Month: October 2015

Being judgemental, natural human behaviour?

Is being judgemental natural human behaviour? When was the last time you were judgemental?


Last week I stepped into an elevator. I had to go to the second floor. But since I was wearing heels and was a little bit tired I didn’t felt like taking the stairs. A gentleman with kids and a lady stepped into the elevator. The lady stepped out of the elevator on the first floor.  When the doors closed the gentleman said, well she could have taken the stairs when she only had to go to the first floor.

Usually comments like these would have triggered my comment button but that day I was feeling too tired to even comment. In my opinion his comments were so judgemental. First of all he doesn’t know the lady at all.  Maybe the lady has a medical condition or she is just feeling too tired to even take the stairs to the first floor (like I did). People might seem healthy on the outside but what’s really going on with them we just don’t know. We only see these people for a few seconds of our lives who are we to judge them? But on the other hand is being judgemental not human behaviour? But then again why waste energy into being judgemental?

Everybody has their own agenda for being judgemental. Some are judgemental because they are jealous. Then there are those who are judgemental because they just can’t believe that that specific person can achieve something in life. Specific persons like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Walt Disney and the list goes on.

So actually being judgemental has other emotions linked to it. Emotions we hide we do not show others or ourselves. Emotions like these are actually polluting our brains making it hard for us to think straight.

So next time when we want to be judgemental we just have to take a deep breath. Look at the person we want to be judgemental about and think: we can’t judge a book by its cover.

When was the last time you judged a book by its cover?



What do we need in life?


What do we need in life? Think about it for a few seconds. If you have a family you need to provide for your family. Once these basic needs are taken care off we can start thinking about other things. A washing machine could be a basic need to you. But keep in mind that a lot of people don’t even have one, because they just can’t afford one.  Aren’t you grateful that you can afford a washing machine? For me a dryer is a basic need, but I know many people who don’t want a dryer although they can afford one. A dryer is a necessity product to me. I know it’s a luxurious necessity, one I can live without. How I know? Well  mine broke down and I had no dryer for a month.

The standard of living in Western countries is quite high. How come that in these countries, people with above average income are looking for something more? It seems like they are missing something. Or are maybe even bored and are chasing for that something they can’t even describe themselves. Let’s be clear here, we are not talking about people who have to live on a budget.

So what are they chasing for?  Why is it that many people are into meditation and yoga? People, who don’t practice yoga or meditation because it’s a trend, are they searching for answers?  Hoping to free their mind so that they can have a clear view of what is bothering them? People who have everything but are still unhappy….


What do we really need in life then, when we have everything? Do we need to buy more materialistic items to keep us happy for a short period of time? Or should we use our energy to help others to improve their lives. Like doing grocery shopping with your grandmother or helping your niece with her homework? These chores we do for others big or small, is that what we really need in life?


What do you really need in life?

Reality or photoshop

Do you ever read fashion magazines? What do you notice about the cover girl/woman? They look flawless, right? When in real life, most of them are not. Like every other women they too have their bad and good days. They are humans after all.


Many years ago a friend of mine wanted to have the same makeup look like J Lo.  She went to the beauty store with the magazine cover and told the makeup artist what she wanted. My friend was so excited about her new soon to be makeup look. Then the makeup artist told her the bad news, we can’t make that look for you. That picture is heavily photoshopped!

We are being fooled all the time and not only by fashion magazines. What about the travel industry posting a picture on the internet with just the most perfect blue sky you could ever imagine. Or the food industry making that cookie or burger look so yummy you just want to buy it. We are being lied to all the times. Is it because, we would not buy that product if it was not photoshopped, would it not look attractive enough?

Then there is this other question. Are all the women who are wearing makeup photoshopping themselves? I don’t see it that way. Most of them are enhancing their beauty. And some of them are, let’s say “over enhancing” their beauty. I believe that there is nothing wrong with enhancing your beauty. Men and women have been using makeup many thousands of years ago.

The other day someone showed me their wedding album. The pictures were beautiful but most of them were photoshopped. So nowadays the photographer skill is not to shoot beautiful pictures. His skill is photoshop? Or is it a combination of the right shoot and photoshop?