Month: March 2022

Part 17: “I don’t want a man in my life…”

“Don’t be silly, Andy. I already told you, I don’t want a man in my life, besides he is a client.”

“The heart wants what it wants, Trisha.”

Trisha rolled her eyes. “Are you a poet now?” She shook her head. “Meghan is lucky to have you. There is never a dull moment with you.”

“Yes, she is very lucky to have me as her husband.” He nodded his head.  “Don’t worry about Sid being a client. Let’s call it networking.” He winked at her and gave her a grin. “Trisha please, you really should try to relax.  Go with the flow, loosen up a little. You know what, I am going to make us both a cup of tea and leave you to your thoughts.” He smiled from ear to ear and walked to the small kitchen which was in the back of the office.

He is a client

“He is a client, Andy! You asked me to handle this account, remember?”

A few minutes later, Andy came back with two cups of tea and gazed at Trisha. “Are you ok Trisha? You look kind of pale. Or is this a new make-up look, you are going for? 

 “I don´t feel very well, all of a sudden, it will pass.” She took the mug from her desk and wrapped her hands around it. “Aaah, that feels much better.”

“Are you sure? It seems like the brown is fading away from your face. That can´t be a good sign and I’m no doctor.  I think you are  getting sick.” Andy shook his head. “Take the rest of the day off. As your boss, I don’t want to hear no for an answer.”

Trisha sat down on her comfy couch and wrapped a blanket around her.  She had made herself  a steaming mug of hot tea and changed into a comfortable pink jogging suit.


Trisha closed her eyes,  holding the mug in both her hands. “You have to come to terms with your divorce. It has been two years now. The time to torture yourself is over! Andy is right! Only you can make yourself happy!” It was her inner voice, repeating the same things she already knew.

Maybe they were right. Maybe she should go out more. “Of course they are right” said her inner voice. “You are turning into a hermit.”

Her attention was drawn to the high ceiling window. A group of school girls were passing by. From her first floor apartment she had a good view of the street. The girls were laughing and staring at a mobile, which one of the girls was holding in her hand. Trisha kept watching the girls till she couldn’t see them anymore. She took the bowl of potato chips from the coffee table and started munching on them.  She picked up the remote and turned the television on and decided on binge watching “The Crown” on Netflix.

In the middle of episode four, her phone beeped. She looked annoyed at the intruder of her peace, cursing herself that she should have switched her phone off.

It was a text message. Assuming that it was Andy’s, she picked up her phone. Her heart skipped a beat. It was a message from ‘Mr. Eye Candy’.  Trisha smiled at her screen and read the message over and over again.

Part 16: “I Want to be Alone…”

“A salsa class for singles! Are you out of your mind! That is so not Trisha! But maybe I could take up a hobby, like crochet or something like that.”

“Promise me to take up a hobby where you get to meet other people, you know like human beings.”

Trisha nodded her head. “I don’t want to be with human beings, I want to be alone. But I guess you are right.”

“Or should I get you a Tinder account?”

“Don’t you dare! I am not thinking about dating or men!”

“All jokes aside Trisha. Take control of your life. You know what they say. “You can’t have a rainbow without rain. It is just something to think about. Sort out your thoughts.  Try to make yourself happy. Only you can make yourself happy, Trisha.”

Trisha felt her eyes welling up. She swallowed trying to get rid of the lump she felt in her throat.  “Thank you. You’re the best boss. I am glad we had this conversation.”

“That is very nice of you to say, compliment accepted’’ Andy said with a huge smile.

“I am going to make some tea, want some?”

“No, thank you. I am sticking to my Mrs. Detox drink, don’t want to upset her.” He lifted his bottle to take another sip.

Trisha was waiting for her tea to be infused when Andy peeked around the corner “Sid from Sid data is on the line. Should I tell him to call back?”

Trisha started to smile. “No, no… I can take the call. It is very hard to get a hold of him.”

Andy raised his eyebrows and went back to his desk. He observed Trisha as she picked up the phone.

“Good Morning Sid, this is Trisha speaking.”

“Hi Trisha, how are you doing.”

Trisha felt as if her heart were to jump out of her body any minute now. “I am doing fine, hope you are doing well?”

“Yes, thank you. I was wondering if you heard from the candidate you were talking about last Friday?”

blog storytelling, weekly blog post, a love story blog