached the London Eye, the sun cast a golden hue on the glistening waters of the Thames, and the bustling South Bank came alive with street performers, artists, and tourists snapping photos.

Trisha looked at the daunting queue at the London Eye; she hesitated momentarily, taking in the lively atmosphere around her. Opting not to wait, she continued on her way, meandering along the Thames, where the sound of lapping water and the distant laughter of children created a tranquil backdrop to her thoughts.

Just as she was soaking up the vibrant atmosphere of the bustling South Bank, her phone buzzed in her tote bag, interrupting her musings. Her heart skipped a beat when she glimpsed the caller ID.

“Hello,” Trisha answered, her voice blending surprise and curiosity.

“Hi, Trisha, it’s Sid. How are you?”

“I’m fine, thank you. How’s everything with April?”

“Oh, she’s doing wonderfully. She’s become an invaluable team member. She fits right in, works diligently, and has quite the fiery spirit,” Sid chuckled.

“That’s splendid to hear. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever require any assistance in the future.”

Clearing his throat, Sid continued, “Actually, I’m calling because I need two more people for a significant project we’re working on.”

“You’ve come to the right place. I’m currently on holiday, but I’ll contact Andy and ask him to contact you.”

“I’m sorry to disturb you during your vacation, Trisha.”

Her name coming out of his mouth made her heart race. “No worries at all. I’ll have Andy reach out to you.”

“Don’t concern yourself; I’ll contact him directly.”

“All right,” Trisha replied, unsure what else to say, resulting in a brief, awkward silence.

“Trisha, I had a wonderful time at the wedding.”

Blushing, Trisha responded, “I had a great time too.”

Clearing his throat again, Sid suggested, “We should have a business lunch when you get back.”

“Sure,” Trisha agreed.

“How long will you be on holiday?”

“Just a week; I’ll return to work next Monday.”

“Could we do lunch on Friday, then?”

Trisha felt a flutter in her stomach. “Sure, I don’t have any plans,” she replied confidently, a smile forming on her face.

“Well, that’s set then. See you next Friday,” Sid said.

“Yes, looking forward to it,” Trisha responded before ending the call.

Staring at her phone, Trisha wondered if she was dreaming. Had he just asked her out for lunch?

“It’s a business lunch, Trisha,” she reminded herself. “Don’t get your hopes up too high. He said so himself.”

Shaking off her surprise, Trisha continued her walk along the Thames, still flabbergasted by Sid’s unexpected call and the turn her holiday had taken.

Part 40: “London Delights: Discover Hyde Park MagicPart”

Trisha strolled through Hyde Park, utterly charmed by its vastness amidst the city bustle. With the sun grinning down like a Cheshire cat, the park buzzed with activity – locals and tourists mingled, children played, and tourists whizzed by on rental bikes like colorful streaks of confetti. Amidst the kaleidoscope of blooms, Trisha paused to admire the playful squirrels darting among the trees, feeling the sun’s warm embrace on her skin.

As she watched one particularly industrious squirrel, busy burying a nut, Trisha couldn’t help but grin. Taking a sip from her trusty water bottle, she soaked in the eclectic mix around her – nannies from far-flung corners of the globe tending to giggling children and a group of friends in chic black hijabs sharing laughter over a picnic spread fit for a magazine shoot.

Suddenly, Trisha’s phone chimed like a cheerful melody, and a grin spread across her face – it was her mother calling. “Hey, Mom?” Trisha answered, finding a quiet spot on an empty bench.

“Trisha, darling, how’s my little Londoner?” her mother’s voice bubbled over the line.

“Mom, I’m at Hyde Park, and it’s like a scene from a movie. I half-expect Hugh Grant to come walking past,” Trisha chuckled.

“Well, aren’t you just living your best life? You’re like a post-divorce poster girl,” her mother teased.

Trisha laughed. “I’ll take that as a compliment, Mom. But seriously, how are you doing?”

“Oh, you know me, darling, planning my next escapade like a true jet-setter. I’ve got a sightseeing bucket list longer than the Thames! It’s exhausting,” her mom replied with a chuckle.

“Ah, the joys of retirement,” Trisha quipped. “But seriously, Mom, you’re an inspiration. You’re living life on your terms.”

“That’s right, Trish. Happiness is an inside job, and you’ve got to be your architect. Speaking of happiness, I may have slipped a little extra pocket money into your account,” her mom confessed.

“Mom, you’re a legend! But seriously, you didn’t have to do that,” Trisha protested.

“I know, but I’m your mom; it’s my prerogative to spoil you rotten. Consider it a little insurance policy for those rainy days,” her mom insisted.

Trisha couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks, Mom. You’re the best!”

“Take care, darling. And don’t forget to live a little,” her mom said warmly.

“Bye, Mom,” Trisha replied, ending the call and tucking her phone back into her bag. She settled onto the bench, taking in the scene around her. Two little girls nearby were playing with their dolls, a scene that tugged at Trisha’s heartstrings, reminding her of simpler times.

Lost in thought, Trisha’s mind drifted to Luca’s text message. She felt nervous about dinner with him, but her inner voice urged her to seize the moment. Trisha rummaged through her bag with a decisive nod and replied to Luca. She was going to have dinner with him tomorrow, and she couldn’t wait to see where the evening would take her. With a spring in her step, she set off towards Kensington Palace, ready for whatever adventure lay ahead.