Month: June 2015

What keeps you motivated?

Motivation stonesWhat or who keeps you motivated? Think about it for a second.

Some people are gifted, they can motivate themselves. Others get motivated by their loved ones, a book they read, a stranger they just bumped into, their children, a YouTube tutorial, a situation, circumstances, an occasion. The list is endless.

Sometimes it is “scary” to work towards your dreams because it is out of your comfort zone. Right at that moment we need to get motivated or else we will let go of our dreams. Achieving your goals in life gives you satisfaction and fulfillment. Think about the chores you postponed and the satisfaction you felt once they were done.

I know two gentlemen who have quitted their well paid job to start their own business. They were motivated to pursuit their goals, their dreams. They dared to step outside of their comfort zone. Then there are people who have a goal but can’t achieve them. Since they cannot motivate themselves or the people around them demotivate them, by telling them they just can’t do it. Then there are people who are motivated to reach their goal but because of the circumstances or situations they can’t.

Maybe you have read my blog about my Maharadja’s eczema, if not here’s the link His milk allergy motivated me to bake dairy free cakes and cookies. I can even make dairy free ice cream now!

pink roseA few weeks ago we were at my friend’s house. They have a beautiful house with a beautiful well kept garden. And it’s not a tiny garden! I asked my friend who did her garden. And she said we do it ourselves. That got me thinking. If they can do their huge garden all by themselves how hard can it be to do our tiny garden by ourselves. So Mr. Babblewell and I did our garden. My friend also gave me some gardening tips like cut back what you don’t like and improve the soil quality. With only these few tips my garden looks much better! We only need some color in our garden so this weekend my Maharadja and I are going shopping for some flowers.

Motivation (or getting inspired) leads us to completing our goals whether they are big or small. The most important part is, it gets you started.

What keeps you motivated?

Weight loss and a fall back

Does this sound familiar to you? You are so proud about your weight loss journey and then there is this one day that you crave for some chocolate, candy maybe even a hamburger or something else which is not that healthy. And then before you realize it yourself you just can’t stop eating. At the back of your mind you know that you should stop eating but you just don’t stop. You are just filling your mouth with all the yummy goodies. Then after you had your, let’s call it “eat attack” you feel guilty and think that you have ruined everything you have worked so hard for. And therefore you start going back to being your old you.

croissant with chocolate bar

If you ever have one of this “eat attacks” please do not go back being the old you. Instead go ahead with what the new you was doing before the “eat attack”.  One eat attack won’t ruin what you have worked so hard for. Let me tell you, there will be more of these kinds of “eat attacks”. We are humans after all. The most important thing is “pick yourself up” after such an “eat attack” and keep yourself in control for the next few days. Doing some extra workouts and watching your diet carefully like a hawk. You will shed the extra calories you consumed in the next few days, don’t worry about them. And don’t feel guilty or think you have failed, you haven’t at all!

Measuring tape sandwich

During your weight loss journey many events will take place, there will be holidays, birthdays, weddings, vacations or other special occasions. At all these events there will be lots of yummy food which you should absolutely enjoy, in moderation that is. You can’t be on a strict diet all your life that is just impossible. Enjoying the food at all these occasions can prevent “eat attacks”. Discipline yourself to shed the extra calories after such an “eat attack” and you will just be fine.

The most important part is, is to be nice to yourself :).

When and where was your last “eat attack”? Please do share with us.

Are you a honest parent?

Are you a honest parent? Do you tell your kids that they do not have the skills to, for instance sing, dance or play soccer?

Are you a honest parent?

A few weeks ago I went to a concert of a big Bollywood singer. In the hallway I heard “singing” which can be more described as  screaming , I thought to myself …….? It was a kid who could not sing at all. Then after that another kid began to sing and it was just horrifying. What were his parents thinking? Putting him on stage in front of 1000 people. That he was the next Justin Timberlake? I really felt sorry for the kid…..

In my opinion your “job” as a parent is  to guide your child. If your child likes to become a singer and doesn’t have any talent at all, be honest and tell your child that singing is not his or her cup of tea. They can sing in private as a hobby  but not in public. This way your child can’t make a fool of themselves. You as a parent don’t want to your child to be laughed at, right? If your child is not talented to be a singer, he or she definitely has other talents, like playing a music instrument, painting drawing, sports or….

It’s a fact a child can’t do everything right. When your child draws a human being and the hands are out of proportion for instance, you should tell your child so (unless your child is drawing inspector Gadget). This way your child can improve itself. In my opinion by not telling parents are sending the wrong signals. And in the future it can back fire on your child. Since the child thinks that everything it does is great.  And who can blame the child? No one ever told the child that certain skills really need  improvement.

Next time your child is painting something, be honest and tell them what they could improve. Unless your child is the next Picasso of course.