Month: January 2016

Your dream is not for sale

Everything in life starts with a dream, like every child dreams of becoming an actor, a fire-fighter or a doctor. But as we grow up we stop pursuing our dreams. Why? On the one hand we conform ourselves to the aspirations and ambitions set by our parents. On the other hand we are reluctant to step outside of our comfort zone as soon as we have a job and responsibilities. Responsibilities like for example a mortgage or a family.  Apparently the most important obstacle between you and your dream is being comfortable with your current situation. In other words you are satisfied with the good instead of pursuing for the best. This is a natural reaction.

list-800759_640 (1)But whenever we are forced to leave our comfort zone we start following our dreams again. An obvious trigger is when we are being made redundant. Losing our job is never a pleasant situation. It could lead to financial and social stress. But losing your job should not be the end of the world. As soon as you have reclaimed your situation you will realize that you have taken important things in your life, like your dream, for granted. We are therefore willing to look at new opportunities and use our skills in a better and more fulfilling way. As a result you will be in control of your own life again. You will be doing work that you really love to do. On the one hand you can consider finding a job that is connected to you dream. On the other hand you can start  your own business. As an entrepreneur you need to be convinced that your dream can provide you with a sustainable source of income.

But the path to your dream is not easy. You need to have endurance, a lot of perseverance and above all support from your family and friends. Failure and discouragement will always be part of your journey. But failure can be the foundation for your success. Thomas Edison once stated “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Remember those who never tried will always fail i.e. follow your dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs. So let’s take control of our own life and follow our own dreams!

Author: Mr. Babblewell

Food cravings after the holidays

The second week of January 2016 already, time flies doesn’t? Did you make any new year’s resolutions or did you already chuck them in the bin? Well if you did, it is never too late to get them out of the bin or later this year when you are ready.  It is never too late.

It is never too late to pick up your studies, never too late to call that dear friend, never too late to lose those extra pounds. Speaking about those extra pounds, don’t you have cravings for some extras and we are not talking about carrot and celery sticks here.  Well I know I do. I always try to “satisfy” my cravings with healthy options like a fruit salad with a little dot of whipped cream for example, or some yummy walnuts and almonds.

The other day I was craving for something more. What recipes did I have to satisfy my cravings? It had to be a recipe which was a healthy one and quick to make. I decided on making an oatmeal crumble apple pie, a low fat version, but yummy enough to satisfy my cravings only 120 calories per serving (estimated). This recipe is not for people who are on a carb and/or fat free diet….


This recipe is a keeper. It would go well with a dot of vanilla ice cream and some whipped cream, if you would like to turn it into a not so healthy version. But hey it is January and I have been sampling quite a lot of yummy stuff during the holidays, I am sticking to this healthy version for now that is. I would only make a few changes to this recipe. I would decrease the amount of sugar with 2 teaspoons. It was a little bit too sweet for me. And I would use more apples, a mix of sweet and tart apples.


Here’s the link for the recipe:

Happy baking!