Month: December 2014

5 Easy dishes to cook when you don’t feel like cooking

Sometimes we just don’t feel like cooking. Are you familiar with this feeling? We-just-don’t-feel -like-cooking-dinner. We don’t want any take-out either or go out for dinner. And we want to eat something healthy. That leaves us only one option. If we want to have a proper dinner we have to cook it ourselves. Yes, it is possible to cook a proper dinner in less than 20 minutes. Ask your family members to give you a hand since you are already in a lazy mood.

5 Easy dishes to cook when you don’t feel like cooking at all. These dishes come in handy when you don’t have time to cook.

Fried rice







Fried rice is real simple recipe to make. It only takes a few ingredients. The best part is you can add (almost) any ingredient you like to this dish. Make it the way you like it.

Rice, eggs, vegetables of your choice, oil, salt, white pepper (or black if you don’t have white).

Cook some rice and let it cool.
Heat up a pan or a wok. Add some oil to the pan and make scrambled eggs. Don’t forget to season them. Take them out.
In the same pan add some oil stir fry your veggies and season with some salt and pepper. Take the vegetables out.
Time to assemble the dish.
In the same pan, heat some oil. Add the rice, the eggs and vegetables and stir fry. If you like you could add some soy sauce at the end.

Pasta salad with tuna and tomatoes







Pasta dishes are easy to make. And they really fill you up.

Cooked pasta, tuna, tomatoes, salt and pepper

Mix the pasta, tuna and tomatoes together. Season with some salt and pepper. Add some fresh basil or grated cheese if you have any. This dish can be served hot or cold.

Salad with your choice of canned fish

Tuna Salad






Salad, cucumbers, tin of corn, grated carrots, boiled eggs and homemade dressing

Grab a bowl combine all ingredients, season, add dressing and enjoy!

For an easy homemade dressing try this recipe.

Fried or boiled egg sandwich

Egg sandwich





Eggs, bread, tomatoes, mayonnaise

Fry or boil the eggs and make sandwiches. Spread the slices lightly with some mayonnaise add the egg, sliced tomatoes and seasoning.

Homemade noodle soup

Noodle soup








Noodles (soba or any kind you like), (organic) chicken cube, green onions.

Make the chicken broth. If you like you could use a vegetable cube. Season it with some pepper. Add some cooked noodles of your choice. If you’re in the mood boil an egg and add it to the soup. Add Some finely chopped green onions and your meal is ready.

Make these recipes the way you like it. Add or omit any ingredient(s).

What do you cook when you don’t feel like cooking. Please let me know!

How to “prepare” your body for the Holiday Season

One cookie is yummy, two cookies are super yummy and three cookies are a no-noThe Holiday Season is all about joy, fun lots of laughter and of course love. Spending time with our family, friends and our  beloved ones. And…… lots of yummy foods which we should absolutely enjoy, in moderation that is. One cookie is yummy, two cookies are super yummy and three cookies are a no-no. In moderation a word we should remember especially  during the holiday season. We should absolutely sample all dishes. After all the cook did his/her utmost best to cook you a lovely Christmas dinner. It would be an insult to the cook if you did not sample all dishes.

Lots of people go on a diet to prepare themselves  for the Holiday Season.  Losing a few pounds, to fit into that nice dress or to enjoy all the food during the Holiday Season.  Atkins, low carb, South Beach, Cambridge and so on.

The truth is we don’t want to go on any kind of diet.  And we really don’t need to. Try to change your eating habits by adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet now. We all know that fruits and vegetables are healthy for us. They contain vitamins and lots of fibers. The good part is that they fill you up. So next time you have a food craving go for some fruits or vegetables.  And (try) to squeeze in a work out for 30 minutes. Keep in mind, it is for a good cause. That extra piece of pie, some more turkey or …..

Prepare your body now so you can indulge during the Holiday Season, in moderation that is. With your family, friends, beloved ones and food.

Happy preparing!