Trisha carefully returned to the table and saw Jen sitting next to Meera. When she noticed Trisha, she gave her a broad smile.

“I was wondering where you were.” She said, looking at the plate Trisha was holding in her hand.

Trisha smiled. “That is so sweet of you.” She handed the plate to Meera and said, “You will not believe what someone at the buffet said to me?”

“That you are beautiful?” said Fan. “You are glowing. You look gorgeous!”

Trisha shook her head. “Thank you, and no, that is not what someone told me. Someone told me that only pigs pile up their plates.”

Meera looked at the plates before her, picked up a chocolate strawberry, and took a bite. While chewing on her strawberry, she said, “I assume that this someone was a woman. No…noo…she must have been a woman.” She popped the last piece of strawberry into her mouth. “You know, we women are nasty creatures. Why can’t we be nice to each other? Only a woman can make such a nasty comment. The glass ceiling exists because ofevil womenen. So it was a woman, and she was, let me guess… skinny?”

Trisha nodded. “Yes.” Although Meera was only a year older than her, Trisha felt as if she was the older sister she never had.

Meera picked up an éclair and took a bite. She chewed with her eyes closed. “This is so good.” She opened her eyes again. “That woman must be one skinny unhappy bitch. Please don’t take offense; she must be hangry. I don’t get it. If they want to be miserable by not eating, why do they want us to be miserable.” She took a deep sigh and looked at the plate. “I am stuffed. It would be a waste to throw this away.” Meera looked around and waved at the waiter. She said something in his ear and stroked her belly. The waiter looked amused at her.

“No need to napkin this; I will bring you a box so that you will have a midnight snack, ma‘am, and a finger bowl.”

“Thank you,” said Meera, doting.

“How can you eat like that,” said Jen. She looked disgusted at Meera.

“Ooh, it is easy. You just put it in your mouth and chew. And you keep going till you feel satisfied.”

The waiter came back with the box. Meera opened it and carefully put the leftovers in the box as if filling a treasure box. “Looking forward to eating you babies tonight,” she said with a big smile. She closed the box and looked at Jen. “You sound like that woman Trisha bumped into at the snack buffet.” Meera held her baby bump, “I think I will give birth to a boxer. It is time to leave. Trisha, could you be so kind as to get my husband for me?”