Month: September 2016

Time to dance in the rain

Nowadays lifetime employment and job security is hardly feasible due to a rapid changing economic environment. Take for example, the impact on jobs and professions due to the transformation from bricks to clicks.  Furthermore our life expectancy is rising. We will be living longer than we all expected. As a result our pension, social and healthcare system will come under severe pressure. In order to keep our standard of living we need to be working longer. Our retirement date will most likely be a moving target or in the worst case scenario no retirement at all!

How many years do you still have to work until your retirement? And do you expect to be working for the same employer or in the same field untill your retirement? The above questions were to a certain degree an eye-opener. I realized I am just halfway i.e. I still have another halfway to go! A lot of questions popped up in my mind about my future journey as an employee. What should I do? Do I need to take actions? How to protect my position i.e. how to stay a valuable employee? Do I have other dreams I would like to pursue (please read my previous blog: Well it’s time for a personal deep dive. Do you need to take action too?

Usually we start recalibrating our career roadmap when we are made redundant. Due to external circumstances you will be forced to look for other opportunities.  What should you do to stay ahead of the game i.e. to be better prepared? First of all you should realize you cannot control external circumstances! What you should do is to act within your own power and circle of influence. Take control before it is too late! How? Take ownership and start developing your skills and competencies while you are still employed. Foremost, and not be underestimated, while you are still in your comfort-zone.


Take the time to assess your current career (status quo) and your ambitions. If you need help you could hire a coach or obtain a mentor. They can guide you. Subsequently you should draft your individual development plan (IDP). Based on your IDP you should start planning the necessary courses. Yes, I know! I rather sit on my couch too (please read the previous blog: It’s not a surprise but employees hardly make use of the many courses available at work. Apparently we do love our couch! However it’s time to take control of your career again. So start using your employee development budget. Remember on the one hand it will help you to remain a valuable employee. On the one other hand you will be able to strengthen those skills and competencies needed for a career change. Bottom line lifelong learning is a necessity!

All in all don’t get used to your current situation. Be ahead of the game. Start improving your competencies while being in your comfort zone. Remember YOU should be in control and not the circumstances. The future belongs to those who are willing to learn to dance in the rain.


An idle mind is the devil’s playground

An idle mind is the devil’s playground. Have you ever heard of this quote? What does this quote mean?  Does it mean that we have to keep ourselves busy all day? Keep ourselves busy so that we won’t do any activities which we will regret? What do you think?

An idle mindMost people when they have nothing to do (read bored) watch television. While watching television they think, well it is time for a snack. You get yourself a bag of potato chips and finish the whole bag. Instead of finishing a whole bag of potato chips you could have gone for a walk, enjoy the weather or done some small chores.  Don’t get me wrong, watching television is not a sin; it can be very relaxing, especially after a hard day working. But at the same time it should not be the only activity (can we call watching television an activity?) we can think of when we are bored. Isn’t it important to trigger our minds once in a while?  To learn something new, in order to protect ourselves from the “idle mind”.

Nowadays people are glued to their screens watching one show after another, their mind on zero, forgetting about what goes around them. And then we are complaining that we are too busy and too tired. If we are not watching our television screen we are watching the most popular screens of all, the telephone screen updating our statuses, posting pictures on social media, checking our email making us anti social creatures. Did you know that many people are afraid to call someone; they rather send a text message. (hmmm next blog topic?). Are screens our lifelines?

To prevent an idle mind we should keep learning, keep ourselves busy. And learning doesn’t mean that you have to join a master course. Learning can be done in many ways, by talking to people about various subjects, by watching a gardening tutorial (note: we are using the screen to learn), by reading about various subjects, by joining an art class course. And most important we should teach our kids what they can do when they are bored. Make a list together with your kids, write down what projects they want to do and let them pick one project when they are bored and all they want to do is watching television.

So how do you prevent and idle mind?

(Great way to prevent and idle mind  watch cooking videos on YouTube for example