Month: February 2022

Part 15: “Why do people cheat?”

“Only If you want too.”

“I don’t want to burden you with my heartache.”

“Well go on,  I am listening.”

“I have my moments, my ups and downs. Sometimes I feel well or ok and  sometimes I am just depressed. It drives me crazy, Andy. There are times that I just know that I am losing it.  You know what annoys me the most.  Everyone around me is telling me to go out and have a social life. To pick up my life and  start dating. I should prove Karan what a scumbag he has been and what he is missing out on.” She paused and looked outside.  “I know they mean well, but why should I prove that piece of, well you know what I wanted to say.  Deep down I know that I should move on. I see women around me who are divorced and live a happy live. What is wrong with me?


It still feels like my heart is cut into pieces. I am waiting for my heart to heal. Will it heal ever?  Why do people cheat? This all frustrates me so much since I know there are no answers to these questions and I do know that I am tormenting myself.”

Trisha pouted her mouth and moved her lips.  “My friends and family keep telling me that it has been two years already. That I should get over it, since he is getting on with his life. But I don’t care about him, I care about me.”

Andy listened to Trisha and was silent for a few moments. “Do you want to heal, Trisha? To me it seems that you are stuck in feeling sorry for yourself and you don’t know how to let go of that feeling. Life is never easy and you cannot compare your life to others. You are Trisha, a unique person. ”I think that you have to sort your feelings out, maybe talk to a therapist?”


“I considered going into therapy, but I was hoping to fix things myself.”

Andy nodded his head. “Sometimes we must set our ego aside and do what we know is good for us.”

“I know. I keep telling myself that.”

“Have you considered taking up a hobby? Take it step by step, don’t overdo it. Go to the gym. Maybe even a sewing classes or a baking class. No strings attached type of activities. You don’t need to talk with these people, if you don’t want to.” He continued in a naughty voice “And if you really want to be bold…you should take a salsa class for singles.”

Part 14: “You are in love”,  said her inner voice.”

Trisha´s was three years old when her father  had died in a hotel fire due to the smoke. He was on a business trip and had taken his mistress with him.

It was the mistress who had called Trisha´s mother to tell her that her husband had died. When she heard the news Trisha’s mother was devastated.  She had no idea that her husband was having an affair. There were no signs that he was seeing someone else, he was a loving husband and a doting father. She couldn´t imagine that her husband was capable of doing  this to her.

Trisha´s only knew that her father had died in a hotel fire. The mistress part was a well kept secret which only a few family members knew about.

Emotional wreck

For years her mother was an emotional wreck, but did not tell anyone, except for her therapist. She couldn´t cope with the sudden dead of her husband and above all  the betrayal. Since then she had lost faith in all men and kept the men who wanted to date a young widow at a far distance.

Trisha  was frustrated with herself. Her mother was right, she  should be going out more. So on Sunday morning she decided to go  for a long walk at a nearby park. Much to her surprise she had felt good when she came back home.

The next day Trisha  felt energized and came in early. Andy was not going to be here for another hour, so she had the place to herself.  She turned on her computer and made herself a cup of coffee. While sipping on her steaming mug of coffee, she observed the people walking by.  They couldn´t see her since their office was on the first floor.  All these people have their own story to tell, she said to herself.

She hadn’t heard from April the candidate for “Mr. Eye Candy”  yet.  On Friday, on her way home Trisha had had sent her an email. “People do have lifes Trisha”, it was her sarcastic inner voice.

Just thinking about “Mr. Eye Candy” produced a smile on her face. There was something about this man, that she liked. 

“You are in love”,  said her inner voice. “He is not your type, you silly.”

Do you really want to know?

“Someone is in a happy mood! Seems like you had a good weekend.” He  frowned and looked at Trisha.  “Please, I need some distraction! I had a weekend with my in laws! Can you imagine? They are nice people don’t get me wrong…but my mum in law thinks that the world revolves around her. Now she is pressuring us to have kids, she wants to be a grandmother since all of her friends are already a grandmother.” Andy took a sip from his coffee and grinned  “I don’t mind the practice but I don’t want to hit bulls’ eye yet.”

Trisha rolled her eyes. This was so typical Andy. She pretended as if she hadn’t heard the last sentence.

“I am sorry Trisha, I didn’t mean to be rude. How are you doing?”

“Do you really want to know?”…/chai-and-marigolds/9200000102642740/https://